Food choices
i am getting back to tracking and not focusing TOO much on what I'm eating. Definitely making better choices than I had been. My question - I'm going on a 2 1/2 day business trip and may not make the best food choices so taking some with me. What do you think of as an emergency plan for eating: dinner - special k protein…
Suggestions for upcoming 5
I'll start this off w/ 'I know I'm overthinking it' but I do that a lot -- so here goes. I'm signed up for a 5k next Sunday (early Turkey Trot) and have been doing the couch -> 5k for about 8 weeks now, and have had to repeat some weeks since I couldn't breath well. I'm at week 5 now, jog 5, walk 3, repeat 3x and the last…
Anorexia -- a story of survival, overcoming the odds
Saw this on CNN and it touched my heart. Hopefully other women who are struggling will read this and have hope to get better. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/25/health/human-factor-roff/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
Superstitious much?
Superstitious much? I'm changing my planned meals for today because they include fowl products (chickens scratch backwards... not a good thing for bringing in new year) . Instead will have pork and sauerkraut. What's on your to-eat plan today? Do you encompass any new year's traditions?
Water with added stuff
At work, they have this big container with water, that they add different things to every day (fruits and herbs usually). Today's water was orange and rosemary. Yesterday's was apple and cinnamon. What, if any, added nutrition might be seeping into the water from the fruits and herbs? Thanks!
Almost there
I've been building up to be able to start the c2k program. When I started it was run 15, walk 45 ... some weeks later (2 months with some breaks?) I think I'm almost there! For the past 2 workouts I was able to confidently run 60 seconds and walk 90 for 25 minutes straight. Sure, my *kitten* was grass afterwards and I was…
Brain fart with Brita water filter
I have one of those water pitchers with the Brita filter you insert. I'm looking at their website and can't find information on what the filter indicator means and of course can't find the instructions that came with it. It is blinking as it appears the filter is done/completely used up, but if I press the Start button it…
Nutrition tips wanted
In 4 days I'll be walking 60 miles (22/22/18) over a 3-day period. Does anyone have suggestions for nutrition up until then? I don't want to GAIN weight going into the walk -- but to have enough energy to get through the day and keep my muscles strong. Pasta and chicken seem obvious, but that's about all I can think of.…
RMR testing through breath
Have any of you had your RMR calculated through a breath test? If so, what do you think of the results? Have the calorie calcs worked well for your weight loss goals? I'm debating whether to spend $50 to have this test done (indirect calorimeter?) I saw the report it outputs and understood most of what it is saying, but…
Math teachers/guru's - calculations right?
Evening everyone! Hoping someone can double check or tell me if my calculations look run. Math freaks need not read further, unless you're interested :) I did run/walking interval training tonight and at the beginning, I tracked a 14 minute mile. I figured I averaged 3.3 mph walking and for that time walked 10 minutes (600…
NSV in walking
I have achieved my GREATEST EXERCISE ACCOMPLISHMENT YET! 18 miles walking in 5h 39m. I'm prepping for the Komen 3-day walk and it's only 27 days away. This has been my longest walk to date. Tomorrow I'll be doing another 15 miles. I hope my legs cooperate :) So excited!
Newbie 'runner' - need advice from more experienced
I am an avid walker, hundreds of miles under my belt this year. Once the big walk is done, I'd like to start training for a 5k and actually run the whole thing. Over the past few days I've started small, 30 seconds of running, 1 minute of walking -- but I've found I can't even run that much/that long, so I'm starting…
Denny's new sandwich - crazy!!!
OMG! A meal that can be more than your day's calories... <snip> the Mac n' Cheese Big Daddy Patty Melt: A burger patty layered with slices of cheese, macaroni and cheese, another layer of cheese, some kind of tomato-based "frisco" sauce and two pieces of buttered-up potato bread. Still hungry? It comes with a side of…
Hi all
I've been doing lots of walking since February , training for the Susan Komen 3-day walk in October. Up until 2 months ago I was GAINING weight and eating uncontrollably, and beat my all-time high of 199. Told myself you are NEVER going to hit 200, and thankfully I didn't. Started watching what I was eating and dropped 5-6…