SD67 Member


  • Great job Jenna, I hit 299 just after Christmas and I am not down to 267. Keep pushing and you can reach your goals as well!
  • Hey Wille, Welcome to MFP and I wish you nothing but success. MFP has been a great site for me and there are a lot of great people on here. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am in my 4th month of my journey and I have lost 58 lbs so far. I have only watched what I am eating and drinking (no pop or fast food for 3 months)…
  • I am also excited and happy to have Round 1 done. I am 4 lbs away from my round 2 goal now so I am good and should hit my overall (since Sept 19) goal of 50 lbs lost by Christmas. It could even be more, who knows.
  • Hey all, sorry I haven't posted to the group much lately. Busy and most of the time I come onto MFP it is through my Ipad and I can't get to boards on the app. Anyway, my NSV is that today I finally had enough of my clothes being way too big. I have now lost a total of 41 lbs since Sept 19 and my 52 waist pants were…
  • I have a couple of Non-Scale Victories to share. 1. I have now been doing MFP for 50 days. Compared to some that isn't a lot but it proves to me how much I have committed to this whole process. When I looked I believe I only have about 2 of those 50 days I haven't been under my max calories and often by a fair amount. 2. I…
  • I had to run out at lunch to meet my family and we were just going to go to McDonalds and I would have had my first cheat meal in a long time but it was too busy. We split up and were just going to go through a drive through seperately. I was still going to have my McRib. Instead I just came back to the office and ate the…
  • @FromHereOnOut When the Dr. told me I had Fasciitis he basically told me exercise and stretching is how to fix it. He told me to get a golf ball and roll it around under my foot or do stretching. Since I have started to lose weight and exercise I haven't noticed the problem anymore. I hope you get it fixed up soon because…
  • I have not been doing well the past few days posting on here. I will have to change that! Well, yesterday I got back to my early morning workouts. I only did 20 minutes instead of my usually 40 - 50 but it felt really good to get back at it and not too much pain in my knee. Today I did my morning workout for 55 minutes. I…
  • No workout today, still too much pain/stiffness in knee. Seeing Dr. this afternoon to get x-ray results and hopefully answers. I hope to be back to my workouts tomorrow. I miss my early morning workouts!
  • I checked my waist measurements yesterday and saw that my waist has dropped 2" in the past 3 ish weeks. Yeah.
  • There is still some stiffness in my calf this morning but not much pain which is really good! My knee is still really stiff but as well the pain has susided. Anyway, due to my knee and calf I decided to not workout this morning. There is a chance I might go to the pool tonight but probably just rest the whole day. I will…
  • Sorry for not posting yesterday. It was family day and only came on the site through my Ipad and as far as I have seen there is no way to connect with the message boards through the app. Yesterday I got x-rays on my knee and I see my Dr. tomorrow. Thankfully through the day my calf loosened up some. No workout.
  • Thanks for the tip! I will definitely have to stretch a lot more and yes, I need to get a new pair of shoes sometime between now and Christmas. On Sunday nature kicked in and turned my rest day into a snow day. Shoveled for about 45 minutes, twice at my house including my neighbors driveway and once at my church just…
  • @FromHereOnOut It sucks not feeling well and I hope this is short lived. Hopefully this will be your one and only case of it for a very long time and you can get back to your workouts very soon. As for me, Sundays are always my rest days so I will be resting my leg and hoping it is feeling better tomorrow.
  • I am sorry to hear about your families poor health and I hope things get a lot better really soon!
  • Hey all. I am finally going for x-rays for my knees. The Dr. thinks maybe early onset osteo (sp?) arthritis. So, it is not easy to workout but on Saturday I went to a city pool for lane swim. It was the first time in probably 4 or 5 years that I have swam and wow did it ever kill me. I forgot how good of a workout it was.…
  • Thank you!
  • I posted this in my news but for those of you who aren't a friend yet I will post it here. Yesterday I went to my Lifestyles Appointment. My last one was on October 24. When I go they use this really cool scale that not only does weight but it also does BMI, Fat %, Fat Mass and other things. Yesterday my weight had dropped…
  • I did my workout at the church this morning. Got there at 5:02 am and did a full hour. My bad knee keeps me from doing high impact so I walked the laps. After every lap I did somewhat modified pushups, mountain climber, or non-jumping jacks. Half way through my knee was screaming at me it hurt so bad so I had to slow down…
  • Yesterday I went to my Lifestyles Appointment. My last one was on October 24. When I go they use this really cool scale that not only does weight but it also does BMI, Fat %, Fat Mass and other things. Yesterday my weight had dropped from 356.5 at my last appt to 348.5 at this one. My BMI dropped from 41.7 to 40.8. My fat…
  • Laneer75, my wife and I had a lot of fertility issues in our life. Took us 8 years for our first (doctors said it probably wouldn't happen), adopted a little boy (he died 8 hours after signing the papers), and then gave up and were satisfied we had all we were going to be given. 2 year later when my wife was 39 we found…
  • We can do it!! Make sure you log on here daily and use the food diary and exercise options always and you will be good. Eat better and healthier and start getting out and doing something and the weight will disappear. Just getting out and walking in your neighborhood will be a huge change for you. Also dropping things like…
  • Hey Tim, what is your knee issue and what are you doing to fix it, or at least make it better?
  • Today will probably be a rest day for me, although I might go swimming later. I always rest on Sundays and then the second day fluctuates and sometimes doesn't exist. M, T, Th, Fr I work out at my church early in the morning. Wednesdays I have a class I go to and the class I did last night aggravated my knee so it was in…
  • MFP Name: SD67 DietBet Name: Sunshinesdad Location: Southern Alberta, Canada Journey Start Weight (Sep 19, 2013): 376 DietBet Start Weight: 350.2 3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 339.7 6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 329.2 8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 322.2 9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 318.7 10% Goal(Mar - April): 315.2 (But my personal goal is to be under…
  • Hi Everyone, I am Dale and live in Alberta, Canada with my wife, 16 year old son, 3 year old daughter and 7 year old dog. I am 6' 5 1/2" and have always been big. It was probably mid to late 20's when I started to slowly gain weight and reduce physical activity. I am a TV addict and I have always loved Pop and Chips so I…
  • Thanks everyone for the feedback. Hit 30 lbs lost this last weekend. I am pushing on. Best of luck to each of you on your goals!