High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Awwww, thanks Crawline.
    Bound and determined to fit into those Tru Religions.
    Whats your exercise plan for today?
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Awwww, thanks Crawline.
    Bound and determined to fit into those Tru Religions.
    Whats your exercise plan for today?

    Today is P90X legs and back and 1 hour in the pool (it is really hot here today!)
  • gnakazawa
    gnakazawa Posts: 28 Member
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Tosca Reno!! She is one of my many heros. Good luck with the cooler gig....I've been doing this for a year...I take my food with me EVERYWHERE....my friends all thought I was crazy at first, now they just kid me.

    Good luck...you can do it! We all can :happy:
  • icount4u
    icount4u Posts: 10
    I have just spent WAY too much time reading all the fantastic messages within this thread. I must join you!!!

    I love the attitudes, the positive comments, and the "high heels & fishnets" makes me smile ! I'm in, and likewise will post Friday. In fact, I think weighing in Friday will help me stay focused through weekends, which is terribly difficult for me. I am not looking to diet, but rather to change my eating habits (more whole foods), include excercise in my daily plan, and feel better about myself. I'm looking forward to reaching my first challenge of 5 lbs. down by 4/30.

    I just joined MFP a few weeks ago, and am excited to know there are so many supportive, dedicated people out there fighting the same fight.


  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    I'm in...can't wait.

    Current Stats: 199
    Goal: Destination HOT -- don't know a weight or size, it may be more of an attitude

    5K June 6: Couch to 5K started March 31
    Triathlon August 8: Started biking April, will start swimming mid-June

    Also doing Slim in 6 as an in-between workout.
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    I like the mini challenge ideas.....I am up for the 4 workouts by Monday deal....since there is only 4 days til then, I guess I will be busy LOL
  • alisaperry74
    I am in too if you'll have me. This is exactly what I need right now.
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    I'm in for the mini challege, 4 workouts in 5 days! Right now, I'm doing jillian michaels banish fat, boost metabolism and I love it! Has anyone else used her DVD's and can compare them? I have 30 day shred also but haven't tried it yet. I usually do BFBM then 30 to 60 mins of jogging 6 days a week.

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Tosca Reno!! She is one of my many heros. Good luck with the cooler gig....I've been doing this for a year...I take my food with me EVERYWHERE....my friends all thought I was crazy at first, now they just kid me.

    Good luck...you can do it! We all can :happy:

    I know right? She's such an inspiration to us all. I hear you about the friends and cooler Gail :laugh: ....who's laughing last? YOU are...... looking awesome.
    Bennettv and icount4u- a huge welcome. I hope you gals are ready for an E ticket ride....here we go!!!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Awwww, thanks Crawline.
    Bound and determined to fit into those Tru Religions.
    Whats your exercise plan for today?

    Today I am going over to my best friends. We're gonna do NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES its a 40 min work out video by Jillian Michaels. I did it for the first time on saturday and its super hard, I was soo sore, but I'm not a quitter and it will get easier!!
    And then if its not dark by the time I get home, my roommate wants to go for a run. This is our last chance to run together for 5 weeks because she is gone to Mexico next week to get a boob job (and this is not the same roommate who had the vertical sleeve)
    Last week, we started C25K....well I did, she's just coming along for the motivation :)

    What are your exercise plans?
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Awwww, thanks Crawline.
    Bound and determined to fit into those Tru Religions.
    Whats your exercise plan for today?

    Today I am going over to my best friends. We're gonna do NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES its a 40 min work out video by Jillian Michaels. I did it for the first time on saturday and its super hard, I was soo sore, but I'm not a quitter and it will get easier!!
    And then if its not dark by the time I get home, my roommate wants to go for a run. This is our last chance to run together for 5 weeks because she is gone to Mexico next week to get a boob job (and this is not the same roommate who had the vertical sleeve)
    Last week, we started C25K....well I did, she's just coming along for the motivation :)

    What are your exercise plans?

    Wow! That's an aggressive day for you, you'll burn a ton of calories not to mention how your metabolism will soar after you run. Good for you.
    I'm heading to LA Fitness tonight to get in a 45 minute cardio session while my 2 girls are at dance.
    Heather will be so proud of you for sticking with her challenge.
    Keep this up and you'll be setting the goal for next week :bigsmile:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I'm in...can't wait.

    Current Stats: 199
    Goal: Destination HOT -- don't know a weight or size, it may be more of an attitude

    5K June 6: Couch to 5K started March 31
    Triathlon August 8: Started biking April, will start swimming mid-June

    Also doing Slim in 6 as an in-between workout.

    bennettv, you HAVE to share your amazing news with the team!!!!!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    So, this is my first "group" that I've joined. Is there a different thread or do I just keep logging into this one to put in my stats? Sorry for the dumb question : )

    I just wanted to say that I love the tough love and the mini challenges. I have been at a plateafor about 3 months. I lost 30 lbs over a year and kept it off but the last 20 are killing me!

    I have a goal to be down to 135 by May 1st. I am 141 as of this morning. I am going to workout everyday. I figure I can get at least a half hour of running everyday if I don't go to the gym. Any suggestions to get a jumpstart on the weight loss? I really want to make my goal :)

    And good luck to everyone!
  • icount4u
    icount4u Posts: 10
    Heather I am up for your mini challenge 4 work outs between now and monday. I have changed my profile photo to me in fishnets and high heels. I am going back to Canada in the summer (haven't been back since 2007) So this group will help me with the motivation.

    Love the picture! I'm looking forward to posting a picture of my legs appropriately adorned :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Welcome to all of those who just joined. I love how big and motivated this group is!

    bennettv: Wow, C25K AND Slim in 6? I gave up on Slim in 6 myself because Debbie was just a bit too bubbly for me most days. I'm almost done with week 8 in C25K and can't believe that I actually enjoy and look forward to running now. Weird...this from the girl who never actually ran the mile run in school, but power-walked it instead.

    Bee: I have most of the Jillian Michael's videos and if you're doing BFBM, 30 Day Shred will be a piece of cake. It's only 20 minutes and much, much easier than her other videos. It goes by so fast! It's perfect if you don't have much time to workout but want a fairly intense one. I personally think Level 2 is easier than Level 1 but only because I hate the shoulder raise/side lunge and pushups!

    Oh, and I forgot to share my terrible news. The scale was up three pounds from Friday, but I'm chalking it up to the huge amounts of sodium I've consumed the past few days. Ugh. It should come off fairly quickly if I can stay away from more sodium because I've had a calorie deficit for a few days in a row and I've been exercising. Frustrating, but not impossible, right girls?
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    totally frustrating but definitely not impossible! I'm sure you can get it off quickly, especially since you recognize its because of your increased sodium intake.

    I wanted to bust my scale this week. Last friday I was down 4 lbs in one week which is very unusual for me and I couldn't really believe it because 1. i never ever lose that much in a week and 2. i had been eating chocolate left over from the easter bunny all week lol. Then..monday morning it said all 4 lbs were back! I'm hovering right aroung 160 and I want to get below that stay far away from it forever! Maybe the chocolates just needed time to catch up?? I don't know but I've been good this week and will weigh in Friday to see.

    Also, I did Slim in 6 last summer for 3 months religiously 6 days a week. My diet wasn't great so I only lost a few pounds but lost a lot of inches ( I didn't measure though). I'd like to start it again because it really toned my thighs which is really a trouble area for me but I don't think I'm ready to go back to Debbie yet!

    What is C25K?? I see a lot of people on here talking about it but I have never heard of it before?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Bee: I've ready somewhere that the food you each, including the sodium, takes two days to show up on the scale. I believe it! So thinking the the chocolate had to catch up makes sense to me.
    Like you, I only lost a few inches and a few pounds on Slim in 6, which frustrated me. After I got my HRM, I realized that it was taking an hour of Slim in 6 to burn the same calories I was doing with Jillian Michaels in 20 minutes! So, I gave up on Debbie and went to Jillian. Now, I mix in a lot of different videos because I like variety. My boyfriend and I also do a ton of hiking when it's nice out.
    C25K, or Couch to 5K is a running program that is designed to get someone who doesn't run ready for a 5k in 9 weeks. Of course, you can go at your own pace so it doesn't matter if you have to repeat weeks. I took a break and then went back to it when I was feeling less than motivated. Here's the website if you'd like to check it out: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
    I've enjoyed the program because I used to hate running with a passion and now I actually look forward to it. For me, it's been more of a mental challenge to make it through the workouts than a physical challenge.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Wow you ladies are on a roll! I can barely keep up with all the posts. Well I don't have a scale at home so I'm thinking I'll have to go to the gym tomorrow and do my weigh in so I might as well do my workout in the morning right? Hmmm will have to think about that one. I know last week I was up 2 lbs and this week I feel even heavier and if all the food is to catch up with me after 2 days well lets just say the scale will not be nice to me tomorrow. But I will weigh in none the less cuz I need to face the consequences of my actions!

    Haven't planned out the rest of my workouts for this weekend but I am definately IN!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Wow! That's an aggressive day for you, you'll burn a ton of calories not to mention how your metabolism will soar after you run. Good for you.
    I'm heading to LA Fitness tonight to get in a 45 minute cardio session while my 2 girls are at dance.
    Heather will be so proud of you for sticking with her challenge.
    Keep this up and you'll be setting the goal for next week :bigsmile:

    I hope to start losing some weight!!! I've been stuck on a plateau for the past FOUR WEEKS!!!!! In fact, I GAINED 3 pounds and now the scale just won't budge!!!!
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    Heather-Thanks, i will check that out! I have been running for the past few weeks and really enjoying it. Like you, i hated hated hated running but the more I do it, the more i like it!

    Crawline- A few weeks ago my scale wasn't moving, then I started running for 30 mins or so after my regular workout and it made a big difference! Get that run in if you can, i think it will help! Maybe try running a few days a week and see if you can get past the plateau. Good Luck!