TamLind83 Member


  • I think number 3 is a good challenge. I know I have really been trying to replace most of my drinks with water instead and have been doing pretty well, but don't always drink as much as I should/could.
  • I know this week is already half over, but I'd love to join in for future mini-challenges. I've been on here since last year and lost some weight and then stopped logging for almost a year. After maintaining for nearly a year I recently started to gain again and knew that it was time to return to MFP to help hold me…
  • I stopped logging in December of last year and have managed to maintain. I think that only reason that I haven't gained is because I work 6 to 7 days a week, and am on my feet and moving around the whole time. If it wasn't for that I surely would have gained back what I lost and maybe some more. With that being said I am…
  • Started the program yesterday, but forgot to post my measurements, so here goes: Height: 5' 8" Weight: 183 Waist: 35 Hips: 45.5 Thigh: 26.5 Calf: 15.5 Chest: 36 Arms: 14 %BF: 33.6
  • I am restarting today! I have done level one 3 times all with about 4 days in between, but I am committed this time.
  • I've been wondering the same thing since so many challenges have people that post pictures.
  • I'm in. I just recently started, but need to do something like this to keep myself motivated. Can someone tell me how to past a picture to the boards? I don't know how. Thanks. You can post it under "circuit training, general". I usually enter 20 minutes since I don't count the warm-up.
  • Yeah, I've had that happen a few times. For me it seems like it happens when I add something new like weight lifting and forget to increase my calories. Once I increase my calories to compensate for the extra I'm burning then I usually start to lose again since my body isn't freaking out and going into starvation mode from…
  • Awesome! Gotta love the surprise NSV like pulling out something you haven't worn in a while only to find out it now fits or is too big. : )
  • Romain, red onion, cucumber, tomato, grilled chicken breast, and dijon mustard on a whole wheat "Sandwich Thin".
  • Yay! Congratulations on your accomplishment thus far! : )
  • Awesome! Congratulations! I actually put on some clothes that I haven't worn for about 4 months and was delighted to find out that they were loose which is awesome since they were super tight and uncomfortable about 4 months ago. : )
  • Plan, plan, and plan again. This is what has really helped me. I plan all my meals a week ahead and do my shopping and prep on one of my days off. I like to prepare things like baked sweet potatoes, the cooked oatmeal I eat every morning, and other things that can be made ahead of time so I don't have to worry about it…
  • A banana with some peanut butter is my go-to. I eat it about 30 minutes before and it keeps me going without giving me a side cramp.
  • Welcome! Good planning on the swim suit thing. I am right there with you in that. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Cheers!
  • Check out thegraciouspantry.com. It has tons and tons of recipes that are super healthy, tasty, and easy to make.
  • When I was barely able to wear my "fat jeans" anymore because I could see the seems pulling and was afraid they might rip open at some point while I was out in public.
  • Well, I weighed in yesterday and was only down a half a pound, but I'll take it for this week since I didn't gain. :) I'm definitely shooting for something better next week, hopefully 2 pounds.
  • I actually just started it a few days ago. It really kicked my in pushups. I already knew I couldn't even do a "girly" one without cheating, but just the multiple attempts made my muscle sore for the next two days. However, I am excited to see what results I achieve from it and I have lost a bit of weight since starting…
  • Boiling it absolutely makes it watery. I recently found this out when I was in a hurry and didn't want to wait an hour for it to cook in the oven. I ended up having to wait for it to cool down so I could scrape it out of the skin and then I put it into a non-stick skillet with a little bit of olive oil and cooked it until…
  • I totally take a day or meal off once in a while. I just make sure to not make it a something that happens too often because it's really easy to undo an entire weeks work of exercising with a few too many cheats here and there.
  • I know what you mean. I've totally been there before, but you're right, a few mistakes don't erase everything, including all the progress you've made, so moving forward and not looking back is the best thing you can do. : )
  • Try starting a plan that has you do a combination of running and walking to achieve your distance goal, that's what I use when I run 5km and it works well for me. I haven't used it personally, but my roommate did a plan called couch to 5k and she really liked it. She felt that it was a great tool for getting into running.…
  • Once you get moving and start eating healthier foods, like veggies, fruit, whole grains, and lean meats you will most likely feel a lot better and have more energy. (That's what happened for me anyway.) Take it slow, if you can't walk for a really long time try walking for 10 minutes and if you can try to walk for 10…
    in Newbie Comment by TamLind83 October 2011
  • Welcome, today is a better day to begin than tomorrow, so you're already ahead of plan. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends/support.
  • Just don't do it, because if you're like me you will crave corn dogs everyday for a week or better after eating one.
  • I stay motivated by joining the challenges on MFP. They really help to keep me accountable and I always have a second thought about the things that I am going to put in my mouth knowing that any of my fellow challenge participants can look at my food diary and see exactly what I ate. If I weigh in at the end of the week…
  • 30DS is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout video. I just started today and it kicked my butt in areas that I thought I wouldn't have a problem. Her voice did get to me after about the first 10 minutes, so I think I am going to choose the "music only" option tomorrow when I start it up. : ) I can't wait to see what type…
  • Same here. I used to eat a lot of chips, ice cream, and soda simply because it was around my house and I used to see it every time I was in the kitchen. I rarely ever eat that stuff anymore since it's not staring at me when I am cooking in the kitchen. I've also found that over time, as I have mostly stopped eating this…
  • Dont' be discouraged. That workout that you are getting in at lunch is better than sitting for another 30 minutes or however long your lunch is. Even if you only burn 250 calories each time, that's still almost a half a pound worth of calories that you burned off.