High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Did not post, but I did complete at least four workouts in a row last week.
    I actually got in a workout every day, with one day including a six mile walk!
    Still haven't started on the situps challenge. Too little time, too little time............. :wink:
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    I'm bummed because I know I'm not going to hit my birthday goal. I'm hovering between 192-194 and am getting sick of it. I've been at this plateau for a month and can't seem to get past it. I'm not giving up, just trying to rethink things. Grr.

    You and me both. On friday I was down to 170, and on Monday I was up to 174 (had my yearly check up). I don't understand because I didn't throw the rules out the window on the weekend!!! Soo, just keep tryin, it'll come eventually!!!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Found and saved in my favorites! Worked out yesterday and will do again before church tonight. The situp thing said I could take the night off... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Took students to SPecial Olympics today and brought food to eat instead of the burgers and nachos there. I am praying that I can lose five pounds before the end of the month. 9 days- about a half a pound a day. I'll try to kick this exercise thing up a notch! k:ohwell:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Found and saved in my favorites! Worked out yesterday and will do again before church tonight. The situp thing said I could take the night off... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Took students to SPecial Olympics today and brought food to eat instead of the burgers and nachos there. I am praying that I can lose five pounds before the end of the month. 9 days- about a half a pound a day. I'll try to kick this exercise thing up a notch! k:ohwell:

    Great job on bringing your own food. It's awesome you're involved in Special Olympics! I've been volunteering with a team for a few years and have been involved in bowling, basketball and equestrian. It's so inspiring and fun, I just love it!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Thanks, Heather. Actually I work with young adults with significant diasabilities. Part of the reason I put on weight. Most of my students cannot walk, so I push wheelchairs. Most of our activities are of the non-ambulatory type. So it is very easy to sit and eat and eat and sit! But I am going to get into shape and lose some of this weight!

    I too love Special Olympics. i wish we had the equestrian thing here. I love horses- don't ride, but love the animal itself. i do not think that there are many animals as beautiful as the horse. So I am envious...

    Keep up the good work and see you on the board!!! k
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    everyone is working so hard keep upi the work ladies it will pay off!. I have been sticking to the meal plan designed 1200-1500 per day with 30-45 minutes of exercise. I hope to see a bigger lose this week but if only one again it will be in the right direction. have a great rest of the hump day.
  • debbieluck
    debbieluck Posts: 12 Member
    I found you! I'm having a great week......extremely busy which is a great thing.....so looking forward to stepping on the scale Friday. I will send my last week's weight and this week's weight for the addition on the spreadsheet.
    Have an awesome Thursday!!!!!!!!
    Debbie :bigsmile:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Good Lord!!! There are a ton of you that are so extreme and dedicated, I'm finding myself being the person that has to catch up.
    I love reading all the posts and more importantly reading between the lines in all you have to say and offer. You really lay it on the line and are totally vunerable to this group. Applause from me.:drinker:
    Doesn't our board just rock!!!!
    I sucked so bad eating yesterday. Actually, did ok throughout the day and then, BAM, the witching hour hit and I ate an entire bag of veggie sticks. I swear those things are my nemisis. Having said that, the scale was kind to me today so I'm not gonna ***** too much.
    Meokk, your challenge is on fire and I see alot of you want to take it to the next level. Cool.
    I'm gonna go light the fire and all of my 800 candles, and settle in for the night. Here in San Diego another storm has moved in and of course we all treat it like Noah's flood.:huh:
    ps- Mike can we please get spell check on here:smile:
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Shredder, our board totally rocks!!! I am off to bed to catch some zzzz's!!!!! Have a great night everyone :drinker:
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I was so proud of myself last night; reisisted the Pasta and Mac & Cheese dinner I was invited to (went for a run instead while they ate) for "my" (I am a nanny so not really mine) now 2 year old's birthday and just went up for a small (I swear it was small) piece of cake which I had already planned into my calories for the day. I then had to run to the market.... and was bad. I bought a package of chocolate chip cookies... and ate way too many of them. Evil. I need to stay away from the market in the evenings! Evil, evil, evil. I have been good most of the week and will push extra at the gym this evening to make up for it. Looking forward to tomorrows weigh-in just the same. I have stayed off the scale all week, something that is really hard for me, I want to weigh in every day, so I am hoping to see a better number. I am still having trouble getting the numbers to change. We'll see. Have a great day everyone!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning girls:)

    I did the sit up challenge...i managed to do 210 situps non stop...boy was my abs hurting..and later on that evening i *tried* to meditate but fell asleep...i was really tired from everything i did throughout the day...

    Have a great day!!!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    ..and later on that evening i *tried* to meditate but fell asleep...i was really tired from everything i did throughout the day...

    Try getting up a bit earlier and doing it first thing in the morning. I have started getting up 30 minutes early for a quiet cup of coffee and reflection. I use to set my alarm for 5 minutes before I had to be at work (I live in an apartment at the house I work at, so no commute time). It has been so nice to have the extra time in the mornings even if it means getting up earlier.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    ..and later on that evening i *tried* to meditate but fell asleep...i was really tired from everything i did throughout the day...

    Try getting up a bit earlier and doing it first thing in the morning. I have started getting up 30 minutes early for a quiet cup of coffee and reflection. I use to set my alarm for 5 minutes before I had to be at work (I live in an apartment at the house I work at, so no commute time). It has been so nice to have the extra time in the mornings even if it means getting up earlier.

    Thanks Bleux! I will try geting up early. I don't get much sleep at night becasue my son (who's 4) comes to are ( hubby's and mine) bed and sleeps right on top of me...the joys of being a mother..lol..
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Shredder and Bleux- I see evenings are bad for you too! I swear, once 3:00 rolls around, the pantry needs to be bolted! I hate evenings. So I try not to let the gremlins get me too bad. Last night, I went to visit with a friend and on the way home, I did so want to stop at Sonic for something- anything!!! But my friend with me said, "No, you are not going to get food this late." (It was 9:30) SO after I dropped her at home, I went home, brushed my teeth, and went ot bed! This morning a drop ion weight!!! YAY! Not huge, but a drop. So I will pray the gremlins away from you too! k
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    kbhobbs: I wish your students had an opportunity to ride horses. It constantly amazes me at how much our riders accomplish. Sometimes the things you can't get a student to do in the classroom will be easy for them on the horse. Those who use wheelchairs get to feel the motion of walking from the horse, which is also amazing. I can't say enough for what horses can do for people! The link between horses and autism is remarkable, as well.

    Crawline: I love the new pic! Fun!

    Shredder: Evenings are terrible. I was doing awesome until I got home from therapeutic riding and was hungry. Well, we ended up ordering a pizza and I ended up going over on calories. Now I have to be very good today to make up for it. Grr...why can't I get the eating thing under control?
  • icount4u
    icount4u Posts: 10
    Found you!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Crawline: I love the new pic! Fun!

    Thank you! I did a photoshoot a couple of years ago, I have about 200 pictures of high heels and fishnets, it was sooo hard to choose!!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Yesterday was a bad day for me....ate too much JUNK and did not get to workout. I was busy all day! My uncle was on the offshore rig that exploded, so the morning was spent worrying about him (he is fine thank God, but continuing to pray for the lost and their families). Then I got home and cleaned my house some (put up laundry, swept, cooked supper, etc.). Then I had some work stuff that HAD to be finished, so did not get my workout in. I really am disappointed in myself. I hope to get my walking in today and possibly meditation. Still working on the ab challenge. I would love to get it done!! I need some ab work! Today has been better by far! Hope to keep it up!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    calcote: I'm so glad to hear your uncle is fine. I'm sending prayers to those who have not yet been found.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    So I am slacking on the challenges this week... I just started the actual 200 situps program even though me and my trainer do ABs when we meet. So far this week I have worked out 3 days (Mon-Wed) and will be headed to the gym again today after a dr appointment.
    I am so slacking on my eating this week, but for me its week 2 of hard core training with my trainer and my metabolism is cranked and I can't seem to get full!! Trying to at least keep it healthy though.
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