i know i know only 60 days ;/



  • So what shld I be eating?
    I think ima try to do the 30DS in the mornings before any food and before bed time daily,and a 20min jog.
    I go to our local aquatic center to work out on the weekends ( jog, weights and some machines.) but I would like to do my fitness stuff as a non-gym goer.

    Tomorrow will be day 1 of this last minute try for wedding day ready :) lol.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    I lost 40 pounds in two months what i did was i ate around 1200 to 1300 cals a day and walked an hour a day and did an hour of kickboxing a day. Im not saying this is the healthiest way to do ur weight loss but i did it and i lost like 5 pounds a week and i am still loosing! I know it is possible because i did it so people saying it is impossible is wrong. But again i say im sure its not healthy way to do it!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Even if you did lose all the weight you wanted to, you would probably not like the body you have. You would lose a LOT of muscling and the loose skin you would get.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I read your other comment...

    If you try to eat only veggies and work out like crazy you are going to end up starving yourself which will lead you to be cranky and miserable and stressed out. Plus, more than likely you'll binge and could end up not losing anything!

    If you want to have a happy wedding day, you're not really heading for it if you plan to starve yourself. You'll be lucky to have a wedding at all if you make yourself sick and miserable.
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    I would have to agree with the person that said that u should of started a long time ago. It has taken me 10 months to lose 14lbs, so everyone's body is different. Well, good luck with the journey!
  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    I agree with the person who said do 30 Day Shred twice! That will really help you lose inches, and it's only 30 min a day.

    I also agree with the body shaper idea. You can get them at Walmart, Target, Gordman's, etc for a low price and they really work wonders!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    Tomorrow will be day 1 of this last minute try for wedding day ready :) lol.

    I'd be starting today.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Corset? A double-layer of Spanx? Wait, no - then you might be one of those brides that passes out at the altar. But you might be anyway if you try to lose that much in 60 days.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    So you have 60 days.....If you have an e-reader or a computer, download a copy of Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. Read it and begin to follow what is in it. Go buy it. Amazon? Walmart even has copies. A local library?

    Now this is not a "short term weight loss scheme." It is a lifestyle. It will help you for your wedding and for the rest of your life.

    Dr. Davis will explain how wheat is an opiate and how it can cause you to eat 400 or more calories a day because the raising and falling of blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar falls, you feel sluggish, and go out an eat more. More crackers, junk, candy bars, etc. He will explain how wheat has changed in the last 40 years. It is not the amber waves of grain anymore. It has been hybridized or changed. Why does wheat dominate our diet? Sure, you can drop sugar, and exercise like crazy, and eat 1200 calories a day for 60 days. But what you really need to do is check out eating wheat free.

    Notice I didn't say gluten free. Gluten free gives the thought that I can go out and buy gluten free pasta, cookies, and eat my rice, and my oatmeal and everything will be fine. Nothing further from the truth. Those carbs are the same as wheat and will continue to raise blood sugar and send you racing back to the cabinet for more food. Skip the junk carbs and eat real food. Meat, vegetables, some fruit, some dairy if you tolerate it, nuts, and seeds. You owe it to yourself to at least check this out.

    If you need more help or want to look into this: look up Mark Sisson, Gary Taubes, or Jay Robb. They will all tell you about how our modern diet is hurting us, causing inflammation, and "aiding" us in gaining weight. That is, the modern diet of tons of grains, lots of lean meats, a few vegetables and fruits, and very little fat. Check out Paleo, primal, or Wheat Belly. How come the modern female now weighs 15 lbs. more than we did in 1990? Hmmmmm????

    Wheat Belly may help you but you need to understand that this way of eating is contrary to what the government will teach you and contrary to everything you have ever heard about diet.

    This is not counting calories, restricting fats, and eating miserable, tasteless food. It is about lots of choices.

    Check out the Facebook page: Wheat Belly too. Good luck and if you choose to do this, drop me a message. I would love to encourage you along the way.

  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    just be healthy and happy and you'll be a beautiful bride no matter how much you weigh. if you lose some weight by then, great. if not, there's no magic number that you need to reach, are you going to call off the wedding if you don't lose the weight??? don't put that kind of stress on yourself, obviously he loves you or he wouldn't have proposed, so just enjoy your day.
  • Marcella0877
    Marcella0877 Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, so you will need to start busting your butt at the gym. You are going to need to put in about 3-6 hours a day at working out to get the results you want. I would suggest that you only eat fruit, veggies, and very lean protien and make sure the veggies you eat are high in carbs to get the carbs for energy. If you need to eat past with no salt butter or anything else on it. Make sure your calories are at least at 1200 probably not more. Again working out many many hours is going to make the difference. Mostly cardio, do some different classes, and a little bit of weights. All you can do is try and make a full fledge effort and see where it gets you.. Work as hard as you can for as long as you can. Then if it is getting close to your special day and you need a detox or crash diet then do it. But first start out training extra hard. Good luck too you, I hope you can do it! Hugs~
  • Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    How about you start adopting habits that will set you up for a healthy lifestyle. When you start something, ask yourself if you're okay with doing it for the rest of your life. If the answer is no, that's not going to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.

    Keep doing the 30DS if you enjoy it, start lifting weights if you can (because that's always a healthy habit to adopt), definitely go on walks, and definitely try to eat healthy. But don't drastically reduce to some crazy super low calorie diet. Buy some spanx or other shaping clothes to get you by day of.

    I lost weight prior to my wedding and though I was at a healthy weight I still had kind of a skinny-fat look to me. Then in the six months after the wedding I quickly put back on over TWENTY pounds. And I was that weight when we got to take a surprise vacation to Hawaii. So not super glad I didn't actually adopt healthy habits prior to the wedding. And now 5+ years later I added another 10 lbs to that and am trying to take that whole weight off again. So sure, if you want to gain some weight back right away, and don't care if you're still trying to lose weight in another couple years, do what you want. Otherwise think realistically about what you can do forever, small changes that will get you healthier, ignore the number on the scale except as an overall trend.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    That's the problem.. there is no "This is what you need to do" because what works, is different for each person.

    I'd focus more on your diet then I would anything else, honestly. Fat loss/weight loss comes from a calorie deficit, not exercise. Yes the exercise will help, but if you do too much too soon, you are going to get burned out.

    You've taken on too big of a task in such a short amount of time.. so do what you can and don't worry about it.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Okay, so you will need to start busting your butt at the gym. You are going to need to put in about 3-6 hours a day at working out to get the results you want. I would suggest that you only eat fruit, veggies, and very lean protien and make sure the veggies you eat are high in carbs to get the carbs for energy. If you need to eat past with no salt butter or anything else on it. Make sure your calories are at least at 1200 probably not more. Again working out many many hours is going to make the difference. Mostly cardio, do some different classes, and a little bit of weights. All you can do is try and make a full fledge effort and see where it gets you.. Work as hard as you can for as long as you can. Then if it is getting close to your special day and you need a detox or crash diet then do it. But first start out training extra hard. Good luck too you, I hope you can do it! Hugs~

    Do the opposite of this.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    Soyou're going to workout like 3x a day? You're already stressed about what you're eating. If you workout a lot it will just lead to burn out. Burn out will just lead to failure. Stress off wedding, stress of eatign, stress of weight , stress of working out. This is a lot of stress. It will wreck havok on your immune system and endocrine system(hormones).

    I lost 163lbs, I have set goals like this to lose x lbs by christmas or some event. Sometimes I would reach my goal, sometimes I would not. The most i ever got was "ywow you lost some weight, how you do it?" I tell them, then the subject changes, that was it 1 or 2 minutes. You expect people to throw a big party cause you lost weight?


    I bet the in-laws will have something to say. Sorry to play devil's advocate here, I do think OP is being completely unrealistic too but she obviously thinks someone cares.
  • Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    Soyou're going to workout like 3x a day? You're already stressed about what you're eating. If you workout a lot it will just lead to burn out. Burn out will just lead to failure. Stress off wedding, stress of eatign, stress of weight , stress of working out. This is a lot of stress. It will wreck havok on your immune system and endocrine system(hormones).

    I lost 163lbs, I have set goals like this to lose x lbs by christmas or some event. Sometimes I would reach my goal, sometimes I would not. The most i ever got was "ywow you lost some weight, how you do it?" I tell them, then the subject changes, that was it 1 or 2 minutes. You expect people to throw a big party cause you lost weight?


    I bet the in-laws will have something to say. Sorry to play devil's advocate here, I do think OP is being completely unrealistic too but she obviously thinks someone cares.

    Well I care, I have never been 165 ever till now. I have always been around 120-125 so on my wedding day I would like to feel some what like my self... Plus, I dont fit into my dress! I bought it about 2 years ago so since then I've gained weight.
    My husband dont really care what I look like, so Im not doing it for no one, just for me and for me to self like my self again.
    But now I see that is going to take a lot of work lol.
  • Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    That's the problem.. there is no "This is what you need to do" because what works, is different for each person.

    I'd focus more on your diet then I would anything else, honestly. Fat loss/weight loss comes from a calorie deficit, not exercise. Yes the exercise will help, but if you do too much too soon, you are going to get burned out.

    You've taken on too big of a task in such a short amount of time.. so do what you can and don't worry about it.

    Im working on looking at my diet and making changes, I just find it difficult to come up with what to eat, what times are best to eat. I have a house hold of 4( me, a picky husband and 2 lil boys they will eat almost anything.) so im working on it.
    I have found myself not being hungry so I dont really eat but I know thats not good either.
    Ppl say eat health eat lean and all that jazz but no one really says this is whats good to eat, or try this or show some kind of meal plan ya know.
  • Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    Soyou're going to workout like 3x a day? You're already stressed about what you're eating. If you workout a lot it will just lead to burn out. Burn out will just lead to failure. Stress off wedding, stress of eatign, stress of weight , stress of working out. This is a lot of stress. It will wreck havok on your immune system and endocrine system(hormones).

    I lost 163lbs, I have set goals like this to lose x lbs by christmas or some event. Sometimes I would reach my goal, sometimes I would not. The most i ever got was "ywow you lost some weight, how you do it?" I tell them, then the subject changes, that was it 1 or 2 minutes. You expect people to throw a big party cause you lost weight?


    I did cut it down to work out in the morning before eating and in the afternoon after work time. Stress does make me sick and I eat alot so i cut down on stress and worrying myself. Thats good to make goals, I want to lose 1-2lbs a wk till the wedding and keep going till I reach 135.

    I know no will will really care what I look like but I will, and yeah its my fault for letting myself go but I want to look and feel good on my day and in my body right now at my weight I dont feel great.
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    Let's look at the math. To lose one pound you need to have a deficit of 3500 calories. So to lose 30 pounds in 60 days you would need to lose 1/2 pound a day, or burn an extra 1750 per day. Let's say that you need 2000 calories to maintain your weight (just a guess not knowing your current weight and height). You would either have to only eat 250 calories per day, or eat and burn a lot of calories. Let's say you are going to eat 1200 calories per day as some have suggested. That would mean that you are at an 800 calorie deficit for the day (2000-1200). You would then need to burn an additional 950 calories per day in exercise. That's probably equivalent to at least 2 hours of intense workout, for example running 9-10 miles. So it can be done, but it will be very difficult.

    You said maybe you could be happy with 10-15 pounds, which might be a more realistic goal. Maybe try to eat around 1200-1500 calories a day and do the workouts you mentioned. Take it week by week and adjust your workouts if you are feeling like you are getting run down. Have a day or two where you eat to maintenance to give yourself a little break. Good luck!
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    I have heard working out early mornings or before meal time is better for weight lose so I think I'll start to do that. And my meal plans are that with cereal or oat meal for breakfast, veggies and wheat thins for snacks, soup for lunch, and a light dinner. I can give that a try see how it goes.

    I just to put it out there I want to lose weight for the wedding but I also want to keep it for after, so this is for sure something I want to stay with. I'm thinking that yes maybe 10-15 lbs will do it it's more possible too, I'll take anything I can get lol.

    We are planning for a baby after the wedding so staying in shape NOW is a must.

    Thanks again for the comments, advice and support :)

    I would say 10-15lbs in 2 months is realistic.
    And inches are what you want gone. build moer muscle mass which increses your metabolism and burns fat. To do so, do more strength training. Like a PP mentioned, try something like Jillian Michales 30 day shred (you can also find lots of her videos online. youtibe)

    Also, for breakfast, have more than just carbs/cereal, try some eggs, and veggies/meat. (An omellete or scrambeled You need More protein. even greek yogurt with some berries, piece of whole wheat toast
  • Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    That's the problem.. there is no "This is what you need to do" because what works, is different for each person.

    I'd focus more on your diet then I would anything else, honestly. Fat loss/weight loss comes from a calorie deficit, not exercise. Yes the exercise will help, but if you do too much too soon, you are going to get burned out.

    You've taken on too big of a task in such a short amount of time.. so do what you can and don't worry about it.

    Im working on looking at my diet and making changes, I just find it difficult to come up with what to eat, what times are best to eat. I have a house hold of 4( me, a picky husband and 2 lil boys they will eat almost anything.) so im working on it.
    I have found myself not being hungry so I dont really eat but I know thats not good either.
    Ppl say eat health eat lean and all that jazz but no one really says this is whats good to eat, or try this or show some kind of meal plan ya know.

    What I have found is the most helpful is limiting "simple carbs" (bread, pasta, white rice, etc) to only one serving a day, ideally earlier in the day, and filling in the rest of my day with veggies (lettuce, spinach, kale, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, etc), some fruit (apples, berries, pears, occasionally grapes), protein (chicken, tuna, 2 or 3 eggs, turkey, occasionally beef or pork/ham), and dairy (cottage cheese, regular cheese, goat cheese, milk--I love cheese). I stay under 1400 calories.

    If you're going to the gym, the elliptical is better than the treadmill. Now, I am losing a bit slower than 30 pounds in 2 months, my 7 pounds in my ticker has been since the beginning of February. But I haven't been super great at working out every day thanks to ice many mornings this month, and a lovely round of sinus headaches (bad excuses, I know).
  • I have just over 70 days before I go on a cruise. I am also hopeing to lose about 30 lbs - but realistically if I lose 20 - i will be happy. EXERCISE! Toning your body will help not only make you feel better - but toning and tightening - will make all the difference. I was at 159 lbs and a size 8 - 2 years ago. Life got in the way - but I am starting again. Diet and exercise are the key. Cut out any soda, white flours, sugars and any kind of Artificial sweeteners. Stick with your calories - and above all EAT CLEAN! This means - nothing into your body that is not fresh off the vine or out of the garden or from a tree. VEGETABLES and FRUIT! Chicken and Salmon - serving size no larger than the palm of your hand for protein. Nuts are also great - but they are high calories - so be careful with how many you eat. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    That's the problem.. there is no "This is what you need to do" because what works, is different for each person.

    I'd focus more on your diet then I would anything else, honestly. Fat loss/weight loss comes from a calorie deficit, not exercise. Yes the exercise will help, but if you do too much too soon, you are going to get burned out.

    You've taken on too big of a task in such a short amount of time.. so do what you can and don't worry about it.

    Im working on looking at my diet and making changes, I just find it difficult to come up with what to eat, what times are best to eat. I have a house hold of 4( me, a picky husband and 2 lil boys they will eat almost anything.) so im working on it.
    I have found myself not being hungry so I dont really eat but I know thats not good either.
    Ppl say eat health eat lean and all that jazz but no one really says this is whats good to eat, or try this or show some kind of meal plan ya know.

    Um, it's not rocket science to eat healthy.

    Fruit, veggies, lean meat, cheese.

    Just eat a portion size of said item and nothing more.

    There also is no "best time to eat". You eat when your hungry, and stop when full.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Theres alot of info to take in here :)
    Uhm now I am confussed on what I shld be doing... I need prety much like a bottom line " this is what you need to do" but I have also kind read that you need to do what works for you and stick with it.

    Right now Im thinking Ima do my 30DS video in the morning and in the afternoon.
    Looking at joining LA Boxing and going that everday too.
    Go for at least a 30min run/jog.

    Im just really stressed out now. When I think " okay, so now what am I going to eat?" I dont really know what I can eat or what shld i eat...

    Soyou're going to workout like 3x a day? You're already stressed about what you're eating. If you workout a lot it will just lead to burn out. Burn out will just lead to failure. Stress off wedding, stress of eatign, stress of weight , stress of working out. This is a lot of stress. It will wreck havok on your immune system and endocrine system(hormones).

    I lost 163lbs, I have set goals like this to lose x lbs by christmas or some event. Sometimes I would reach my goal, sometimes I would not. The most i ever got was "ywow you lost some weight, how you do it?" I tell them, then the subject changes, that was it 1 or 2 minutes. You expect people to throw a big party cause you lost weight?


    I bet the in-laws will have something to say. Sorry to play devil's advocate here, I do think OP is being completely unrealistic too but she obviously thinks someone cares.

    Well I care, I have never been 165 ever till now. I have always been around 120-125 so on my wedding day I would like to feel some what like my self... Plus, I dont fit into my dress! I bought it about 2 years ago so since then I've gained weight.
    My husband dont really care what I look like, so Im not doing it for no one, just for me and for me to self like my self again.
    But now I see that is going to take a lot of work lol.

    Honestly hon, do 30 Day Shred.. (the workout is on youtube), go for lots of walks, eat right and you will be on your way. My advice would be to forget the # (120-125lb), just work on getting your body to be the size you want. Advice coming from a woman who is getting married later this year. Best of luck dear!