sunnylv Member


  • Yes, bread is fattening. It is the worst thing you can eat. Google Paleo, Wheat Belly, William Davis, MD. Mark Sisson, Jay Robb, Gary Taubes, Robert Lustig, Tom McNaughten, and others who will give you scientific studies which reveal that modern wheat is causing inflammation, obesity, diabetes, and other modern diseases.…
  • This is to clarify and help you get to the right page if you really want to go to the wheat belly facebook page. There are others which are fan pages. The page with 44,000 is moderated by Dr. William Davis, the Wheat Belly book author. He answers questions as he can.
  • The Wheat Belly facebook page is a great page to get help when you need it about living without wheat and modern grains. The 44,000 fans is not to boast as to the number. It is to clarify as there are many others like it. This one (the one with 44,000 actually is moderated by the book author, Dr. William Davis. He posts as…
  • This article is about William Davis, M.D.: The cardiologist believes wheat is the single biggest contributor to the country's obesity epidemic, in part because aggressive breeding methods and genetic manipulation have turned it into what…
  • I personally don't eat the extra calories I "earn" from exercising but I am careful to maintain at least 1400 calories each day. Sometimes I go over, sometimes I go under. The scale only stalls when I am eating wheat, lots of nuts, and sugars (treats) outside of what is contained in fruit. I watch my fruit intake and limit…
  • So you have 60 days.....If you have an e-reader or a computer, download a copy of Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. Read it and begin to follow what is in it. Go buy it. Amazon? Walmart even has copies. A local library? Now this is not a "short term weight loss scheme." It is a lifestyle. It will help you for your wedding…
  • I'm in! Weekly Goal: Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned (how they were…
  • Ha Ha Ha. She is young and has never had a baby. She probably doesn't have much fat on her body. She probably weighs 120 lbs. or less. She isn't thinking about her body and what to put in it. She doesn't understand about sugar and blood sugar. She has no idea about inflammation. She is not concerned about diabetes. Heart…
  • Two words: cellulite, and belly fat. I don't want either one of these. Strength training, running, bicycling, walking, crossfit.....I do all of these to make myself stronger. Think of two people in their 30's. They are about the same height 5'7 and both weigh 150 lbs. The first doesn't lift, doesn't exercise, and doesn't…
  • I like it with 1/4 cup pineapple. You should check out Paleo. We don't worry about calories! Lots of really good food too. No starving! Lisa
  • Read Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. Or check out the Wheat Belly Cookbook. He explains how the fruit, oats and wheat and other carbs (even the white rice) spikes blood sugar. He explains how this is not good for us and encourages the body to store the excess glucose as visceral (belly) fat. Wheat belly is similar to…
  • Just a tip. If you choose to do paleo and anyone else out there thinking about it..... Don' gluten free foods. They have junk carbs like potato starch, tapioca starch, rice starch that will be worse than wheat. Don't........go overboard on the sugar. Lots of paleo websites use honey, date sugar, molasses, etc.…
  • Yes. Try Paleo but please do some research. Check out Mark's Daily Apple on the internet. Read about it on the internet. Read Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. Read anything by Mark Sisson. Read Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. Check out the Wheat Belly Facebook page (38,000). I think it will be easier to make a change when…
  • I added you! This will be the last change you will ever make! Check out Mark's Daily Apple on the internet too!
  • What is the research on allowing children to do intermittant fasting? I have a 12 year old and a 7 year old. They naturally fast anyway. Mine have "fasted" when they were too tired from all their running and playing that they crashed out before dinner.....thus a skipped dinner and they slept until breakfast. And then…
  • You can take the boy out of Texas but you can't take the Texas out of the boy..... We lived in Texas, moved away to Las Vegas, and moved back in 2006 to Granbury which is southwest of Fort Worth. We are close enough to DFW to go and enjoy concerts, museums, etc. but far enough away to enjoy peaceful country living.... Love…
  • I live in Granbury which is close to Fort Worth. I come into Fort Worth often and may take a job there. I want to exercise and help my family to be fit. I have a husband and two children. My daughter turns 6 on Friday the 13th of January. I was very fit when she was born. I had a midwife and was very determined to be in…
  • Add me too....anyone reading this! I am going pretty radical though....I have dropped wheat from my diet. By choice. But I am determined and have joined the gym. I have a husband and two children! They are motivated to change the way we live too. I don't want my future to be diabetes and heart disease! I want to live a…
  • Yes, read Wheat Belly. It will change your life. And anything about Paleo also. You will be surprised. The common diet of americans is high carb low fat and full of empty calories. Lots of bread, pasta, rice, etc worried to eat a good steak and full of chips, candy,soda, etc. How come diabetes is getting worse and worse?…
  • Dr Davis in Wheat Belly (really check out and read the first chapter of the book on the book on the left) tells you that even corn is not all that good for you (blood sugar spikes also). He says everyone should go wheat free but not eat the specialized "gluten-free" foods that are popping up in our…
  • Yes, I was going to mention Paleo too but Paleo does not allow dairy. I think this new wheat free lifestyle is a great change. I have been reading Paleo in the last few days. His info makes sense too. It just confirms Dr. Davis. The heartbreaking thing is that the grocery stores are stocked to the rafters with wheat and…
  • Probably too often. I watched a commercial one time with people who had a chain attached to a scale. They were traveling all over the city. I think the commercial was for low fat yogurt or something like that. I don't want to be like that. I weigh in officially once a week on Sunday night or early Monday morning. I often…
  • Sounds great! I was wondering what to do with all the beans in my cabinet. I will make it this weekend! Lisa
  • My craving is chocolate hands down. I allow chocolate on the weekends only. During the weekends I am able to exercise more and don't worry about the extra calories. I don't overindulge though. Just a serving or two. During the week if I have a craving for sugar I usually just drink a lot of water and have fruit instead. I…
  • I have been reading a lot about the Paleo diet/primal diet or should I say "lifestyle" as they print on their web pages. I am going to give it a try for a week. Google this diet and you get lots of recipes. The primal website is a great source of this philosophy of eating. Wouldn't hurt to give it a try. My starting weight…
  • Don't forget soy protein (alternative to whey protein). How about cottage cheese? How about yogurt? Ever tried vanilla soy milk? I make a great shake with 1 cup soy milk, chocolate soy protein, instant coffee packet, 1 truvia sugar packet, ice, and vanilla yogurt! Such a boost.
  • I just weighed today and it was before my regular weigh in (on Sunday). I gained 2 lbs. I feel your pain. I had a "What happened?" moment because I have been exercising faithfully for the last seven days. It could be the female cycle.... It could be stress. Are you sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night or more? Are you eating…
  • Thank you for your help. I appreciate the posts. Keep up the good work helping us newbies figure everything out.... Lisa
  • You might check There are a bunch of soy free dairy free (natural vegetable protein powders) there. Good luck!
  • Ick. That child will not be very healthy. If that child was removed from the parents (say to grandma) he would learn to eat good food (provided Grandma fed him good food). My children no longer eat a lot of unhealthy options because I don't serve them in my home. We avoid mcdonalds because of all the fillers and chemicals…