High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Alli that is an amazing chart. Thank you for all the hard work. Ladies we are on our way!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    oh shoot i forgot to put in my weight on here yesterday

    it was 150.2 lbs. I'll mention it next friday as well along with next weeks's weigh in so it can be added to the chart
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    by the way, thanks for making such an amazing chart and keeping track of all this!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Okay... So, I am hitting bottom for the first time since I really started trying to lose weight (1/1/2010) I am so depressed. I workout extremely hard and dont see any results -hardly. I am so happy that I can tell my endurance is up, but I can feel myself giving up. On top of all of that, I have been rather happy that my scale has been telling me I am 174ish... Now, understand this is not where I want to be... but better than 185! However, this week I learned that my scale is for sure broken. I compared on two different scales and they both read much higher than mine at home :( Like... back around original weight. ughh

    After all of this happened, I just really let this week go. I gave up trying really. I went to my gym classes, but not as much as I usually do. I let my food take over! I never went above 1,800 calories, but my goal is 1,200! I don't know what to do. I don't want to be in a slump. I want to show results. I have been at this for almost 5 months and only 8 lbs-maybe....

    One positive is that at my gym class last night a lady asked me "how much weight have you lost?" That made me feel better... it came out of nowhere. I think I was really flattered because she is the star pupil of the class-so named by me :D. She really is fabulous!

    I will weigh in later when I get around my scale. Dont know how much I can trust it though. I hate that I am already feeling sluggish today - partly due to the bad weather here- I believe I can blame some of it on my bad eating habits this week as well! I don't even feel like exercising today- but hopefully I will tonight at home. At least a little something.

    I'm sorry for your frustrations. I have experienced this whic has caused me to gain more weight than ever because I gave up. PLEASE DON'T I'm learning that losing weight is a journey that we must embrace. We can do it. Try to switch up your foods and exercise routines.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello All,

    congrats on everyone who has lost weight. Thank you Allie for the chart it gave me a little bit more encouragement.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    on a completely unrelated note. I have changed my profile pic. this is a picture of my 18 year old daughter and her boyfriend going to last night's senior prom. :heart: she has been accepted in to a major university starting in August and I couldn't be more proud. :sad: I just wanted to show her off, so thank you all for indulging me.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    She is beautiful!!! I love the dress!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    So sorry I missed weigh-in yesterday. I'm now at 219 (down 3 lbs from last week!) :smile:

    I would LOVE to be under 200 by July 4th. That's my short-term goal! What a great day to celebrate freedom and my freedom from the pounds! I haven't been under 200 since I was in middle school, 20 years ago! :noway:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    allie you did a wonderful job on the chart.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Thanks! I hope it's easy for everyone to read. I can't wait to see the percentages and pounds lost grow!!

    I definitely think we can hit our one ton goal...which would be a total loss of 19%
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    83 pounds in one week is awesome! Thanks Allie for doing the chart. Maybe we should set a group goal of losing at least 100 pounds a week. We might have hit it this week (counting the 11 people we missed)!
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    Heya the chart is amazin thanks Allie!!

    I have had abit of an alcohol indulging weekend with a heavy night last night! I have gotta be careful today that I dont eat a pile of junk to cure my hangover now!
    Did fit in a 40 minute swim this morning which i was chuffed with :)

    Well done everyone on the amazing weight loss!
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Heya the chart is amazin thanks Allie!!

    I have had abit of an alcohol indulging weekend with a heavy night last night! I have gotta be careful today that I dont eat a pile of junk to cure my hangover now!
    Did fit in a 40 minute swim this morning which i was chuffed with :)

    Well done everyone on the amazing weight loss!

    The best cure I found was a banana smoothie made with fresh Banana, low fat yogurt and honey will make you feel tons better.
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all
    just back from the food store bought all my meals for the week and I am ready to go tomorrow is my real weigh in day and I took a peek this am and I think I will be down 2-3 by the am. feel really good. have also increased my water intake think that has also helped. enjoy the rest of your sunday . Let have a happy week. I will continue with my same fitness program 30 -40 mintues at the gym m-f
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Congrats to all of you who saw a loss this week! I'm so impressed with everyone's dedication! You're all so awesome.

    You may have noticed that I have a new profile pic. It was my birthday this weekend, and I wore the dress to go out to dinner with my boyfriend, his sister and his brother in law. I admit that I wore one of those shaper undergarments to suck in the gut a bit. Well, when we got home, I took it off and guess what? It wasn't sucking me in much because there wasn't much of a difference without it. The pic is without the shaper. I had my boyfriend take it because I told him I needed to post it on MFP. You gals are such an inspiration. Can you believe this was the first time I'd worn a dress in four years?!? And it was my first time wearing the high zip-up boots...I felt sexy in them!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! I know I did.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Happy belated Birthday!!!

    You're a little hottie!!! I love the new picture!
  • HI, I would like to join in.

    My weight is 202lbs, target weight is 172lbs by 25th September

    Is weigh in day every Sunday?....How do I find out which task we are doing this week?

  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    HI, I would like to join in.

    My weight is 202lbs, target weight is 172lbs by 25th September

    Is weigh in day every Sunday?....How do I find out which task we are doing this week?



    Weigh-in is on Fridays. Challenges are suppose to be weekly, but unless I have just missed it, we haven't received a new one this week.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Happy Monday, ladies! I don't know about you all, but I am jonesing to go back to the gym. Had sick kids last week, so I wasn't able to go, but they are feeling much better today, wonderful! Also on Saturday night, I went out on a date with The Man. Popcorn at the movies, french fries and a BIG margarita at the restaurant....woo! I was so afraid to get on the scale the next day that I didn't do it til 6 PM. And of course the scale said I had gained over 3 pounds! :sad: But this morning when I got on, it said I was back down to 175.3 again, which is just a little over what I weighed in at on Friday. The date was totally worth it though. I :heart: The Man. Especially because he takes all the leftovers to work for lunch so I don't eat them. :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Great job ladies! Thanks to ALLIE for a great job on the spreadsheet!

    i agree with another post - this week we should aim for 100lbs as a group! that would be awesome:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

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