High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Just an update...so far we've lost 37.5 lbs...but we're still missing 35 people!!! (out of 60)

    Keep the pounds coming!!!
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    SW: 158

    CW: 155
    I lost the 3lbs I lost then gained back but now they are lost again...hopefully forever. The challenge was so helpful this week, I haven't gone over my calories at all and have had one day off from exercising since Friday and I feel great!

    Great job this week ladies! And for everyone who didn't have a loss..remember this isn't usual weigh in day so maybe if you weigh tomorrow you will see a loss :) I'm hoping thats the case for me, anyway!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    I had a dream I went to weigh in and i was down 4lbs and was the "biggest loser" for the week...
    Not the case in the real world, but I still went down 0.8 lbs so thats better than nothing and better than a gain.

    Shredder, it'll come, just keep up the hard work I know you are doing!!!!!
    Allie, have a blast in Vegas!!!

    Everyone else, have a GREAAAAAAAAAT weekend :)
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Was thrown for a loop by the Thursday weigh-in. I thought I was on track for a loss finally this week, but I ate some yummy Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo. While my calories weren't too bad, I think the sodium was a little too high, so no weight loss again this week. :sad:
    Next week I will hit the 125 mark..........I just know it. :wink:
  • krcpugs
    krcpugs Posts: 16
    LW: 171
    CW: 166.2
    Loss this week: 4.8:bigsmile:

    I contribute this weeks weight loss to being able to get back to my heavy cardio/jogging this week after a five week hiatus from shoulder surgery. YEAH.

    Happy Mothers Day to all of you out there!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Doing good, ladies, keep it up....er, down!
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    I'm here!!! Although fairly late in my day, it's been crazy!! So I weighed myself yesterday when I was at the gym because I knew I wouldn't have a chance today, so I'm down the .5 from last week! Going with

    167 this week!

    Not overly impressed with myself, buy every bit counts!!
    Have a great time in VEGAS Allie!!
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all
    did weigh in today and the same 205 however I have been off plan all week. much better today. I will not be exercising for a month at least I have a completly torn ACL and partial medial meniscual tear so will be wearing a brace for a while. surgeon said not to get surgery do to the fact I have arthritis in my knee from all the damage I have given it over the years so I have no idea what I can do now. will have to really stick to the meal plan. good luck to all
  • jgstrawberry
    jgstrawberry Posts: 9 Member
    Okay... I am extremely frustrated. I have only GAINED since joining MFP! I have been eating all of my calories and exercising 35 minutes EVERY day. I am breastfeeding my baby who is 10 weeks old... I am not sure if this has anything to do with it. ??? I was so discouraged that I ate bad today and almost didn't come on here to post. I wanted to give up :( I forced myself to come on and noticed that I wasn't the only one who had a bad week. I just hope that things start going down soon.

    CW: 130
  • LycraLegs
    LycraLegs Posts: 62 Member
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WEEK 3 WEIGHT CHECK IN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Starting weight 105.7kg = 233 pounds = 16 stone 9lbs
    Current weight 99.6kg = 219.5 pounds = 15 stone 9.5lbs
    Goal weight 82.6kg = 182 pounds = 13st


    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WEEK 3 WEIGHT CHECK IN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry Allie and Shredder for posting my weight too later, I forgot you girls switched it to Thursday (only for this week)...Allie Have a nice time in Vegas..

    Weigh in week 3

    LW: 211
    CW: 207.4
    GW: 160

    I lost almost 4 pounds...finally i got the hang of things :)
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Oh my goodness! I began the 30 day shred last night and I think I am going to die!! :wink:

    I will admit that I had to try it twice to get the first 20 minute workout done! I did get it done (as well as walk/jog a mile) and I am so glad! :bigsmile:

    I usually give up when things are tough, but I stuck with it. I can't wait to see what happens over the next 30 days!! If you have never tried this and are looking for a quick but intense workout...this is it! I love that it is 6 minute circuits and that each circuit is different. It keeps you from getting too exhausted! Just wanted to share!! Have a good weekend everyone!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    jgstrawberry: I recommend speaking to your doctor about what your calorie requirements should be while breastfeeding. I personally do not think MFP calculates the proper amount of calories and my doctor agrees.

    pmortlip: Since you have to rest your lower body, do some punches (jab, hook, upper cut, etc.) because they get your heartrate up without having to incorporate your legs. Just a thought.

    Pos_Me: Way to go with losing 4 lbs. this week. That's amazing!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Holy Cow- Looks like Krcpugs may be the one to beat this week, -4.8lbs, I'm GOBSMACKED:noway: :noway:
    Sooooo delighted for you.

    HUGE shout outs to positvely_me -3.6 and to Bee28 -3 pounds. These are really major losses and you should be so proud of yourselves!!!

    Cchange- Don't you dare even think about losing the "will"...come on now, if I had a dime for each time wanted to throw in the towel I'd be a wealthy woman. We own this weight, but it's still just a number. Try switch gears in your approach to weight loss, look forward to the process rather then fixating on the end results...how you FEEL rather then how you look. Beauty does come from the inside and you're GORGEOUS!!!! Now, get out there today and move your body :flowerforyou:

    I was on the pity train a bit yesterday but I took my own advise, got my butt to the gym and had a stellar workout. I'm kinda like you calcote5, I tend to give up if things aren't lining up to my grandmaster plan. Not this time. I have to keep going and hope that next week I'll see some results.
    Happy Friday my friends
    :heart: S.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I'm bummed to say I didnt lose this week...still at 145. Which actually seems quite impossible considering Ive been working out two fold and eating within my calories EVERY day...so I'm going to attribute a lot of it to water and expect a big number next week!!

    Anyways...what you've all been waiting for:

  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    And this weeks biggest loser is...

    Krcpugs!!! an amazing 2.81% loss.
    I just wanted to say amazing job to purdyfrl, not far behind with 2.49% and 6.1lbs lost!!!

    The over all biggest loser so far is...ncole1!!!!! 4.02%...WOW!!!

    Krcpugs gets the honor of picking this weeks challenge!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Congrats to Krcpugs, Purdyfrl, and ncole1!!!!

    Krcpugs- cant wait to see your challenge. I hope it truly is challenging this week! I need a swift kick in the butt this coming week... I want to show some results!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Just a FRIENDLY reminder...if you miss two consecutive weigh-ins (meaning youve been MIA for 3 weeks) you'll be taken off the spreadsheet. If it's a problem to weigh in on Fridays for you please shoot me a message to let me know. People who havent weighed in are highlited in gray. Thanks guys!
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Checking In

    CW 169

    Yay I"m in the "160's". I know only by one pound but I'll take it.
  • Oh No! I forgot that check in was yesterday this week!! I did lose 0.4 lbs, not much but it's a loss!
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