High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Got a little sunburned in Amsterdam yesterday (not complaining, sun is GOOD!) but stuck to my healthy snacks and lunch I brought and only had one iced Mocha. I got up at 6:00 to get my C25K run in before heading out for the day, but didn't make it to the gym in the evening... I was dead after walking around all day and watching the hotties play basketball in the park :-D.

    I was a little confused about the challenge... are we suppose to pick individule challenges and post them for the week or is there going to be one challenge for us all?

    Hope you all are having a good weekend.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Serious work Allie, thank you so much from all of you:flowerforyou:
    I'm sure you all now realize how important your consistent weigh ins will be, look at how much work is involved for Allie. We want to make her job as easy as possible.
    I HAVE to move us under another header or else we'll blow up this thread there's been soooo much response. I think we have a great group to get going.

    So last week I said I wanted to start the "Daisy Chain Challenge'...I nominate one of you to throw out goals for the gang for the week and then that person nominates the following week....so on, so on.
    I would love that the challenge include a workout regiment of some sort but it can also be paired with others like....
    No eating past 7:30
    Drinking 2 liters of water a day
    Having a meat free day during the week
    Whatever you heart's desire. This is YOUR challenge.

    My nominee for this coming week is.....DRUMROLL..... meokk :smile: :smile:
    Let's see what you come up with....I can't wait.
    Heather, I'm heading out for my 4th workout since Wed. So, check me off for completeing your challenge and thank you for it.
    Have a lovely Sunday kids, talk to you all tomorrow
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    Hello all,
    Is the mini challenge over today and are we starting a new one for monday. I plan to exercise 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I have not exercised for 5 years due to a back injury so I am starting slow. I just came home from the store with my meals for the week and my gym bag is pack for the gym before work tomorrow. I hope this is all ok. good luck everyone.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    HEAHTER'S 4 WORKOUT CHALLENGE COMPLETE! WOO HOOO :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Thurs: turbo jam
    Fri: elliptical
    Sat: elliptical + treadmill
    Sun: 30 day shred
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    4 workout challenge complete.

    2 sessions of Couch to 5K
    2 session Slim in 6
    2 30-minute walk with co-workers
  • I'm happy to report that I completed Heather's challenge for this week!! Wahooooooo!

    Wednesday: Running, intervals, 45 minutes
    Thursday: Bootcamp, 1hr
    Saturday: DVD, 1 hr
    Sunday: Yoga class, 90 minutes

    I feel great!! I actually managed 5 workouts over the week which is rare for me, but I liked it! The yoga was new for me and a great way to get a workout in without feeling like I was gonna burnout. Happy dance!
  • bfara
    bfara Posts: 5
    Hello ladies,

    I joinned MPF on 04-15 I would love to join this group please let me know if i can and what to do. I am really looking foward to loosing weight an dfeeling good in my skin, more for my upcoming trip to Paris in 19 weeks.
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Completed 4 days of workouts.
    Can't wait for the next challenge!

    Lots of swimming
    Legs and Back
  • Tracy12283
    Tracy12283 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new to this, and I am a little confused. When does the challenge start-- Mondays? We post our weighs on Friday? On the Message board? Did we start a new thread somewhere?
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    I am new to this, and I am a little confused. When does the challenge start-- Mondays? We post our weighs on Friday? On the Message board? Did we start a new thread somewhere?

    Yes we weigh in on fridays. Heather had set a mini challenge for the group on wed. to do 4 workout before Monday.
    A new mini challenge will be coming soon.
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    So I'm new here, but this sounds amazing, how do I join?
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I am new to this, and I am a little confused. When does the challenge start-- Mondays? We post our weighs on Friday? On the Message board? Did we start a new thread somewhere?

    Yes we weigh in on fridays. Heather had set a mini challenge for the group on wed. to do 4 workout before Monday.
    A new mini challenge will be coming soon.

    Nicely said purdygirl!
    Waiting for meokk to take the next challenge. If we don't hear from her by Monday morning I'll nominate someone else...k?
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    And the weekend has officially come to an end!

    Allie, thank you so much for doing such an amazing job on the spreadsheet - I think your 1 ton challenge is a fantastic idea :) this is such an amazinly strong group of women, I know we can do anything we put our minds to!

    Heather - completed my 4 workouts! *go me*
    Wed: Gym 1hr with trainer
    Thurs: am run and 30 day shred
    Fri: Gym 1hr with trainer
    Sun: 30 day shred

    I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and has stayed strong in the choice and changes we are all working toward (personally treated myself to a martini last night)

    can't wait to fin out what our mini challenge for this week is . . . . Bring it on :)
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Ok, I'll admit, Heather, I did not complete my four workouts. No excuses. Goal this week is 6 days of exercise. To keep my work schedule from interfering with my work out, I finally shelled out the cash for the P90x and a heart rate monitor. Starting day 1 of the P90x tomorrow and now I will have no excuse not to work out even when I come home super late.

    Interestingly, I tried out the HRM tonight by running up and down my stairs 50 times (I know, crazy), and, it looks like MFP has been significantly over-estimating my fitness calories :( Per HRM 50 times up and down the stairs burned 126 cal, by MFP that time of running stairs should have burned 170. Looks like I have been overeating my exercise calories.

    Anyway, better things this week!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I was nominated for the challenge this week........ thanks Shredder!

    First of all, happy to report that I completed Heather's challenge from last week
    Thursday: 20 mins walking, 20 mins gardening
    Friday: 50 mins walking, 210 sit ups
    Saturday: 2.5 hours gardening
    Sunday: 4 hours gardening

    Your challenges for this week are...........
    CHALLENGE 1. Start the 200 sit ups challenge http://www.twohundredsitups.com/
    You start by doing as many crunches as you can in a row without breaks to determine your baseline capability. The program then tells you what week and column to start on and prescribes sets of crunches designed to get you stronger. By the time you finish you should be able to do 200 sit ups in a row without breaks. I just managed 210 in a row this week but I'm going to keep going.
    If you would like to keep going after this week there is already a tread devoted just to this program, started by my friend Cris. The tread is fizzling a bit so we'd love to have any of you for some extra support: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/83050-200-sit-up-challenge-2010?page=6#posts-1268682
    CHALLENGE 2. Find 15 minutes for YOU. The challenge is to meditate for 15 mins. Whatever method you choose but you should be alone, have peace & quiet, breathe deeply and contemplate for 15 minutes one day this week.

    Hope you all have a great week
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Ju5t4u_84
    Ju5t4u_84 Posts: 28
    Well, I would like to thank all you wonderful ladies for such a great job so far this week. So many have finished Heather's mini challenge of 4 workouts in 5 days. I am happy to report that I too have finished this challenge... although I think next week I need to step it up a notch. I don't feel I put in my full potential for the week.

    Wednesday: a day from EA Active 30 day challenge + mini extra workout from EA Active + 15min Elliptical
    Thursday: a day from EA Active 30 day challenge + 15min Elliptical
    Friday: Went shopping and spent 1hr wondering + 20min outside on the bikes with my hubby + 10min Elliptical
    Saturday: Grocery Shopping with the hubby for 2 hrs... we doddle. + a day from EA Active 30 day challenge

    As for my personal goal of doing the Elliptical for 15min every day, that didn't happen. But today I went 25min as punishment :tongue:

    I am up for the new challenge from Meokk. I did my initial test tonight so that I can get started tomorrow. And then I'm going to continue aiming for a min of 15min per day on my trusty Elliptical. I also have a couple days left on my 30day challenge on the Wii. And then to try and amp up my progress I'm going to keep my eye open at work for some workout dvds (I work at a used goods store for the next two weeks before I start my old job new again...)

    Only 12 more days for Shredder's 5lbs... which I have piggy backed on. I dropped .7lbs today.. but that doesn't mean much I go up and down like a yo-yo.

    Here's to a great week ladies!
  • Is it too late to get in on this?? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be a part of it!

  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Cool challenge, Meokk. I took the sit up challenge and I am ready to start the program! I love the 15 minutes of meditation, too! Might try to do that daily!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Your challenges for this week are...........
    CHALLENGE 1. Start the 200 sit ups challenge http://www.twohundredsitups.com/
    You start by doing as many crunches as you can in a row without breaks to determine your baseline capability. The program then tells you what week and column to start on and prescribes sets of crunches designed to get you stronger. By the time you finish you should be able to do 200 sit ups in a row without breaks. I just managed 210 in a row this week but I'm going to keep going.
    If you would like to keep going after this week there is already a tread devoted just to this program, started by my friend Cris. The tread is fizzling a bit so we'd love to have any of you for some extra support: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/83050-200-sit-up-challenge-2010?page=6#posts-1268682
    CHALLENGE 2. Find 15 minutes for YOU. The challenge is to meditate for 15 mins. Whatever method you choose but you should be alone, have peace & quiet, breathe deeply and contemplate for 15 minutes one day this week.

    I will accept challenge two for sure... I definitely need my 15 minutes for me. My thing with Challenge 1 is that I already have strong abs, and I don't want to do that much work on them because all it is going to do is build the muscle under the fat layer and make my stomach look bigger. I need to loose the fat off my stomach first (which of course is exactly where it goes first and comes off last!). Personal challenge this week is to get up at 6:00 for my C25K runs before work so I have time in the evening for a 1 hour Eliptical workout. Happy Monday everyone!
  • Can I jump on the wagon with you guys? I've been on the site for a few weeks now, but just found the thread...
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