
I am a fan, I always tend to go over 12-20 carbs for my daily goal. I am always under my calorie goal by a few hundred. :/ I eat enough to sustain me. :) Is going over carbs going to hinder my weight loss? What happens to extra carbs in the body? My food diary is open....if you wish to snoop. Am I eating right? Haha.

This may seem like a stupid question...but I want to change my diet to better my health. I am trying to eat better. :/ I have an awful sweet tooth.


  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    Carbs in general are not BAD, as long as they are healthy carbs. Try to get your hands on the New Atkins book, it will explain alot! It helped me understand what CARBS are and how they affect the body.

    I try to stick to about 30-50 NET carbs, which is the total carbs minus fiber....

    hope that helped.... :)
  • nothankscake
    I would avoid most diety sweets. they may be lower calorie but often have fake sweeteners and or preservatives in them, plus are still sugary and still will not fill you up much. and they're carby. the fiber one 90 calorie bar might be ok but as for "diet" ice cream bars and such things, i'd stay away. you can always get no fat frozen yogurt or no fat ice cream (although the former tastes better xD), and as long as its a good brand it wont have that extra chemical crap in it. :)
  • PandaFlight
    As far as I know, carbohydrates are broken down first to provide energy. Sugar (glucose) is the first to be used as energy, starch would be used later but is used before protein to provide energy.
    I don't know enough about going over carbohydrate limits though. I think they're meant to provide 50% of your daily energy requirements.
  • Elysian13
    Elysian13 Posts: 79
    This helped a lot! I have an awful sweet tooth. I looked at the ingredients for all the diet ice cream and it blew my mind. Haha. I think I will stay away and stick with my frozen yogurt! :P
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    A good chunk of your carbs are coming from fruit, so that's good. But your protein is really low.

    I never stressed if I went over carbs, but I always aim to go over my protein.
  • Elysian13
    Elysian13 Posts: 79
    :) I love fruit! It is really starting to knock out my sweet tooth. I cut out soda, sweet juices, and sweet teas! My next goal is to have 1 sweet thing a day! I don't want to go on a diet, I want to have a healthier diet. :) This is really helping me to eat better.

    As for protein...haha...yeah I have always had that problem. Perhaps I should have a cup of whey protein and skim milk? I don't eat much meat. :/
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Here is my take on carbs:

    Calories are calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less than you burn.

    Atkins claims that by eating a very low carbohydrate diet, you can make your body go into what he calls "benign dietary ketosis", and enhance your bodies burning of internal fat stores. This may or may not be true, I don't know.

    What I *do* know is true is this: Eating carbs will spike your blood sugar, and when it crashes is when you feel hungry, and thus be tempted to eat again and blow your diet.

    Eating a diet low in carbohydrates makes for a much more stable blood sugar level, which makes it easier to control your appetite and deal with the hunger you will naturally feel when you are eating fewer calories than your body would prefer.
  • Elysian13
    Elysian13 Posts: 79
    What I have noticed is when I eat my fruits (I eat a lot) the fiber in them fills me up. I feel great. :) I am usually never really starving...

    Thanks for the comment! =D