
LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All !

Right now, I'm wondering what people choose for alternatives for their cravings.

Personally, Im a big Ice-Cream person, and recently turned to Frozen Yogurt, but still finding its to calorie packed for my liking!

What are some swaps you make?
Or if you really want something bad for you, what do you do to make up for it?
Swap out a food? Excersize more?

Good Day All :)
Stay Motivated!


  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    a good swap for ice cream is to mash up a banana...if you dont like bananas you could always throw some protein powder in it...and freeze that banana!! the texture is just like ice cream, and you wont feel as guilty <33
  • Land310
    Land310 Posts: 4
    Try skinny cow ice cream. They have all kinds and taste really good.Very smooth and good flavor. No after taste. I buy alot of them and alternate each night.Takes care of the ice cream and sweet craving I get in the evening. This really helps alot.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    My craving is chocolate hands down. I allow chocolate on the weekends only. During the weekends I am able to exercise more and don't worry about the extra calories. I don't overindulge though. Just a serving or two.

    During the week if I have a craving for sugar I usually just drink a lot of water and have fruit instead. I try to stay busy. It works for me.

    Good luck in finding alternatives.

  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks Everyone! Those are some great tips!
    Ill have to try that Skinny Cow Ice Cream!

    I also find sometimes a smoothie works to!
    My smoothies are just:

    Fruit - fresh or frozen
    Small amount of yogurt
    and they taste unbelievingly good!
  • shawtsy
    shawtsy Posts: 15 Member
    Honestly, I think most people aren't satisfied by any low cal alternative. Some are, but most feel like they are being cheated and eat more in the long run. I couldn't just eat a frozen banana, but one dipped in a small amount of chocolate, yes. I also think if you go from eating mostly junk to all healthy, it can backfire on you psychologically. Give up one this or switch one thing at a time. I first did pop, then added pop, then juice. etc. It allows you to adjust and your taste buds to adjust more easily. Personally, I prefer to have a smaller portion of something really good and just work out more or do a more intense exercise. But, if I just want something sweet then I try to make a really tasty smoothie/shake. I add frozen fruit/banana/vanilla (or other real flavor extract like coconut or almond)/almond milk (or milk) and blend. I even will make a banana chocolate (use good quality cocoa powder) almond milk smoothie, with a tad of PB for protein sometimes.
  • SydandPaigesMom
    SydandPaigesMom Posts: 86 Member
    I have to second the skinny cow ice cream and bars. SO SO good and they definitely hold me over!
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    For any type of craving I choose Yoplait Light!! Its only 100 calories with over 70 flavors. I like the strawberry shortcake, key lime pie, orange creme and red velvet cake! All natural fruit Popsicles are amazing too!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    If they still make those whipped yoplait yogurts, you can freeze them and they're ice creamy. I like Edy's slow churned for ice cream. or TCBY :)
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Sugar free jello with a bit of cool whip has barely any calories! Give that a try to sooth the sweet tooth itch.

    I'm a bit fan of chocolate and instead of the heavy milk chocolate, I've switched to dark chocolate with a hint of chili. I just have one square to satisfy my craving. :)
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