High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Bee: I hope you're feeling better now. Don't worry about the cookies, just move forward!

    I'll see if I can get ahold of Cris about this week's challenge.

    Candice: Thanks for being willing to take on the responsibility of handing out the next challenge in case we can't find Cris!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend....

    Allie - GREAT job on the spreadsheet!!

    Just wanted to say that I weighed in again on saturday morning after having two days or gourging on food, and now I am 0.3 lbs away from where I was sitting last week!! I am soo happy to be back on the weight loss train again and not stuck on the plateau train.

    Have a great week everyone!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Here's what I know about Cris. She posted on another thread this morning that she wasn't feeling well (might be a sinus infection) and that she was going to rest and see about getting some meds from the doctor.

    Because we're all gung-ho to start our next challenge, I think we should have Candice take the honors since she volunteered or our 1st place loser this week. Any objections? I'll Shredder make the last call on this one.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Candice...thats a great idea! I'll message the 1st place loser each week to let them know they get to come up with the next weeks challenge.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i'm still working on those sit-ups.
    shredder: i did the 30 min. cardio already today, just have to do the stretches yet.
    hajohnson: no objections here.
    i think all of us trying to get 100lbs. lose for the week would be great, it would give all of us to look forward to of getting our goals.
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    Hello Ladies!
    Glad to see everyone is doing so well!

    As for me, I had a tough week last week and an even tougher weekend. I went out of town this weekend for a family get-together (my grandma turned 90!!!!) and there were lots of yummy temptations, like grandma's fudge!
    But I'm back on the wagon today and my husband has even shown some interest in joining me on the weightloss program. I need some advice. He's a HUGE snacker! and usually always on bad stuff like Doritos and Cheetos and stuff. Does anyone know of some good healthy snack that would be appealing to men? I know the usuals like veggies and fruits, but sometimes it's hard to get him to "snack" on that type of stuff. Any help appreciated!

    Good luck this week girls!

    oh, and I fee like I just recovered from my initial test for the 200situp challenge, so I'm going to start the actual challenge this week. :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Glad to see everyone is doing so well!

    As for me, I had a tough week last week and an even tougher weekend. I went out of town this weekend for a family get-together (my grandma turned 90!!!!) and there were lots of yummy temptations, like grandma's fudge!
    But I'm back on the wagon today and my husband has even shown some interest in joining me on the weightloss program. I need some advice. He's a HUGE snacker! and usually always on bad stuff like Doritos and Cheetos and stuff. Does anyone know of some good healthy snack that would be appealing to men? I know the usuals like veggies and fruits, but sometimes it's hard to get him to "snack" on that type of stuff. Any help appreciated!

    Good luck this week girls!

    oh, and I fee like I just recovered from my initial test for the 200situp challenge, so I'm going to start the actual challenge this week. :)

    My boyfriend is also a snacker, but he really enjoys eating string cheese or babybel cheese for snacks. Have I ever mentioned he's a cheese-a-holic? We also buy those variety packs of baked chips so he has a limited amount and knows exactly how many calories he's eating, but still gets his chip/Cheeto craving taken care of.

    I also recommend looking into the Men's Health Magazine Belly Off Diet. The food is fantastic and filling. My boyfriend shrank his gut right off using the program. Even I like the recipes because they're higher protein so I feel fuller and it's good for my high intensity workouts!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Shredder asked me to nominate a back up challenge give for this week in case Cris does not join us today.
    Sounds like she is sick.

    So, if we don't hear from Cris, I nominate NolaChick as the back up challenger!!!!!!!

    Cris was not feeling well so let's give her until midnight at least to get back up on the boards.

  • tconfer
    tconfer Posts: 2
    Hi I just found this thread. I would just like to know if I can still join the group? It sounds like an amazing source of inspirations!!!
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    Thanks hajohnson24!!! I think I'll go to the bookstore this weekend and check out this Men's Health Magazine Belly Off Diet book!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    So...what if from now on whoever is the biggest loser for the week (listed under the "% lost week" column) can pick the challenge for the week. If they've done it within the past couple weeks either the honor can go to second place or the winner can pick someone who they feel deserves it!


    I feel like this might be a little more motivation for everyone.

    I think that sounds like a great idea!!
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    great day on track with both food and exercise. family went out to dinner I told them I really did not want to go the temptation is to great. I really love buying my food for the week it is easy to know what I can eat. have a great night I am off to the hot tub now for some relaxing. and a big glass of water..
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    Shredder I completed your 1 day mini challenge!! Off to a good start this week!!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Ok guys, just heard from Kris and she's in bed with a crazy sinus infection :sad:
    She's asked me to post this week's challenge from her....so here it goes

    Kris challenges you to drink half of your weight each day in water (oz)
    So if you weigh in at 200lbs, you would need to drink 100oz or 12.50 cups of water.

    Here's the breakdown for whatever water container you carry with you each day to give you a clue how many times to refill...

    1 Gallon = 128oz
    1 Liter = 33.81 oz
    1 Cup = 8 oz

    Please remember it is just as dangerous to drink TOO much water as it is to not drink enough so listen to your body and use common sense.

    Thank you Kris for the challenge and we all hope you get better.
    Candice, if you would like to post a cardio challenge, or Nolachick, I'm sure we would all welcome it.
    I got in my cardio, weights and stretching today. Check that of the list!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Shredder I completed your 1 day mini challenge!! Off to a good start this week!!!

    Way to go my girl!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    i'm still working on those sit-ups.
    shredder: i did the 30 min. cardio already today, just have to do the stretches yet.
    hajohnson: no objections here.
    i think all of us trying to get 100lbs. lose for the week would be great, it would give all of us to look forward to of getting our goals.

    did you get your stretching done yet?
    Nice job on the cardio:smile:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306

    I love the idea Allie about making the biggest loser the person in charge of the challenge that week. Heather, Happy Belated Birthday. Congrats to everyone who has lost weight and who are keeping on track.

    I have been in pain and it SuCKS. but I am going to do 30 minutes of walking and 15 of elliptical. I just hope my body stops hurting soon its' very frustrating.

    I haven't completed a challege yet :sad: But hopefully I can complete this weeks challenge
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    I just read the Cris's challenge. not quite half today but close.
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    Congratulations to everyone for a week well done. And Allie, you do a great job on the charts.
    Question, are we supposed to post if we complete a challenge? If so, I completed Shredder's challenge posted for today. The water consumption one for me will be easy as I drink at least 1/2 gallon a day and try for more. The 200 sit up challenge, on the other hand is a little more difficult. In part because last week was so crazy between the family, school and work, plus my daughter had her senior prom. Anyway, I wasn't able to attempt any more of the challenge, so I started it again this week. I also started the push up challenge.

    Have a healthy week, all!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    yes i did my stretches too. as in chris challenge i drink alot of water but, i guess i'm going to have to keep track, i drink alot of pint waters.
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