lgfrie Member


  • I've been doing IF for over 3 years. I started in May 2019 and have been more or less on the IF train ever since, with months here and there where I either intentionally took some time off, or unintentionally went off the tracks for a while. For me and my wife, IF has been the only approach that has ever worked to lose…
  • The consensus is, unsweetened tea or coffee is fine. I sometimes have some artificial sweetener or (gasp) almond milk. After 3 years of IF, my take is, a lil almond milk is fine as long as it doesn't lead to a slippery slope of noshing at night. Hold the line at an ounce of almond milk and you're fine.
  • I humbly suggest you consider transitioning to a more satisfying, well-rounded diet. The list of what you're eating doesn't sound at all sustainable or satisfying. Even if you manage to lose some weight with that diet, you're probably not going to be able to sustain it. Most of the people I know who regained the weight…
  • The problem with the poll is that the choices aren't mutually exclusive. You can calorie-count while doing any of the other approaches too. I prefer calorie counting and IF together; but different things work for different people. In the end, if you eat at a calorie deficit you'll lose weight, and if you don't, you won't.…
  • My BP is 40 points higher at the doc. One time he tricked me by having a long relaxed conversation about non-BP stuff and then at the very end of the appt quickly slipped the cuff on and took a reading, and it was still 40 points higher. He said it was to see if it was just white coat hypertension (i.e. the stress of being…
  • Speaking about MapMyWalk: I've been using it nearly every day for 1.5 years for my daily walks (and other activities). The calorie estimate it produces is very inflated (sadly so; they had to know better..._) but the function isn't unusable. I've long been in the habit as recording my calories burned as 60 % of whatever…
  • I do. I need a lot of structure to not binge. Calorie counting, eating schedule - it takes everything I've got to hold the line against binging. Fortunately, I've been able to (mostly) succeed, but every once in a while I give in and can easily - EASILY, without breaking a sweat - gain a pound a day from binging (not…
  • You kind of know what you have to do. You lost 25 lbs at boot camp. If you want to lose weight, you're gonna have to get back in a boot camp mentality, at least somewhat. Many of the people here, and certainly me, have issues with food. The "why" question has come up a billion times, but basically, food tastes great and…
  • There's an assumption built into your question that one has to reduce the calorie target as weight is lost. You don't have to. You have to find what works for YOU. While true that you burn approximately 5.5 calories less per day per pound lost, it's up to you whether to try to eat 55 calories less every day after you've…
  • I don't have a vigorous workout regime; it consists mostly of an hour to 1.5 hrs of indoor biking and rowing cardio, but I do take a "rest day" once a week from the machines. However, I try to get in a 1.5 - 2 mile walk on the rest day. I guess it just feels like a wasted opportunity to me to have a whole day go by where I…
  • For the first time ever, it's dawned on me that just eating the normal schedule that many of us older folk grew up with, is basically 16:8. My mom never let us snack in the evenings; by 6 pm that was it for the night. Old skool IF.
  • I've been dogged by hip bursitis for many years, quite debilitating the first couple of years until I got it under control. The caveat here is that each person is different, so you really have to get a custom plan from your doc. With that said, things that really helped me turn it around are: - physical therapy - does 10 x…
  • I've been doing IF since May of 2019, noon to 7 pm. This approach helped me lose 80 pounds and then (mostly) keep it off. Whenever I stop doing IF, which has happened a few times for a week here, a month there, I immediately start regaining. I've given back about 10-12 pounds due to not being diligent with IF sometimes.…
  • You are going to have off-meals and off-days and binges now and then. It's what you do the next day that matters. If you get right back on plan as soon as you wake up, you're golden. If you use yesterday's binge as an excuse to take another day off, you're on the road to regain. It'll only get harder to rein it in and get…
    in Pizza??? Comment by lgfrie October 2021
  • This will be basically consistent with all the above comments, but anyway, I eat 1500 mg sodium / day (except for the occasional special occasion when I'll allow myself 2300). It really isn't very hard, and the things I have done to get to that 1500 have had the beneficial side effect of leading me to much healthier…
  • You're going from an extremely unhealthy and dangerous "starvation" diet to a reasonable (though still quite low) caloric level. So it's all good. Yes, you're very likely going to see a weight gain of a few pounds. As @Lietchi noted above, the add'l carbs in those 1200 cals will cause some more water retention than with…
  • Lactose intolerant here. Goat and sheep based cheese work fine for me, no reaction at all. Hard cheeses like Parmesan are OK too, in moderation. Anything made out of cow milk, nope, never. I think it's just a matter of trying things out and seeing what works and what doesn't. In general, older, harder cheese OK, younger,…
  • There is no causal relationship between "stopped going to gym" and "losing weight faster". If you're losing 2-3 pounds per week now instead of 1 before, it's because: - You're eating less net calories, or - The randomness of weight loss Either way, it's fair to say exercise is healthy and you should do it, and also that…
  • I'm on a low sodium diet for high BP. 1500 mg / day which is around 2/3 tap. A lot harder than the typical 2400 they talk about, but that's what my Dr said to do. I assume your Dr told you to reduce sodium. You'd be surprised how easily your brain adjusts to low sodium if you're patient and stick to it. Nowadays any…
  • So a bunch of people have said something I basically agree with, that if it ends up working for you, great, and also, any diet plan will work for someone or other out there. For this reason, it's a bad idea to say a plan "won't work" and I won't do that. That said ... There's a ginormous difference between banking a few…
  • Yes. I've been doing noon to 8 pm for around two years and have found it very helpful. I'm a nighttime binger, so anything that gives me a rule to follow that even has a chance of keeping me from not going into the kitchen to graze, or worse, going to 7-11 to hit the chip aisle, is a major plus. I have lost around 80…
  • I ate BistroMD for a month or so, in 2019. Honestly, I did not like the food. It wasn't "terrible" but I found it bland and exceedingly costly for what it was and some of the dishes were actually pretty bad at the level of just tossing them in the bin and eating something else. My wife disliked their food too. We had…
    in BistroMD Comment by lgfrie July 2021
  • I would just go with the TDEE #'s based on age, height, weight, as the number you got looks pretty reasonable, or use MFP's goals tool. It seems like trying to make bf % part of this is throwing the numbers off. You could do a lot worse than to assume the 2258 is an OK estimate, set your calories accordingly (e.g. 1758 for…
  • I've been basically freezing since I started dieting in May 2019; the only respite is when I take diet breaks. I used to keep the temperature at 67-68 degrees; nowadays it's on 71 and a lot of summer days, we just turn the AC off and open the windows. I am constantly cold. The correlation with dieting is inescapable for…
  • Enjoy your beer and pizza. Don't feel bad about it. A lot of the best things in life are accompanied by beer and pizza. They have a time and a place. Tomorrow, get back on plan, because every calorie you put in your mouth counts, beer included. There are no free lunches in this world.
  • Looks like Spock has you in the friend zone.
  • Most people experience rapid weight loss for 3-6 weeks when they start a diet, followed by a slowdown. It sounds like you're right on track with that. I think you're better off plugging away with food and exercise tracking than risking things on intuitive eating, which has been the downfall of uncountable numbers of diets…
  • I started at the same weight, 330, in May '19. Got it down to 237, came SO CLOSE to the 100 lbs lost! I've since gained a few but have been hanging tight in the mid 240s while reaching deep for the motivation to regroup and dive back in there ... Anyway, there's a lot of good advice above. I would just add this. 330 pounds…
  • You sure you don't want to just eat normally at dinner and be over a bit for the day? LOL When I'm absolutely determined to hit my calorie number for the day and don't have a meal's worth of calories left, I pull out the polenta. A massive bowl of the stuff, with a Tbsp of butter thrown in, is like 400 calories and sits in…
  • I just wanted to reiterate what I said earlier, that in the vast majority of cases palpitations are not a medical problem. I am restating this because palpitations feel really weird and bad, and can lead to panic, which leads to more palpitations, which leads to more panic, and then what started as just chugging too many…