High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    OH and Chris, I did pretty good with your challenge, I love that it made me aware of how much water I was drinking. I usually drink 60-80oz/day and I managed to drink more this week all thanks to you! :smile: so I'm going to continue with this challenge!! My problem is drinking pop. I have switched to drinking diet, and I'm down to a couple a week, but I just can't help the fizzy deliciousness of it! Haha I have come a far way from my days of pop for breaky, lunch and dinner!!

    Can't wait for our challenge this week!

    Keep up the great work ladies!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    starting 226lbs.
    last week 169.2lbs.
    this week april 30,2010 same 169.2
    atleast i didn't gained.
  • foxywife75
    foxywife75 Posts: 59 Member
    Week 3

    Whoooooo!!! My plateau is over.
    CW - 227.7 lbs

    Still working on the 200 sit-up challenge, on WK2D2 of it so far.
    I won't be able to complete the water challenge......just not possible for me to drink that much. I never used to even drink 1 glass per day. Yesturday I drank 12 glasses.....that's the most I've ever done. On an average I am drinking 6-9 glasses.
    Good luck everyone!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    I've had a rough week too! Just can't get with it lol! I was really surprised to see my weight this morning...149.2! I have been weighing every few days and have not been happy with what I've seen...yesterday I was 151. My husband says it's from drinking so much water, but I hate to see the numbers go up! I know I'm only down .2 pounds, but it makes me happy anyway lol!! Didn't meet my 5 pound goal, but I am hoping to lose at least 7 by my birthday (May 29).

    I have done great with the water challenge! I feel so much better!! Still haven't had the chance to do the ab challenge, but am going to start it tonight. I am also planning to start the 30 Day Shred tonight. Just have to hook up my DVD player. Hopefully the little one will cooperate. The hubby will be out of town for a ballgame, so no help from him tonight!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Well, my plateau is over too- but up, not down! My current weight is 170. I hoped not to see the 7 as the second digit again. And I wanted Allie to name me winner! I guess I will have to try next week. Good luck, everyone!!! k
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all,
    I am in such a good mood today, it's beautiful outside, I have the day off and I lost 4 lbs last week !!!!!!


    CW: 189.8

    Now I did get a new scale mid week and that put me up 2.2 lbs higher than my old scale so I have a favor to ask of Allie.
    Could you change my whole chart to reflect my new scale measurements???? I would be really grateful.

    It would make my stats as follows
    SW on HHFN: 195.4
    Last week: 193.8
    CW: 189.8
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Okay so I had a horrible week and it really shows in my weigh in. I ate completely off diet and due to my sister being in the hospital for surgery mon and tues I was unable to work out and by wed i was too tired. I did do 2 miles yesterday but the great thing about losing weight is that you can start new everyday. This is a lifestyle change so I'm not going to let this week get down.

    SW 204
    Last Week 200
    CW 202

    so I gained two pounds but i am determined that next week will be better!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I'm fairly happy with this week, especially since its TOM! yikes!

    SW: 225
    Last week: 219
    CW: 217
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 172.6
    Week 2 Weigh in: 169.4 (-3.2)
    Week 3 Weigh in: 167.8 (-1.6)
    Super Goal Weight: 130
    Current size: 14

    This week was an off week...
    Monday: Trainer
    Tuesday No exercise due to taking dog to the Vets
    Wednesday: Cardio and Trainer
    Thursday: swim and Cardio
    Friday: Shooting for Trainer and some cardio

    I know that my problem is eating and I am setting my GOALS and Committing...
    Just a little quote from my former bootcamp trainer: Step into my office Body Fat, we need to talk. Shut the door. I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go. No, no don't make this harder than it has to be. Go ahead and clean out your saddlebags and love handles and hit the road!
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Okay i just had my boyfiend to add me to his gym membership and it's a pretty basic gym. They have treadmills, stationary bikes, eliptical machines, free weights, ab and leg machines, various other machines that i'm not quite sure what they do and they also offer free classes like ab attack, cardio and core, core stretch, sculpt and burn, strength and tone, kick boxing, cardio blast, abs & back...

    Basically I have no clue what i should start out doing... would you guys recommend i go to any of those classes at first. All i've ever done is walk/jog. I have never really worked out any other way...

    What do ya'll do when you go to the gym?

    I have a great workout that I could send you or post here for everyone that my trainer gave me. It is a 4 day work out and really burn the calories too!!
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Okay i just had my boyfiend to add me to his gym membership and it's a pretty basic gym. They have treadmills, stationary bikes, eliptical machines, free weights, ab and leg machines, various other machines that i'm not quite sure what they do and they also offer free classes like ab attack, cardio and core, core stretch, sculpt and burn, strength and tone, kick boxing, cardio blast, abs & back...

    Basically I have no clue what i should start out doing... would you guys recommend i go to any of those classes at first. All i've ever done is walk/jog. I have never really worked out any other way...

    What do ya'll do when you go to the gym?

    I have a great workout that I could send you or post here for everyone that my trainer gave me. It is a 4 day work out and really burn the calories too!!

    I would love for you to post that! I welcome any and all suggestions!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Okay so I had a horrible week and it really shows in my weigh in. I ate completely off diet and due to my sister being in the hospital for surgery mon and tues I was unable to work out and by wed i was too tired. I did do 2 miles yesterday but the great thing about losing weight is that you can start new everyday. This is a lifestyle change so I'm not going to let this week get down.

    SW 204
    Last Week 200
    CW 202

    so I gained two pounds but i am determined that next week will be better!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Hi Lauryn,
    Sorry for what you are going through this week.
    You definitely have the right attitude though. You can't quit this because there is nothing to quit. It's not a diet it's just your life now.
    Keep your head up girl. You'll see 199.9 before you know it :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Meokk- Thanks for the encouragement it really does help!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning all:

    Week 3 weigh in
    SW: 209.9
    Last week: 207.9
    CW: 209.0

    2 pound gain..but it's ok..

    Good luck to all!
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all
    last week 208
    today 205
    goal 150

    Think I will be no exercise for several weeks I can barely walk. after hurting myself last night. I have a phone call into one of my orthopedic surgons friends to check out my x-rays. the amount of pain I am having and not being able to walk much there must be some damage.
    better note I had increased my water intake 5-6 glasses per day to about 12. maybe that is why I saw a big weight loss this week have a great day ladies I will check back often since I can only sit and be on computer, read or watch tv.
  • It's about that time again! FRIDAY! TGIF!!!

    SW: 203
    Last week's weight: 197
    CW: 193.4
    GW: 145!

    :) LOVE YOU ALL!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Well I've got good news and bad news.
    I'll start with the bad news...I didn't lose anything this week :(
    But the good news is that I DIDN'T GAIN.
    I am the same.... at 172.2

    I am confused. On saturday and sunday I was down to 170.3...How possible is it for me to gain 2 lbs thru the week and then the weekends are my best???? I just don't get it. Oh well. Starting fresh this weekend and next week.
    DEFINITELY gotta get more exercise in and better food choices :) I am heading out of town this weekend with my roomie. We're heading to her home town (also where my parents live)...Wish me luck with healthy eating choices this weekend! I know I won't be getting any exercise in :(
  • Cchange
    Cchange Posts: 18
    Mornin' everyone!

    It's Friday... I was hoping to have lost all the extra weight I had gained last week but didn't. However, I'm feeling much better and have been active all week so I'm happy :happy: I have been doing pretty good with the water challenge. Getting 60-80oz a day and that's much better than before.

    CW: 170.2

    pmortlip: I hope you're okay and nothing major is wrong. Heal fast and I hope you feel better soon!
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Checking In

    SW 180
    CW 170.6

    Met my mini goal by 1/2 pound. Goal 170 by 5/1
  • Cchange
    Cchange Posts: 18
    I am confused. On saturday and sunday I was down to 170.3...How possible is it for me to gain 2 lbs thru the week and then the weekends are my best???? I just don't get it. Oh well. Starting fresh this weekend and next week.

    I'm not sure why this happens but last time I lost a lot of weight (before I gained it all back... let's not go there) I would weigh everyday. I noticed that Mon and Tue I would gain weight and then by Thur I would loose 1-3 lbs. It's strange but I ended up making Thursdays be my weigh in day. Of course, before I was doing Body-for-Life and Sat. was usually my cheat day. So maybe you do good through the week and it shows on the weekend. Not sure if that helped at all but at least you know you're not alone. :smile:
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