please read need HELP! please

Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
Hi I'm quite new to mfp and I seem to be a bit lost in understanding a couple of things, I was hoping for some help from some members who have a fundamental understanding of how this works. I'll try and explain what Ive gathered so far.
your Daily Goal is equal to your BMR, Your Remaining is obviously how many calories, nutrition etc you have left and lastly earned extra calories is what you gotten from exercise TEE. My question is basically is if I have earned 600 calories from exercise do I have to eat these to maintain a healthy BMR(If I have maintained my nutrients). I have read other posts on this subject and a lot of people have different opinions(which is fine) but I would like to hear from people who understand this as opposed to people who seem to be on an endeavor to leave themselves completely nutrient/calorie deficient. My goals are to monitor and maintain my nutrient levels and to lose weight. thank you for your help


  • Kgholli
    Kgholli Posts: 27
    I suggest reading these, they have really helped me.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You might want to read this topic. It has helped many people here reach their goals.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    I have a personal opinion on earning exercise calories. Not sure its the information you are looking but its my opinion. For me, weight has been a long time struggle. I am now 44, and I am tired of losing the battle. I am determined to beat the weight one last time.... Now.
    Since I am have never been someone who exercises much, I allow myself to eat the exercise calories, so that I can still feel like I am living, not being punished. I went out to dinner last night and tonight. For me, making better and more educated decisions on what I eat, how much I eat (I measure a lot of things, my eyes love big portions) and increasing my activity as much as I can is success.

    I am not sure what type of working out you are planning on doing, but if you work out a lot your body needs more than someone who is not working out. Make sure you are getting enough protein and water.
    I am not sure I helped, but I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    I personally don't eat the extra calories I "earn" from exercising but I am careful to maintain at least 1400 calories each day. Sometimes I go over, sometimes I go under. The scale only stalls when I am eating wheat, lots of nuts, and sugars (treats) outside of what is contained in fruit. I watch my fruit intake and limit it to one a day.

    I eat low carb. I have been reading and have discovered a book called Wheat Belly. It is an eye opener as to why we gain weight so easily. You can look it up on Amazon and see its reviews. You might even be able to read a chapter or two if you click on the book on the Amazon site. Since living this way (wheat free, low carb) I have lost 20 lbs and am still losing.

    Before you roll your eyes and disregard should really look into Paleo, Primal or Wheat Belly. There is a lot of science here that is interesting and eye opening. If you want websites to check out, send me a message.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I have successfully lost weight and maintained for 2 years by following MFP guidelines and eating back my exercise calories. It's the way the program was designed and it has worked perfectly for me. Other people like to play around with various formulas and tweak things a bit and they have also had some success. Just try things out and see what works best for you. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    a BIG THANKS to everybody that responded, I apologize for mistakes in the first post (I get internet dyslexia) I am pretty sure I have the info I need to reach my goals healthily. Couldn't have done it without everyone's help. Good luck to everyone in they're journeys.