Wheat Free Lifestyle?

sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
edited October 7 in Food and Nutrition
Yes, this sounds crazy but I read Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD and his book makes sense. You can read a sample by clicking on the book on Amazon.com if you are interested. He says that wheat causes a myriad of problems with our bodies and raises our blood sugar to levels close to that of a candy bar. Wheat is no longer the beautiful amber waves of grain you picture in your mind. It is genetically modified to be 18 inches tall and have two growing seasons. That wheat is the wheat we are eating now and it is in everything.

I took the challenge and went wheat free for a period of time. 20 days for me. My complexion cleared. Wheat causes acne and is not present in cultures that do not eat wheat. I lost 10 lbs. I did not go from meal to meal starving because the real food that I have been eating (lean meat, dairy, veggies, fruit) keep me full and satisfied. Wheat causes you to want more and more. You can't eat just one chip....

Talk to me. Consider this. Yes, this is contrary to what we have been fed (whole grains, low fat, high carb). But I am ready for a change. There is a facebook page with Wheat Belly too where you can even communicate with Dr. Davis or one of his representatives.



  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Although I'm a bit skeptical about some of his work I do avoid wheat and grain for the most part. You should check out the concept of a Paleo diet. Take a look at www.marksdailyapple.com for plenty of information on the Primal diet which is a version of Paleo.

    Essentially they eliminate processed foods, grains, sugar and encourage plenty of vegetables and fruit plus meat. There is emphasis on loads of omega 3 and exercise. Great community as well.

    Congrats on improving your health.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Yes, I was going to mention Paleo too but Paleo does not allow dairy. I think this new wheat free lifestyle is a great change. I have been reading Paleo in the last few days. His info makes sense too. It just confirms Dr. Davis.

    The heartbreaking thing is that the grocery stores are stocked to the rafters with wheat and tons of carbs. What should my carbs be for a day? Have to figure that out.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    good luck :)
    It's not for me but I wish u luck!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    I got this book for Christmas.. I'm starting it tonight while I'm at work. Its nice to hear that it's worked for you.

    thanks for posting this!
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Yes, I was going to mention Paleo too but Paleo does not allow dairy. I think this new wheat free lifestyle is a great change. I have been reading Paleo in the last few days. His info makes sense too. It just confirms Dr. Davis.

    The heartbreaking thing is that the grocery stores are stocked to the rafters with wheat and tons of carbs. What should my carbs be for a day? Have to figure that out.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


    Yep, but primal does allow dairy if you tolerate it, pretty flexible really.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I really need to read this book...it's been mentioned several times on this site!

    I eat Gluten Free and have for a little over a year now. I started due to being diagnosed with 2 autoimmune diseases. I read another book about the possible relation between diet and autoimmune diseases. It seems to help a lot of patients and their symptoms when they go gluten free. It hasn't gotten rid of mine, but they are certainly less frequent and I have noticed a difference.

    That being said, as a nurse, I personally do not see enough research to think everybody should go this route! Just those with intolerance or sensitivity!
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    The same could be said about corn, soy, tomatoes, and rice. All have been genetically modified in some way. Does that mean I eat them? Sure, though I try to keep my intake to GMO to a minimum. The fact that wheat is in that category does not make all wheat bad, per se. I am, as most should be, skeptical about GMO's and what they ultimately do to the body. There MANY people that are tolerant to wheat and carbs and their diets are primarily based around them. There are a number of body builders and athletes that function better on high carbs. However, low carb is not for everyone.

    I congratulate you on finding out that you may have been wheat intolerant. I myself made that discovery last year, and since have felt much better cutting it out of my life.

    If you're eating primarily fibrous carbs (celery, broccoli, lettuce, etc) and not starchy carbs (potatoes, rice, corn) then eat as much as you want.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm ceoliac and so have a completely Wheat and Gluten free lifestyle - any questions I'm happy to answer :-)
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Dr Davis in Wheat Belly (really check out Amazon.com and read the first chapter of the book free...click on the book on the left) tells you that even corn is not all that good for you (blood sugar spikes also). He says everyone should go wheat free but not eat the specialized "gluten-free" foods that are popping up in our grocery stores. Those foods are high in ingredients that will spike your blood sugar which is something you don't want to do on a regulary basis as it hurts the body. That is, the constant blood sugar spikes from wheat (or gluten free foods) and the following "crashes" are not good for your body.

    He says that wheat should not be a part of anyone's diet. Don't knock it until you have read at least the sample of Dr. Davis's book. Dr. Davis challenges you to eat wheat free for a period of time and see how you feel. Yes, it takes more time and thought to not eat that large portion of noodles, or rice, or bread. It means you eat more healthful carbs such as vegetables and fruits and meat and dairy. See how you feel after a week or 10 days and then come back and tell me what happened! I would love to hear your story.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yes, I was going to mention Paleo too but Paleo does not allow dairy. I think this new wheat free lifestyle is a great change. I have been reading Paleo in the last few days. His info makes sense too. It just confirms Dr. Davis.

    The heartbreaking thing is that the grocery stores are stocked to the rafters with wheat and tons of carbs. What should my carbs be for a day? Have to figure that out.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


    Actually Paleo allows raw or fermented dairy as long as the body is tolerant. Many Paleo people I know have raw milk and cream, butter, cheese and yogurt in smaller quantities
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Yes, read Wheat Belly. It will change your life. And anything about Paleo also. You will be surprised.

    The common diet of americans is high carb low fat and full of empty calories. Lots of bread, pasta, rice, etc worried to eat a good steak and full of chips, candy,soda, etc.

    How come diabetes is getting worse and worse? Diabetes is the outcome of the Standard American Diet. Overweight, tired, sick. What do doctors do? Prescribe medicine and ask you to return in 3 months. Do they ask you what you eat and if you exercise? NO.

    Take charge of your health and ignore all those who think the Myplate.gov is the way to eat. Dr. Davis says modern day wheat is a killer. It affects you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and everywhere inbetween.

    The book is available for the e readers too. That is a quck way to get started! It may be available at your local library! Let me know how it goes! Yes, read this book!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yes, read Wheat Belly. It will change your life. And anything about Paleo also. You will be surprised.

    The common diet of americans is high carb low fat and full of empty calories. Lots of bread, pasta, rice, etc worried to eat a good steak and full of chips, candy,soda, etc.

    How come diabetes is getting worse and worse? Diabetes is the outcome of the Standard American Diet. Overweight, tired, sick. What do doctors do? Prescribe medicine and ask you to return in 3 months. Do they ask you what you eat and if you exercise? NO.

    Take charge of your health and ignore all those who think the Myplate.gov is the way to eat. Dr. Davis says modern day wheat is a killer. It affects you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and everywhere inbetween.

    The book is available for the e readers too. That is a quck way to get started! It may be available at your local library! Let me know how it goes! Yes, read this book!

    Yes, I agree with you. I have read Wheat Belly and now reading Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm ceoliac and so have a completely Wheat and Gluten free lifestyle - any questions I'm happy to answer :-)

    My Mum was the same, it caused her to have cancer and unfortunately pass away -although it is extremely rare this happens and partly because she didn't stick to the diet too well.

    I have been advised to eat a gluten/wheat fee diet because of this also.
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