High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I love this challenge...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ooh, this is a tough challenge. The exercising won't be hard, but staying within my calories will be! I'll go ahead and say I failed for Sunday, but I'm considering this the first day of the challenge.

    Yesterday, my boyfriend and I hiked 4.2 miles at a state park. It was the most difficult and longest trail the park offers, with an estimated time to complete of 3.5 hours. We did it in 2 hours, 15 minutes and burned 989 calories. The funny thing is that we didn't think it was that difficult! I even had my Camelback (backpack with water pouch inside) on for the first time.

    We did lots of exploring yesterday and had an awesome day. We did terrible with the eating, but had a ton of fun! We even found a stone church built in 1863 that still has an active congregation. Seeing the headstones for people born in the 1700s was amazing, as was the fact that some of those buried there were Civil War veterans. When I think of the Civil War, Minnesota doesn't usually come to mind. It was a peaceful, beautiful and historically significant place. Wow!
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Congrats to ALL of you (especially the bigest losers)! Let's make this week a better week than last! Have a good one!!!!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    I really like this challenge! I may actually be good at it lol!

    I don't like that our thread is on the 2nd page!! I like when we're on the top of the first!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • NewChapter
    NewChapter Posts: 18
    Congrats to our biggest losers!! Great job ladies!! The challenge this week is going to be just that...a challenge. A crazy busy week ahead and that feeling that is nagging in the back of my head telling me I am hungry all the time......grrrr! But that is ok, I will find the time to exercise, the time to track ALL of my calories and try to manage not to raid my cupboards. I hope everyone has a great week.

    Happy Monday :wink:
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Has anyone tried Tosa Reno's Book, The Eating Clean Diet? If so, what are your thoughts? For the most part, I eat very healthy...I was just wondering if it is worth a read?
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    I read Tosca Reno's book, and I liked it. She presents a very good way of eating, but I am a very picky eater and don't eat much on the eat clean diet. If you're not a picky eater, it's probably worth a read.

    I hope everyone's doing okay on the challenge this week! So far I've worked out yesterday and today, and I was 33 calories under my calorie limit yesterday! :smile:
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    245 calories below my daily limit - so I treated myself to an ice cold Bud Light Lime. Not concerned about going over my calorie limit tonight because I'm not feeling well - sinuses and TOM - so taking a shower and going to bed. Great job this past week ladies (and any gentlemen we may have). And an extra big CONGRATS to the biggest losers.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    @lunch-walked 30 minutes
    @gym tonight-did a 10 minute warm-up on the treadmill, burned 702 calories in my Bootcamp class, 10 minute stretch....

    I am sore from my stretch and "Super" lunges.... Might have pulled something in my butt cheeck.

    I feel good though. Plus I got a huge compliment from my bootcamp instructor/ex-bar hopping hook-up buddy lmao!
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    Kaylac, I love the challenge!! What a great way to get everyone motivated!! I tracked my cals yesterday and was 305 under before I put in my exercise (which then went to 745 under) buy I'm trying not to eat my exercise cals! So I also got my workout in with my trainer last night and although wasn't in the mood to trek to the gym after work (so hot n humid here) I did it and felt amazing after! I was sweaty n hot n beet red, even got a comp on my way out from the guy @ the desk :) so today I'm on a mission to work my *kitten* off!! Also gonna take a page from kaylacs book and cut the pop! Let's see what happens!!
    Congrats to all of us who are still here!! :drinker:
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    My challenge this week is going to be simple, but it's what I stuck to last week to lose 4 pounds.

    Challenge 1: Keep track of ALL your calories you eat everyday, and stay within your calorie limit 6 out of 7 days this week (hey, no one's perfect- one high calorie day won't ruin your diet!)
    Challenge 2: Excercise at least 4 of the 7 days this week for at least 30 minutes (I walk with my husband when it's pretty and do workout videos when it's not). I typically do at least an hour 5-6 days a week.

    I've always been a big water drinker, too. I haven't had any drinks with caffeine in at least two weeks. Water and milk are all I drink.

    I'm very proud of everyone for losing 135 pounds so far! Good luck this week! :flowerforyou:

    OK< Kaylac, I am very proud of your loss. However- you do what I do and I am not losing weight!!! (This week end doesn't count b/c I was at the beach!) HOWEVER- what is with the other times! OHHHHHHHHHHHH- I see now- an hour!!! OK, I will start an hour today! I will let you know Thursday how it is going!!! k
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    I'm so happy with this challenge! I'm already having a great week and really sticking to the calorie counting and exercising at least an hour every day so far since friday :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I have been under cals all week but havent excercised...I guess I will have to go to the gym on T-W-TH-F!!! I missed my c25k run yesterday due to lack of time so I plan on making it up tonight and also doing a body pump class, so it will be 90 mins of excercise.

    havent worked out since I got sick (minsu the spin class which almost killed me) so I have been kind of dreading going back but now reading everyone's new found enthusiasm and determination I am kind of getting excited about it!

  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all,
    have fallen off the wagon since I had my accident. I am to have a MRI and CT scan tonight. can not exercise at all, can barley walk around. doing a lot of limping and stairs are very painful. I will get back on the food track just feel so down since I felt like I was going in the right direction. now I have a set back and I don't know when I will be able to exercise and that was really making me feel so good.
    everyone keep up the great work.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    I hate to report that I went over my calories last night and did not exercise because my CPR refresher class went late and I was tired when I got home at 10pm! Instead, I took a shower and went to bed right away. I have class again tonight and am hoping it doesn't go an hour over again. I want to finish C25k so badly and I only have two workouts left to "graduate"!

    I've planned out my eating for today and am planning on sticking to it. With TOM this week, I've been craving sweets like a maniac when normally I'm a salt eater. Yep, I have a frappe and M&Ms built into today because I need them.

    My personal goal for this week is to not weigh myself until Thursday for our officially weigh in. I think I need to let my mind take a break from actually seeing any numbers to regroup a bit.

    Have a great day,
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Has anyone tried Tosa Reno's Book, The Eating Clean Diet? If so, what are your thoughts? For the most part, I eat very healthy...I was just wondering if it is worth a read?

    hymiesmom- I'm such a HUGE fan of Tosca. I own the 2 books on diet that she's written, subscribe to Oxygen magazine (which is owned and published by her husband Robert Kennedy), and have just today subscribed to their Clean Eating magazine.
    What I love about her is that she truely speaks from experience, she's been down the road of being overweight and unhappy. Her personal story is an inspiration to us all.
    I highly recommend you buy her" Eat Clean Diet Recharged" book. RUN don't walk to get it!
    I read mine in a day i was so excited and encouraged by the personal testimonies of people who have embraced this type of eating into their lifestyle. Packed with a ton of info and guidelines.
    In fact yesterday was my first day on Cooler #1- hardcore eating for rapid results.
    I went and got everything on the shopping list for this week on Sunday so I would be totally prepared for the meals.
    I gotta tell you, I felt like I was preparing and eating food all day long. I was stuffed! Had to eat every 3 hours. :ohwell:
    On day 2 today and am down .80lbs from yesterday!!! Wahoo. It's tough but I need a big win this week for Thursday's weigh in.
    I'm doing really well on this week's challenge. Have worked out Sunday and Monday and heading to the gym after I post this.
    My workouts have to be in the a.m. or the excuse monster takes over my body:huh:
    I'm with candice26- a huge congrats to all of you who are sticking with this.
    Have a killer day everyone!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Has anyone tried Tosa Reno's Book, The Eating Clean Diet? If so, what are your thoughts? For the most part, I eat very healthy...I was just wondering if it is worth a read?

    I highly recommend you buy her" Eat Clean Diet Recharged" book. RUN don't walk to get it!

    am down .80lbs from yesterday!!! Wahoo. I

    Since I am on a VERY VERY tight budget, I am going to check the local libraries in the towns I work/live in.... Hopefully I can find this book. :D
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks Kaylac for the challenge!!
    I'm doing well so far. Tons of exercise last Friday and over the weekend, 30 mins of walking yesterday and under my calories every day. Bit high on the sodium though so I'm going to do better for the rest of this week.

    I managed to burn between 1000 and 1500 calories each day Fri-Sun doing some heavy duty gardening.
    There was no way I could eat back all of my exercise cals like I know I should. I managed about 1/2 each day and had to leave it at that.

    It's so amazing to me now that I can just barely manage to scoff down 2000 calories in a day when I have major exercise days even though MFP wants me to eat 2700 or 2800. I know in the past I would have managed 3000 easily.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    Hello Ladies!

    I've been struggling these past 2 weeks but am back on the wagon! I am doing well so far of counting my calories (of course it's only Tuesday) and I've been under. I wasn't able to walk yesterday, but will be able to today as long as the rain holds out. I'm going out of town this Thursday (I will have to weigh in Wed night) so I'm a little nervous about sticking to the calorie counting towards the end of the week since I won't be around my computer, but will do my best to keep track on paper! I'm really trying hard to loose 20 more lbs before my 30th b-day in July!
    I'm still doing the water challenge, I love that one!
    I think my hardest things are the exercise challenges. I'm just so dang lazy! :frown:

    Good job to everyone so far! Keep up the awesome work! :glasses:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    meokk....I LOVE to garden and it's such an amazing way to burn calories and do something you really enjoy. reading your post really shows how far you have come!!! You should be so proud.
    KAskinny- Come on....get your body moving girl. Thursday is approaching (Wed. weigh in for you)....you've got to do the work...You can do it:happy:

    Got my workout done...45 mins on the dreaded stairmaster, 15m treadmill and weights.
    I think I pulled a muscle in my calf....hurts like the devil.
    You guys have any ideas on how to treat it?
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