Lone Star Texas Grill
I'm going to this restaurant today for an after ceremony dinner for my niece's wedding. I can't find any information about carbs, cals or protein on their sites. Can anyone help me?
Small victory today
In October, I bought a pair of jeans that were a little too big for me. Well, by Christmas, they were getting snug. Well, to be honest, when I sat down, they really cut into my waist. Today I put them on again, they are actually feeling quite comfortable. Even when I sit down. And, doing some exercises in the pool and…
Just went for a swim
and I use that term loosely. I spent 30 mins in the pool, alternating between swimming, leg lunges, running around the edge, doing really fast kicks(50 each of front and back), arm lifts. My blood sugar was a little high this morning, 8.2(147.6). Now it 5.7 (102.6). Hmmm, there must be something to this exercising eh?
The price of food has gone crazy!
I went to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few things. Mostly veggies and fruit, and I had a craving for sweet mixed pickles. I went to grab a celery, $4.49!!! I don't even like celery, but I needed it for a recipe. So, I went to Farm boy, thinking it would be cheaper, $3.99!!!! I know it's the off season for…
The Lone Star Grill
Can anyone direct me to a website that might have the nurtritional information for this restaurant? I'm going there for supper today and I love their fajitas, but I have a feeling they're not the greatest choice for me. Thanks
Step away from the food.
I was at the grocery store today to pick up some fresh veggies and other necessities. Some how, when I wasn't looking, my hand reached out for the chips and dip and a couple of Mars bars. I had such good intentions when Azari went in there. I had my list I had pre-planned my meals and snacks for the week, then I went off…
I'm free at last
Yesterday I went to the nurse for the final check on my wound. It is completely healed over, no more drainage, just a little rash from the adhesive(I'm allergic to it) that I can take care of on my own with Zyncofax. That means I can start playing in the indoor pool at my apartment building like I had started doing before…
Do you force yourself to eat?
According to all literature, experts, and my diabetic team, I shouldn't skip meals. Shouldn't go more than 4-6 hours between meals. But, what if you're just not hungry? According to all diet gurus, you should listen to your body and only eat when you're hungry. I've been trying sooo hard to keep my blood sugars steady, and…
My bathroom scale has finally decided to be kind.(LOL) As of today, I have lost another 5 lbs since Christmas. It looked like it wasn't going anywhere but up, but It's finally heading in a downward spiral. Can't wait 'til next week.
Sorry, this may be a bit gross
Has anyone here ever eaten Russel Stovers sugar free chocolates? They all seem to contain Malitol syrup as an ingredient. Or sorbitol Has anyone experienced diarrhea after? I'm pretty sure that's the cause, because I didn't eat anything else different yesterday that may cause this.
depression and diabetes
Hi everyone. Don't want to be a downer, but I am feeling soo depressed today. It just came over me in a wash while I was at the nurse's getting my dressing changed. I'm not sure if it's the diabetes, the fact that the damn hole where my tube was still hurts and has developed a rash and yeast infection, or if I'm just…
Available carbs vs carbs
I hope I can explain this right. This is how it is explained to me by the CDA. When counting carbs in a food, you take the carbs minus fibre, and that is the available carbs in that particular food. For instance 2 bread have 35 carbs and 7 grams of fibre which means the available carbs are 28. Also, they consider Most…
Wound healing
I had my drainage tube removed on Tuesday. So now there is just this hole on my side that still has some stuff draining, but not as much as before. The nurses are very good at doing the dressing so it doesn't leak all over. Much better than the doctor as a matter of fact. The doctor said the hole will close on it's own,…
Pancreatitis flare ups
I suffer from chronic pancreatitis. If I'm not careful what I eat one day, I can be in pain for days after. I had a bad flare up after Christmas, even though I thought I was eating reasonably well over the holidays. So, clear fluids for a few days. Jello, chicken soup, sugar free cranberry juice. Well mostly clear. I told…
Diabetes and Weight Watchers
I was a WW member off and on. I lost 68 lbs the first time I joined, but because I didn't stick with it, like so many others I gained it back. What is your thoughts about WW and blood sugar control. I'm thinking, since I have a more motivating reason to get my weight down, it might be helpful to join again along with help…
Diabetes and me
So for the last two weeks (including Christmas day) my blood sugars have been pretty good. Not perfect but good. My doctor called me the other day to say that they're good. Considering I started out at 29.7(Canada), and now I average 6 or 7 in the morning, 8 or 10 before bed, that's pretty darn good. I even had a few low…
Not new but still have a question
First off Happy New Year everyone. I was just about to type something on my blog, just to get it off my chest. I noticed that my last blog had 2 votes. What does that mean?
More confused than ever by dietician
I won a free session with a dietician here in Ottawa. So, she weighed me with this fancy shmancy scale that tells your body fat percentage (really didn't want to see that), weight of course, and BMR. So then she sits me down and starts explaining the Canada food guide. I don't know how many more times I have to be told…
Shopping as exercise???
When I have a busy day, I can't get out for my walk outside. For instance, today I visited my Mom. She has Alzheimer's, so it's not much exercise involved. Afterward, I had to do groceries. I spent 45 minutes in the store. I absolutely LOVE grocery shopping, so I wander the aisles looking for new and different things.…
Thanks for the help
With your help, I have been tracking everything I eat, and counting the carbs. I kept my carbs within the 100 range daily for the last two days. With information from my Diabetes dietician, I subtracted fibre from carbs for total available carbs. TADA, yesterday after going for a 40 minute walk, my blood sugars were before…
Diabetes and calories, carbs
As a newly diagnosed diabetic, the 'web' has such conflicting messages, I'm soooo confused. Long story short, I had a gallstone removed 2 years ago. The surgeon knicked my pancreas. It got infected and I lost half my pancreas due to necrotising pancreatitis. So, the diabetic diagnosis wasn't a surprise. So, I go to the…
A bit embarrassing question.
I was pretty active a year ago. Then because of a surgical error, I was hospitalized for four months. I tried to get back at my regular activities, biking, hiking, birdwatching, but the zest just wasn't there. Now, I started swimming. I no sooner got into the pool, and the old pancreatic injury flared affair, and the…