High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • I love turbo jam!
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    4 workouts by Monday!! I am in! I have some true religion jeans calling my name and hawt damn I will fit them if my life depends on it!!

    Today I am doing 30 day shred - L2D3
    andd perhaps going for a run after (its raining right now soo I might not end up getting the run in)

    Tomorrow I am doing No More Trouble Zones

    Friday is 30 day shred (L2D4)and run (again - depending on the weather)

    Saturday is No More Trouble Zones AND 30 days shred (L2D5)

    We're all on our way to becoming even SEXIER ladies!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris, Pos_Me and Cogirl: Welcome! I'm so glad you're joining me here. Now I can stalk you extra! Haha

    Crawline: I love the planning and dedication. Where does one find True Religion jeans? I've never heard of them before but now I want to find them to see what size I can fit into. I love having goal clothes!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I am a breastfeeding mother of a six month old who needs to lose 30 pounds by August 28th to be the Matron of Honor in my cousin´s wedding. I want to look as good, if not better, than I did when I got pregnant. Think I can do it?

    Cris I can't believe you've never worn high heels? and even mom's deserve to feel sexy I think it is a must to keep ur sanity and to keep t he sparks with ur hubby so I say we get slim and sexy and get some high heels & fishnets to celebrate !hahaha
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    :flowerforyou: Hello Folks - I know Heather and well I too would like to join in on this adventure. Some of the other groups I joined seemed to have simmered down. So let me start fresh.

    SW:259 (Sept '09):sad:
    CW:191.5 :bigsmile:
    Goal weight:175:noway:

    I have gone from a 26W down to a 16/18 which I haven't been since High school. Wowee! I am adjusting to the smaller me but still have some trouble feeling good about what I have accomplished. :blushing: Can't wait to see what words of encouragement and fun I get from everyone :tongue:

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    nolachick: I agree with you! Cris does need some sexy high heels to knock the socks off her honey!

    Cris: If we lived near each other, I'd even go shoe shopping with you! Have I ever mentioned I LOVE shoe shopping? It doesn't even matter if I get to buy the shoes or not! I helped the boyfriend pick out new running shoes last night and even gave him my $10 off coupon and didn't buy any shoes for myself. I might have a problem.

    My name is Heather and I'm a shoe-shopping-aholic AND a scale-aholic.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay, Kristy is here! Welcome to the group!

    Please participate in the mini-challenge of working out four times by Monday. It's the little jump start we all need to get going!
  • Ahhh... it really DID help! Thanks :)
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all I am in for the mini work out challenge. when did it start have exercised mon ,tue and wed so far and plan to exercise each day I will be in washington dc on friday will not be back home until late friday night. I can either post thursday am or when I get hom friday night what will work best for you all. thanks I really need this motivation.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in on the mini-challenge, 5.5 mile run today then 1hr TRX circuit class. Crawford10 I'm definitely excited about the marathon thing, have you picked a race yet? I think that's the real motivation I need, one I pay the money I can't back out!
  • FitFifty
    FitFifty Posts: 8 Member
    My friends are throwing candy and chocolates at me but I'm not giving in... the pain!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm in !!
    Heather invited me from the other group I'm in with her.

    I cannot wait to get into some sexy fashionable clothes. Even though they have saved my butt with their larger sizes in the past few years....I AM SO SICK OF WEARING GAP and OLD NAVY !!!!!

    I'm all about the shoe shopping too, count me in .
    Hajohnson & Chris - we could go cyber shopping together on Zappos, ooohh since it's imaginary, let's do Zappos Couture!!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    :heart: FitFifty, I LOVE what you posted on your personal profile. So much about us as women is a reaction to how one perceives us. We need to throw caution to the wind and live our lives as we chose to. Reading it tonight inspired me...so for that I thank you:heart:
    have you guys checked out how many hits we've had in the last couple of days and I think it was only Monday night when I started this thread. There is a serious buzz around this group and I'm delighted. I welcome you all with an open heart and huge cyber hug:love:

    Many of you have began Heathers workout challenge which is great, it's a start. Get moving any way you can and take the credit for it ,weather its walking the dog, mowing the lawn (yes, I do this bi-weekly) 30 day shred.....log it in your exercise tab and be proud.
    Next week I'm throwing out a challenge....are you ready? I'm gonna call on one of you of YOU to name it!!!! You must weigh in on Friday to be in the lotto. You think you signed onto a team where you log in and all the work is done for you? Uh Uh!!!
    I'm gonna pick a name based on your show of commitment over the last week and challenge YOU to come up with a Mon-Fri goal for the team.
    So, get your thinking caps on dolls and get ready to kill it!!!!!
  • gnakazawa
    gnakazawa Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there...I sure hope it's not too late to join the fun! I absolutely want to "own" my sexiness, curves, and just plain feel gorgeous. So please count me in!
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    Always looking for new ways to keep motivated. This is great. I feel that the accouontability is what keeps me on track and would have dropped off a while ago if I didn't have to check in with all my new friends, no judgement.
    Count me in and let me know how i can do this.
  • I'm new to the message boards -- pretty new to MFP, too.

    I've hit a plateau and have been really discouraged -- maybe this will help.

    CW: 283.0
    GW: 140

    My next mini goal is 256 -- 10% from the last 10% I hit.

    I hope I can find this thread again :)
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    staring weight 211 april 1 2010
    today weight 209 april 15 2010
    1st goal 190 june 5 relay for life
    2nd goal 175 august 6th vacation LA and Grand canyon
    3rd goal 150 Dec. 2010

    hope this is ok.
    hope am I to find the new thread or will we be under high heels and fishnets.
    thanks have a great day
    off to washington for the tax day protest.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Ooh, I love the idea of putting someone on the spot to come up with a mini-challenge! I've got additional mini-challenges in my mind in case the roulette wheel should fall on me.

    Welcome to the two new members who joined since I last checked in yesterday. I hope you love it here as much as I do!

    Meokk: Welcome to our group. I'm so glad you joined us. I love you gals from Over 200!

    Yesterday I worked out to Core Rhythms and Dirty Dancing Workout because apparently I felt like dancing! Plus, I thought a less intense workout would be good considering I'm hoping to do a C25K workout tonight and need my legs to not feel like jelly even before I start!

    Hope you're all off to a good start to your Thursday!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    staring weight 211 april 1 2010
    today weight 209 april 15 2010
    1st goal 190 june 5 relay for life
    2nd goal 175 august 6th vacation LA and Grand canyon
    3rd goal 150 Dec. 2010

    hope this is ok.
    hope am I to find the new thread or will we be under high heels and fishnets.
    thanks have a great day
    off to washington for the tax day protest.

    Good luck with your trip and tax protest.
    Taxes :devil: Don't you just love them!!!!:sad:

    So tomorrow is the big day. Remember I was undecided weather to pig out this week or try to have a decent weigh in, well the former happened and I can truely say that I am not going to lie when I post tomorrow cause that number is going to be out of control.:huh:
    BUT....I have a plan that I'm putting into action first thing in the morning.:drinker:
    Any of you familiar with Tosca Reno and Clean Eating? She's a gorgeous 50+ woman who was in a crappy marriage and really was overweight with no confidence or ambition. Through strength and cardio training and eating clean she turned her life around, became a fitness competitor, author, new wife etc etc.
    So I bought her 2nd book "The Eat Clean Diet Recharged" and in it she posts a "Cooler 1" and "Cooler 2" - 2 week plan.
    Cooler 1 is for a faster weight loss- up to 10lbs in 2 weeks. It's tough but totally doable. You eat 6 times a day (thus the cooler, you literally prepare your food for the day and lug the cooler with you to work etc ), cut out all sugers, load up on fruit, veggies, chicken, fish- and stay as close to food in its most natural and unprocessed state as possible. Working out is a huge part of the process.....and tomorrow I am going for it 100%.
    Gonna print the page out, get to the grocery store, buy and prepare all the food I need for the next 2 days (will shop again in 2 days, want to keep things as fresh as possible) and begin.
    Am I nuts to start this going in to the weekend. Maybe! but, I HAVE to get a handle on this weight and there's no time like the present.
    Anyone care to join me on the Cooler gig? Let me know. I start tomorrow....say a prayer for me :ohwell:
    As they say...." A goal without a plan is just a wish"
    What's your PLAN for next week?
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Shredder, good luck!!!! I know you can do it!!
    I'll be cheering for you :)
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