A few things

So I have done well so far in losing weight, having lost 22lbs since March 2012 after years of trying//failing.
However, I have been lacking in motivation and stuff for the past two weeks, and getting affected by not seeing a loss..

YES i look at my weight daily- but this has no affect on my mood or determination at all. I do this because I like to study my fluctuations to know what to expect with certain food etc. I only consider the results from my official weigh-in days. Some weeks I haven't lost but have lost half an inch or so from somewhere, but recently not having any.

Up until the past week or so i never usually fluctuate- even 'those' times for women (hate how its blamed so much on here- but everyone is diff!) Even after eating my scales read the same!

For example- monday was 150 all day, tues 149 all day, weds was 147.6 all day and today was 148.8 all day.

I know exactly what it is. I gave in to salt, sugar and so on- and you can see in my diary today for example I helped myself to a Burger King today.

Anyway, my point is that I think if someone told me what to do, how many calories to burn/ eat etc I would stick t it, to impress them or to see the results!

Usually I dont touch fizzy drinks, sweets or much junk. Chocolate is usually one bar a week and crisps either a couple small packets or I treat myself to a large in the weekend & still lose weight well. Been out of control recently though! Dont be fooled by the recent diary entries!

Oh and usually drink at least 1.5litres of water too! :)

My BMR is 1490
My TDEE is 1815
Height is 5'6"
CW is 149-150lbs
Im 21 years old

Would love some realistic suggestions if you could help! Thanks guys!! :D


  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    oh my goal is a pound a week - but if i could lose 10lbs by august 3rd id be happy!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Can`t see your diary ;-O
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Can`t see your diary ;-O

    thanks!! will sort it :)

    Its bad recently tho!! Past 2 weeks- thats why i need a kick :)
  • Andwynn
    Andwynn Posts: 38 Member
    I can't really give any advice. I usually 'diet' over Lent and lose up to half a stone, and then it stops. This year, because I have a dance show coming up, I decided to see if I could lose some more now (dance show is next Sunday now!) - and it seems to be working. I spent the first week really cutting back on carbs (which is damned difficult as a vegetarian!), now I'm just holding back a bit on bread, no pasta, lots of egg and cheese, and basically not snacking between meals. And no cake. I'm looking forward to eating cake again! :-)

    I've lost a stone so far this year! I've never really dieted before, the Lent thing has always been cutting out food groups rather than cutting calories. It was a bit disheartening whenever the weight loss plateued, but whatever the 'trick' is, I do seem to have found it this time. Damn, this probably isn't as helpful as it was meant to be, sorry. :-/
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You started around 170 and lost 22lbs. That's about 13% of your original bodyweight lost - phenomenal job! But have you re-calculated your TDEE and calorie allowance for your new lower bodyweight? It's possible the smaller you is now eating at maintenance instead of at a deficit.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    yeah :) all calculated from my current :) xx and any story is helpful!! chat away :D
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    In that case, two possibilities:

    1) Slackened on measuring and/or overestimating exercise cals. Solution - reaffirm commitment to accuracy

    2) Genuine plateau. They happen. Sometimes can last for months. Solution - push on through it and try shaking up exercise routine or calorie intake zig-zagging.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member

    2) Genuine plateau. They happen. Sometimes can last for months. Solution - push on through it and try shaking up exercise routine or calorie intake zig-zagging.

    Definitely think it is this. also my diet lol

    I measure the same spot and stuff (obsessed with getting it spot on- even get the mother to check for me sometimes!) so i think thats fine :)
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    bump :)

    bit of a bad time of day to post!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Bump x
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Loving the personal messages about this topic, but please understand, as i stated, that the last 2 weeks on my diary DO NOT REFLECT my usual intake!!! I dont wanna be told im eating too much sugar, salt, goin over on kcal- i am aware of this and i know this is where my weight loss has been affected. Id love advice on how many kcal to eat and burn etc and get motivated to get BACK into the mindset i was in before :)

    thanks guys :) X
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Really don't recommend weighing yourself daily... Because you obsess over it constantly...
    You are losing well and I don't see the need for you to weigh yourself that much. Personally I did the same thing, and now when it comes to weigh in each week I am excited. If it was a loss I was happy, if not I would consider my actions the past week and try to do better. This isnt a race... and I would hate for you to obsess over your weight for the rest of your life.

    Go for that 10 pounds, eat at your BMR and the rest will happen. If not you are plateuing, change up your exercises and try for calorie zig zagging or one cheat day a month! Also drink more water. Good luck.
  • Andwynn
    Andwynn Posts: 38 Member
    If inspiration is failing, I vote with "take a break". As long as you don't /put on/ weight, just stop trying to lose it for a while, then go back once the boredom/lethargy/whatever goes away. (imho)