Scalpula crepitus help forums
What is a good forum online to get proper support for a orthopaedics related issues Can’t get any support for this and it’s so bloody infuriating
Arm pain not entirely sure what it is
Last week done a bicep burner combinations with dumbbells but it won’t heal Iced it everyday but bending arm leaves painful pulls up elbow and bicep Worse in right arm Tried stretches but it comes back It’s not inflamed purple red just white hot soreness
Shoulder nerve pinch
Left shoulder a throbbing pinch that is hard to locate But it’s in the shoulder between neck and top of delts It only flares up after workout and lying down It’s not sore to touch and when retract shoulder blade back particularly lying down there’s a clicking Grinding sound Tried the relief exercises chin tucks scapula…
Crunches can’t get it right
Every time try crunches exert self to much as get neck sore because are pushing chin into neck like squeezing a lemon under it Follow videos but can’t see how far up should go when exhale and contract abs Try lifting mid back as well as shoulders that seems wrong Can dumbbells be used to lock feet
Doing planks challenge in phone but DElayed soreness is making it tricky What is a good stretch for after or before it thanks
Naproxen for muscle soreness
Naproxen used for sorting out tennis elbow years back but can it be used for DOMS when it’s very bad
Macro splits how much protein
Currently 88 kg want get down to 84 what is the correct macro percentage split fat carbs protein that can be adjusted in the app 1800 to 2000 calories per day intake
Chin ups sets
Can manage about 8 to ten chin ups door frame home bar But can’t do much more without coming off What is a good amount in a set and how much rest should be in between thanks
Muscle Soreness products
What is better then tiger balm or deep heat Does magnesium gel or voltarol work better thanks
Protein serious mass waste of time
Due to wanting to build bulk up I decided to give the powered vanilla protein at 1250 calories per 50 grams a go only having 25 g at a time However it’s post workout so all those calories have sat there and like most high calories went to gut not helping because it’s taken before bed as well helping sore muscles overnight…
Bar work is horrendous
Every time try and do hanging knees raises on chin up bar left with iron poker dmos next day Muscles under arm pit all around upper delts Can do about 15 chin ups with assist that’s bearable but the hanging knee raises very painful 176 lbs 6ft 2
Where are the recipes
Mfp had peanut butter cookies listed and recipe now can’t find them
Vaseline in jiggly bits
Does Vaseline help burn or destroy the fupa or unflattering parts of the abdomen or is it just wishful thinking would Nivea firming lotion be better
Crunches to see abs Fupa
The lower abdomen is always so wobbly and there’s a band around it of water retention It’s ripples so it’s not fat but it shrinks down again when are hungry or after waking up from sleep is this sodium trapped sodium ions causing this all ever do is flush the body with water Is it true everybody regardless of genetics has…