Five0Six Member


  • Here is an article from the Maintaining Weight forum. I can't give you any practical advice, but if you head over to that particular subforum I'm sure they'll be able to help you out with more specifics.
  • I would think once in a while, such as about once a week or so as you stated, wouldn't hurt you. Everyone has days where they are more or less hungry for various reasons.
  • This is probably a good thing. Water is a body's best friend. And technically, you can die from drinking too much water, but you'd have to chug, like, 6 liters inside an hour. Most people wouldn't be able to do this without puking, so you're probably safe.
  • Edit: video is legit. I retract my statement, though I remain confused as to the purpose of this post.
    in Thoughts? Comment by Five0Six July 2019
  • A quick google search shows that this is a modified version of the Atkins diet, which works by restricting certain foods. The weight loss is due to cutting out typically calorie dense foods and creating a calorie deficit. It has nothing to do with your metabolism. If you think cutting out those food groups might be…
  • Please note that as a mother of a small child, you are getting in way more exercise than you think. Getting up multiple times a night, chasing after your daughter, etc is burning more calories than you might think. While I don't have any practical advice, I can say that what you're going through sounds immensely difficult…
  • The above comment is one way of doing it. You'll find there's as many ways and preferences for diet and exercise as there are members here. The one thing that remains constant is a calorie deficit is what drops the pounds, however you choose to implement it. There's a saying I like. It goes "you can restart your day…
  • When people say "I can only lose on extremely low calorie diets", I tend to think that they haven't given reasonable eating a good amount of time to work. (I.e - "I tried eating reasonably for a week and didn't lose a thing, obviously this means I must practically starve myself.") Unless you have a medical issue, it's…
  • Only thing I can think of is -
  • In blue underneath the meal name (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc) there should be an option that says "Quick Add Calories." Click on that and then manually add your calories in. (The stated calories on the package minus the bread) I'm not sure how many calories the biscuit bread is on one of those, but I would guess 100-150…
  • Cat wasn't having it.
  • Many people who have the surgery do so because the immediate health risks being morbidly obese are higher than the risk of surgery. And while everyone you know has regained, I know several who had the surgery and whom, years later, are still at healthy weights. Anecdotal evidence can be useful to share, but it does not…
  • One thing people do is to pick a similar, chain-restaurant meal, but to pick the highest calorie entry for that meal. You're more likely to cover your base better by over-estimating than underestimating.
    in Dining out Comment by Five0Six July 2019
  • I would think it'd be okay in moderation. So long as your soda levels don't exceed how much water you drink.
  • This is true, but a lot of people aren't rational. They're food addicts, or grew up in a family with extremely dysfunctional eating, or have eating disorders, or any number of things. Health education is much better than saying "Just say no" - and is far more likely to have a long-lasting impact on a person who wants to…
  • You would be able to do this:
  • The guy enrolled in computer classes and tweaking out his system for a LAN party playing Quake. (How is it that I wind up commenting below you in so many of these threads?)
  • I think I love you and I want to be friends. (And by that I mean I used to say "Don't get back on the wagon. Shoot the horse and start walking." I think BBQ'ing the horse would be much more entertaining.) I also love fast food and have no shame in eating it.
  • Huh?
    in Positivity Comment by Five0Six July 2019
  • One day is totally not backsliding. Don't get discouraged.
  • It's near impossible to target specific body parts for weight loss. Taking off overall pounds will eventually take care of a double chin.
    in Chin fat Comment by Five0Six July 2019
  • I don't drink alcohol but holy *kitten* Pomegranate juice sounds delicious.
  • I have no practical advice, but I wanted to say as a waitress, you're definitely burning a lot of calories.
  • I miss MFP when you could respond in sarcastic gifs to spam, trolls, and newbies who were angry because they were told the Military Diet was *kitten* and there is no magical chemical reaction between hot dogs and vanilla ice cream. Same. I accidently deleted my old one and had to create this. *sigh*
    in I miss... Comment by Five0Six July 2019
  • I think I would. From what I've seen on the boards, you've got a dry sense of humor and I think that's awesome.
  • This. The Myth Of Motivation And What You Need Instead All the food tips in the world won't do me *kitten*-all if I rely on soley motivation, because motivation is not consistent.
  • I used to go to a hot dog hut that had a beef hot dog with bacon and peanut butter. The idea grossed me out so much....until one day, I must have been low on protein or something and suddenly my mouth watered at the idea. Bought it and practically had a foodgasm with that first bite.
  • Try to remember that unless it's something specific your doctor has strictly forbidden or else wants you to moderate, there IS no bad food. Thinking that way about food tends to make people think THEY are good or bad, and that's a one way trip to failure. The point is to repair your relationship with food, not make it more…