Andwynn Member


  • Started at 12st 2lb (170lb) Currently 11st (154lb) Ideally want to get back to pre-university-weight, which was 10st 4lb (148lb) 5'9 - 5'10 (depending on who is doing the measuring!)
  • I eat a heavier breakfast then sometimes have cereal for lunch! (I hate cereal for breakfast, I get hungry again too quickly) Ready brek (or microwaveable porridge if you prefer) topped with fruit and sometimes a spoon of maple syrup, or Kellogg's Just Right (not sure if you're US and can get that there). Topped with…
  • Or have tooth decay problems
  • Not as permanently idiotic as a badly spelt tattoo, but my brother's ex-wife wanted to start up a tattoo design business and managed to snag the website UnquieDesigns. Surprisingly, no-one else had taken it already ...
  • "I'm aware" (in reply to "it's raining")
  • 10 years ago I was between getting out of a bad relationship and getting into the one I am now in, before I had kids. I think I was probably out partying/drinking and thinking I was getting old because I was nearly 30. Now i'm nearly 40!
  • Hello. I think it was originally a US site but the Brits have been slowly taking over. :-) Seems to be getting very popular via word-of-mouth. (I'm in Essex, working in London)
  • My mum just bought me a handheld (Lloyds Pharmacy) measurer - apparently I'm 30.2% fat, which is high but within the healthy range. Seems relatively accurate, and at least it should be good for doing a comparative.
  • Are they charging a spectator fee?
  • I just need to add my "wow". Great before and after photos! I've only managed 2 Zumba classes, as it's hard to fit things in around the kids, and the first one I didn't like, but the second was great - I think it all depends on the teacher. I'd love to do more if I could fit it in. Same with jazzercise. An hour of…
  • Actually, since having kids I've got a lot /less/ fussy about where I change!
  • 1. I don't remember ever being sure they existed and there definitely wasn't a 'stopping believing'. It was all a bit living in fairyland! 2. I can still change in a car 3. I never did scouts, etc. I think I stopped dancing every Saturday in my mid-teens, but only cos the school stopped 4. Changed from mummy and daddy to…
  • Ooh, how do reverse crunches work?
  • Damn, failure. :-( Only made it to 75. Although I didn't see the challenge till nearly 4pm. Next time I need to try them on the gym ball!
  • I would love some higher protein recipies that are vegetarian, if anyone has any!
  • Ok, i can do that! (short ones so I don't hurt my back any extra, though) *wonders if she can do them discretely in the kitchen at work*
  • Unfortunately the dancing concert is 5pm today, with a dress rehersal this morning, and I /have/ to get through it - first time on stage in 25 years and probably my last opportunity, especially if I drop out now. 6pm tonight is when I can start resting it! Thanks guys.
  • Dancing - tap, jazz and ballet (hurt the hamstring in jazz - left leg kicked up at the back, bend forward to put hands on/towards the ground, right hamstring went 'ping', the calf injury I'm not even entirely sure how I did it, think I was running for a train when it first went but then it seemed to go into a long cramp).
  • 5'9-5'10 (depending on who is measuring) and just down to 154-155lb (from 175lb at my heaviest at the end of last year, I think). Idealy I'll get back down to the 144lb I was before university, but I'm now at my pre-pregnant weight (my eldest is now 8), so I've hit my first goal.
  • > mom always told me when i didnt have to hide that i was pooping, i was ready You poop??!
  • 21.56: 1,154 once I've drunk this bottle of San Miguel I just opened! (1014 before that).
  • Tap dancing!
  • If inspiration is failing, I vote with "take a break". As long as you don't /put on/ weight, just stop trying to lose it for a while, then go back once the boredom/lethargy/whatever goes away. (imho)
  • I can't really give any advice. I usually 'diet' over Lent and lose up to half a stone, and then it stops. This year, because I have a dance show coming up, I decided to see if I could lose some more now (dance show is next Sunday now!) - and it seems to be working. I spent the first week really cutting back on carbs…
  • I was 30 when I had my first, which is older than my mum was when she had her last (and there's an 11 year gap between me and the brother!)
  • When I was fluctuating more, I think I naturally lost it around the end and went back to 'normal'. I've found the only 'sensible' time to weigh anyhow is on getting up - after having a wee, before getting dressed.
  • I used to before I dropped my half-stone earlier this year, but I seem to be stuck at permanent 11.5st atm. Maybe my scales are broken.
  • Meeee. Went vegetarian on 13th Feb 1987, the day of my best friend's 13th birthday. Spent her birthday party picking the pastry off sausage rolls so I could eat something at her birthday party. :-) I now have a 6 + 8 year old mini-vegetarian at home, although their dad isn't. (And a firm believer that fish is /not/ a…
  • We have a microwave, so reheated pasta or rice is good for me, if not helpful to you. :-P My kids take packed lunch to school, we tend to go through: * sandwich - cheese+tomato, jam or marmalade (we quite like the stuff made with fruit juice instead of sugar), egg mayo (although they get grumbles from classmates for…
  • ... what is cauliflower rice?