High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I can do about about 5 half pushups (on my knees). I hate, hate, hate pushups and have no idea how to get where I can actually do a few.

    the challenge for situps also has challenges for squats, pushups, etc. Here's a link. You can also log how many you do, etc


    I really hate pushups too
  • mykidsmom
    mykidsmom Posts: 11
    Try doing the push-ups with your hands on the side of a yoga ball pushing out from a wall.....major burn!!!!! :)
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Found you.

    Woo hoo! Was I supposed to weigh in on Friday the 16th? I was 192 - the same I am now.:grumble: I missed Heather's challenge for the 4xwk workout - I only did 2x last week only because it has been a hectic weekend. Normally though I make it my mission to go workout 4Xwk.

    The sit up challenge - is to do 200 at one time? No stopping? If so I am going to try that this week for the new goal. Meditation - I fell asleep trying it :laugh: - guess i was more tired than I thought. But will try again! :huh:

    This week I am back on track when you have multiple events going it's hard to get online and stay on point. To another week :drinker:

  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello All,

    Today has been a crazy day for me. I used to get stressed out and stuff something bad in my mouth but today I didn't and I was proud of myself because I was starving. I packed a lunch but wasn't able to eat it. I missed the challenges for this week. But I am in the 200 sit up challenge. ?? are they full sit ups or just crunches. I'm going to attempt full situps tonight. I'm pretty sure I won't be at 200 but I will do them until cry lol I am also going to do the meditation challenge(I need that0

    My ankle is twisted and it hurts so no aerobic exercise tonight but I will do the sit ups and push ups and light house cleaning.

    I hope you ladies have a beautiful day.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi everyone,
    There seems to be a bit of confusion about the challenges for this week .......
    1. 200 sit ups challenge
    2. meditate for 15+ minutes

    The sit ups challenge is not to try and do 200 right away but congrats if you can. The challenge is to start the 200 sit ups training program found at http://www.twohundredsitups.com/index.html After doing a initial test, the program takes you through regimes that you do 3-4 times per week culminating with the ability to do 200 in a row. This might take you 3 weeks, it might take you 3 months but all the time you will be getting stronger.

    Cris (seen above) got me into doing this about 2 months ago and we both just managed to do the 200 in a row this week.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hello All,

    Today has been a crazy day for me. I used to get stressed out and stuff something bad in my mouth but today I didn't and I was proud of myself because I was starving. I packed a lunch but wasn't able to eat it. I missed the challenges for this week. But I am in the 200 sit up challenge. ?? are they full sit ups or just crunches. I'm going to attempt full situps tonight. I'm pretty sure I won't be at 200 but I will do them until cry lol I am also going to do the meditation challenge(I need that0

    My ankle is twisted and it hurts so no aerobic exercise tonight but I will do the sit ups and push ups and light house cleaning.

    I hope you ladies have a beautiful day.

    Hey tjones,
    It's crunches, they show you the correct form on the website http://www.twohundredsitups.com/index.html
    May the ab gods be with you:flowerforyou:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi everyone. i did 50 situps in a roll today, this morning.
    tomorrow i'm going to try to do 50 again.
    50 squats
    help my dad with his buisness tomorrow
    help him mow grass with a push mower, since his lawnmower broke.
    take our little dog for walks
    brazil butt lift
    stretches 15 min.
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    hello all
    great job done by all !!!!keep at it !!!!!.
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope everyone's week is going good.
    Did W1D1 of 200 sit up program last night and walked 3 miles today. Going to do w1d2 of the 200 sit ups tomorrow night.

    Have been pretty good about staying in my calorie range but ate over my calories today. Was craving Zaxbys and I had been doing so good so I decided to get some... but when I ate it, it wasn't as good as I had remembered it being. And it definitely wasn't worth the dang 900 calories that I looked up and found out it was. OMG!!!

    So tomorrow I'm definitely going to have to either do walk away the pounds dvd or biggest loser bootcamp plus walking/jogging 3 miles and doing the sit up challenge.

    Hope everyone is having a good night and the challenges are going well for you all!
  • scorpiongirl9000
    scorpiongirl9000 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to join the group if it isn't to late. Just let me know what I have to do to get started. Thanks!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Have been pretty good about staying in my calorie range but ate over my calories today. Was craving Zaxbys and I had been doing so good so I decided to get some... but when I ate it, it wasn't as good as I had remembered it being. And it definitely wasn't worth the dang 900 calories that I looked up and found out it was. OMG!!!

    I can relate. I always remember those things as tasting sooo good and feeling a little deprived. But then when I eat it, it isn't half as satisfying as I had planned and then have major guilt and failure feelings! I wish I could capture that feeling so that the next time I get a craving I can just go... loooook! See how it made you feel last time, it isn't worth it!!
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    Argh, its only 930 am here and I am really struggling. Its one of those days, and all I want is to eat, eat, eat!!! :(
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alynn: I call days like you're having today "hungry days." When my boyfriend and I mention having a "hungry day" we both know we need to start thinking of a healthy dinner to have together to keep us from going way overboard. Good luck to you because I know how hard those days are!

    Kristy: That's great that you fell asleep meditating. I haven't done it yet this week, but I'll probably have the same problem. I thought about doing it last night, then went to bed instead.

    Meokk: Last night I meant to start the situp challenge, but forgot while I was doing laundry and reading the new Womens Health and Self magazines that came in the mail. I'll get started on it soon, I promise. Super busy week...

    Tonight is the first night of our therapeutic riding season, so I'm excited. I love seeing the riders after being away from them for six months and visiting with fellow volunteers. Good times! I'll spend about 3-4 hours walking around the arena, so it's good exercise without trying. Yay!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    this week's challenge has not been very successful. I haven't given myself ME time but think I will do it today.
    as for the situps challenge I was about to do 50 in a row so that's not too bad. i will try to pick up on the challenge again today
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    I hope everyone's having a great week! So far, I haven't found the time to meditate...actually I have had time but I always feel like there's something I could and should be doing but I am going to try for the rest of the week to find 15 mins every day to forget about everything and relax. I did 43 sit-ups for the intial test..woo hoo! I'll be doing them again tonight too! For the past 2 weeks I have had this up, down, up , down on the scale. Last friday i was at 158 then saturday 156.5 then monday 160. The same thing happened last week.. what the heck!? I changed my routine a little this week so hopefully by Friday I will be down again.

    Oh, and I keep meaning to upload pictures b/c it seems so impersonal with the blank face for my profile so my goal is to have a pic up by Friday!

    Have a great day everyone!!:happy:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Good Morning everyone,

    ???? I keep seeing some of you guys talking about the Brazil Butt lift what is that?

    I have failed at the challenges so far but I'm going to try again today.

    Have a good day.
  • pricesus
    pricesus Posts: 10
    The lost is found!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Just a heads up for friday...if you missed the last weigh in or were not on the spreadsheet PLEASE POST last weeks weight along with your new weight (unless you've already sent me a message and I confirmed I added you). If you're already on the spreadsheet please ONLY post this weeks weights!! Thanks...it makes my life sooo much easier :flowerforyou:

    If for whatever reason you know you wont be able to weigh in on fridays you can send me a message (not a post) every thursday...that way I dont miss you!!

    Sorry about all the comments...I would just really hate to miss someone!

    Hope everyones having a wonderful week! Dont forget weigh-in is Friday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie, thanks for the reminders. I'll have to message you with my info tomorrow since I have Friday off of work and won't have access to MFP.

    I'm bummed because I know I'm not going to hit my birthday goal. I'm hovering between 192-194 and am getting sick of it. I've been at this plateau for a month and can't seem to get past it. I'm not giving up, just trying to rethink things. Grr.

    Anyway, hope you're all having a great day!
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