Should i try Paleo?

'm thinking of trying paleo but i still have questions... i found a list of allowed and not allowed foods and foods to have moderately. My question is, do i count calories or just stick with the food list and not worry about counting? Also I'm a coffee addict and LOVE starbucks so how can I have my coffee? I usually have 2tbs half and half with sweet and low and drink nonfat lattes from starbucks (I can do without the syrups) Any help would be great! :-)


  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    yes. You should try paleo.
    No, you do not have to count calories, but some people still do.
    Black is best, but after the first 30 days, some people add dairy back in, and if it isn't a bother for you, then add full fat cream if you like, or use coconut or almond milk. I still use half and half, or molasses. Some are tighter paleo than others, it's what you make it for yourself, really. The biggest thing is eliminating grain, esp wheat, and eating the highest quality meat and produce you can afford to optimize your health.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for the help! I dont like black coffee, would adding cream hurt me starting off? I read honey is allowed so could i use that to replace the sweet and low? I dont need too much. The no pasta thing is going to kill me, i'm 100% italian lol.
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    Personally, I think everyone should go Paleo. But that's just me. You don't need to worry about calorie counting, but if you want to do it, feel free. I've been doing straight-up Primal since 12/30 and I've been entering food into my journal, but mainly just to see what my macronutrient ratios look like and to track certain vitamins and minerals. You'll probably find that by eating enough protein and veggies, your calorie count will be lower than if you were eating a standard, grain- and carb-heavy diet anyway.

    As for coffee, there are a couple of ways to go about it, I think. First, drop the nonfat nonsense. Fat is not your enemy. My personal opinion is that if you can tolerate dairy, then fine, have it in your coffee if you want. Paleo purists will tell you to have no dairy at all, but I think that if you have the evolutionary adaptation to handle it, you'll be okay with it in small amounts. Go with whole milk, half and half, or even heavy whipping cream (I have that every morning in my coffee with a little stevia). I would recommend switching out the Sweet n Low with a natural sweetener - something like stevia, honey, or something similar. The other sweeteners are heavily processed, and the point of Paleo is to try to get back to natural, unprocessed, whole foods.

    I hope some of my advice is helpful to you. My boyfriend and I have been doing Paleo/Primal on and off for a couple of years now, and around the start of the year decided to truly make it our lifestyle. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want - I like to talk about my diet and share recipes once in awhile. There is also a Paleo group on MFP that you can go to for more help and suggestions.

    Good luck! I hope you find it as awesome as I have. (Losing 25 lbs in a month is pretty dang amazing!)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    wow 25 lbs in a month? Thats amazing good for you!! I think I might try switching to green tea and see how that goes. Thanks for the advice!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    'm thinking of trying paleo but i still have questions... i found a list of allowed and not allowed foods and foods to have moderately. My question is, do i count calories or just stick with the food list and not worry about counting? Also I'm a coffee addict and LOVE starbucks so how can I have my coffee? I usually have 2tbs half and half with sweet and low and drink nonfat lattes from starbucks (I can do without the syrups) Any help would be great! :-)

    Coconut milk or heavy cream in your coffee.
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Only if you can see doing this for long term...I would suggest the DASH DIET...MUCH EASIER TO MAINTAIN A LIFESTYLE WITH.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    I put molasses in my coffee often. I never gave up dairy, but I've never had issues with it. I was never a pasta fan, so I don't miss that all that much.
    I also track just to make sure I get enough protein and fat. I don't care all that much about hitting any calorie mark. I lose weight slowly and my body comp changed a lot more than the scale numbers changed. I've been at it a year and a half or so. This is a way of life, though, not a diet. if you plan on going back to eating differently, don't bother. I would say go hardcore for at least a month and see how much better you feel. That's the best way to see if you can handle it. It's really not as hard as the naysayers like to keep saying it is. It's awesome to actually taste your food again.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Only if you can see doing this for long term...I would suggest the DASH DIET...MUCH EASIER TO MAINTAIN A LIFESTYLE WITH.

    The Paleo lifestyle is not hard to maintain at all.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    I have been paleo for 6 months. Lost about 20 - 25 lbs since i started. best was that i felt my thinking processes became better. Yep, my brain worked better. Caused me to wonder if i had either a grain or dairy allergy or something....

    I never missed grains at all. I added legumes back in because i love them. Dairy was hard to drop but now i no longer miss it. It also caused me to wonder why we, as humans, use dairy as late in to life as we do. I couldn't think of any other mammal that does. Odd? Just a thought!

    Give it a try. Embrace the paleo 'concepts'. Like anything, getting too much 'religion' about it can end up confining or maddening!

    Good luck and post back in a month.
  • sweetpeaz12345
    sweetpeaz12345 Posts: 64 Member
    My dietician suggested this diet to me after a year of eating a "balanced diet" and not dropping the pounds. I started this meal plan 5 days ago and I have noticed a few things instantly!

    My cravings were not nearly as bad as I was told they would be. Up until this week I constantly has a craving for chocolate and salty things like chips and popcorn. ALL THE TIME! Ive noticed since I cut out grains that im craving things like rice, oatmeal and pancakes... which when compared to last week I will take any day! (Roomate even ate a chocolate bar in front of me tonight and it didnt even bug me)

    I was told not to count calories but to make sure you have a Protein (Meat), Fat ( oils, nuts etc) and a Carb ( Fruit or veggie) with every meal which should curb the cravings and keep you fuller longer. Also your plate should be 3/4 veggie / fruit and 1/4 meat / protein.

    I also find im not hungry all the time, like people said I would be, probably from all fiber in the veggies.

    I have only been on this diet less then a week, but I have nothing but good things to say about it! Plus there are a ton of great recipes on the internet to make awesome meals!
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Yes. Try Paleo but please do some research. Check out Mark's Daily Apple on the internet. Read about it on the internet. Read Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. Read anything by Mark Sisson. Read Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. Check out the Wheat Belly Facebook page (38,000). I think it will be easier to make a change when you understand the science. You were not meant to eat grains. You were not meant to consume lots of carbs and low fat foods. You were not meant to eat wheat and other grains with every meal.

    I have been paleo for 13 months. My acne has disappeared. My teeth and gums are healthier. My thyroid medicine has been lowered for the first time in 10 years. My dry skin is gone. I no longer need a nap everyday. My cholesterol and triglycerides are awesome! I feel better. I think clearer. I can go for hours after eating a paleo meal and not be "starving" for a snack every two hours. Oh...and I have lost 20 lbs without doing a whole lot of exercise. I have lost 15 inches from my hips, chest, and waist.

    I have more to go. This year I plan to do crossfit and paleo. Crossfit enthusiasts are usually paleo too. Meaning people who are athletes and want to train their bodies are choosing to go wheat and grain free. I want to lose 20 more lbs. to drop to the 140 I was when I got married. This is a lifestyle. It is not hard. There are tons of cookbooks now. Lots of websites.

    Once you get over the difficult first two weeks (and possibly the withdrawel headaches) you will do fine! Add me as a friend too. Tall girl is my friend too. You can see what we eat everyday! Good luck and God bless!
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    I also love my coffee with creamer, and while I've followed Paleo pretty stringently for the past couple of weeks, I didn't nix that habit. I don't use too much of it, and it most definitely hasn't functioned as too much of a setback...lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    You would be surprised how quickly you adjust to the taste of black coffee. I add some cocoa or cinnamon for flavor.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Just a tip. If you choose to do paleo and anyone else out there thinking about it.....

    Don' gluten free foods. They have junk carbs like potato starch, tapioca starch, rice starch that will be worse than wheat.
    Don't........go overboard on the sugar. Lots of paleo websites use honey, date sugar, molasses, etc. This is just not good for you.
    Don't........worry about fat. The "low fat mantra" you have been fed all of your life is not true. Check out Mark's Daily Apple.
    Don't........worry about calories. We don't count calories. We eat meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and sometimes dairy and get full.
    Don't........worry about eggs. You are not going to die of a heart attack and have high cholesterol bec. you eat them often.
    Don't........kick yourself if it takes a while to switch to paleo. We all have to start somewhere.

    Do............learn to cook. Frozen convenience food and fast food are no longer your friends. To get healthy, learn to cook! the highest quality meat you can get. Preferably grass fed, grass finished beef, and pastured chickens and eggs.
    Do............find a local farmer's market. Fresh local produce is better than food trucked from hundreds of miles away.
    Do............go organic if you can afford it. But if you can't, remember that convention produce is better than grains anyday. for paleo friendly restaurants. Think eggs, meat, salads, and veggies when you eat out.
    Do............find some friends who can support you and help you on this new adventure!

    Best of luck to you! And to everyone else considering paleo!

  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    If you feel like you can do it and you could benefit from it, I say go for it.

    Personally, I have zero interest in ever doing and don't consider it for me, but a lot of people seem really happy one it. To each their own.

    If you do decide to try it best of luck and hope it works out for you :)
  • TamaBrett
    TamaBrett Posts: 22 Member
    I've been on what is pretty a Paleo diet for the last 12 months, not by design but by following my own principles. I don't agree with many of the claims made but I've come out with a similar outcome.

    Many proponents of the Paleo diet claim that grains and other foods are bad for us, even poisonous. I don't agree with that but products made from flour (bread, cake, cookies) and contain refined sugar are very high in calories and avoiding them makes weight loss a lot easier. Of course added fat is a big problem too.

    I eat meals I've prepared myself, mainly meat, fruit and vegetables, plus some diary (milk and cheese) and only occasionally bread and pasta.