What does your routine look like?
i do a 3 day total body break up day one chest/bis/calves/traps day two legs/shoulders day 3 back/triceps. chest i do incline bench, flat bench, incline dumb bells, flat dumb bells, then 4 sets of flyes. biceps i vary it a lot, chest i rarely vary calfs every round for 12-15 sets legs/shoulders dead lift 4 sets 6 5 4 3…
bacon molasses sour cream meat balls
my wife made these...3.7 oz, 127 cal, 16 grams protien, 6 grams fat. per meat ball so delicious.
anyone recommend MFP to a friend trying to lose weight?
And they thought that tracking their calories was just "too time consuming"?
Protein, regardless of source, gets emptied from your
stomach at a rate of 30-40 grams an hour. there is no time during the day, where if you eat protein, your body magically has no amino acids running through your blood. That wouldn't have served us very well from an evolutionary standpoint if, just at random our muscles would begin catabolizing because we hadnt eaten for 10…
How many of you track your midnight cravings?
I do. It's fine on training days, but sucks on days I have to rest.
hada nice walk with the wife and baby
was relaxing. he loves the breeze.
Why you need to do full squats
Just a chart, so you can understand
What does your exercise routine look like?
i do a 3 day total body break up day one chest/bis/calves/traps day two legs/shoulders day 3 back/triceps. chest i do incline bench, flat bench, incline dumb bells, flat dumb bells, then 4 sets of flyes. biceps i vary it a lot, chest i rarely vary calfs every round for 12-15 sets legs/shoulders dead lift 4 sets 6 5 4 3…
Chicken Tikka Masala
My wife about 3.5 lbs worth, and it is amazing. :heart:
protein value of collagen
http://www.ehow.com/facts_6370701_collagen-protein-its-nutritional-value_.html Protein Quality Collagen is not a complete protein because it is lacking in the amino acid tryptophan. A Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAA) of a complete protein is 1.0. Collagen's PDCAA score is 0.08. .08 sorry, those pork…
craziest diet myth is
"eat every three hours to stoke the metabolic furnace."
weight is a number, not a health status.
do not judge yourself by a scale. your body composition is far more important