pmortlip Member


  • Hi all did weigh in today and the same 205 however I have been off plan all week. much better today. I will not be exercising for a month at least I have a completly torn ACL and partial medial meniscual tear so will be wearing a brace for a while. surgeon said not to get surgery do to the fact I have arthritis in my knee…
  • Hi all, have fallen off the wagon since I had my accident. I am to have a MRI and CT scan tonight. can not exercise at all, can barley walk around. doing a lot of limping and stairs are very painful. I will get back on the food track just feel so down since I felt like I was going in the right direction. now I have a set…
  • Hi all last week 208 today 205 goal 150 Think I will be no exercise for several weeks I can barely walk. after hurting myself last night. I have a phone call into one of my orthopedic surgons friends to check out my x-rays. the amount of pain I am having and not being able to walk much there must be some damage. better…
  • fell tonight and hurt myself pretty bad no broken bones but can not walk right now glad I had my exercise finished but I don't think i will be doing anything for the next several days, have to stay on my meal plan.
  • great day on track with both food and exercise. family went out to dinner I told them I really did not want to go the temptation is to great. I really love buying my food for the week it is easy to know what I can eat. have a great night I am off to the hot tub now for some relaxing. and a big glass of water..
  • Hi all just back from the food store bought all my meals for the week and I am ready to go tomorrow is my real weigh in day and I took a peek this am and I think I will be down 2-3 by the am. feel really good. have also increased my water intake think that has also helped. enjoy the rest of your sunday . Let have a happy…
  • today was weigh in day 208 thanks very busy prom for 2 tonight
  • everyone is working so hard keep upi the work ladies it will pay off!. I have been sticking to the meal plan designed 1200-1500 per day with 30-45 minutes of exercise. I hope to see a bigger lose this week but if only one again it will be in the right direction. have a great rest of the hump day.
  • hello all great job done by all !!!!keep at it !!!!!.
  • Found you , no real work out today for some reason woke up so sore . ran all over the operating room but that does not count. was with in my food limit today see ya Finished the challenge last for this weeks challenge I can do #2, will work really hard to work on 1. I have a very bad back and have not gotten the…
  • I also just joined this week . exercised 5 days this week and stayed on a 1200-1500 cal diet tomorrow is weigh in day. I want to lose 90 lbs and have 20 lb goals. 90 may be unrealistic but I am going to try have not seen that number since I was a teenager. keep up the great work:
  • Hello all, Is the mini challenge over today and are we starting a new one for monday. I plan to exercise 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I have not exercised for 5 years due to a back injury so I am starting slow. I just came home from the store with my meals for the week and my gym bag is pack for the gym before work…
  • hi staring weight 211 april 1 2010 today weight 209 april 15 2010 1st goal 190 june 5 relay for life 2nd goal 175 august 6th vacation LA and Grand canyon 3rd goal 150 Dec. 2010 hope this is ok. hope am I to find the new thread or will we be under high heels and fishnets. thanks have a great day off to washington for the…
  • Hi all I am in for the mini work out challenge. when did it start have exercised mon ,tue and wed so far and plan to exercise each day I will be in washington dc on friday will not be back home until late friday night. I can either post thursday am or when I get hom friday night what will work best for you all. thanks I…
  • I will be away thursady and friday. Going to washington DC with my husband. will post my weight tommorow night when I get home from work. this all sounds great.
  • I would like to be in on this! sounds just what I am feeling. what do I have to do. I have not exercised or really dieted in 5 years and all the other times were for someone other than me> I am now the important one. This time it is for me!