How often do you weigh in?
I am "officially" weighing in once a week, on a Monday morning before breakfast. I do have several unofficial steps on the scale throughout the week though, just to check, and I'm not sure how helpful it is.
Eating out/ takeaway food
What choices have you made to eat out and be sociable (or eat in instead of cooking), that have been good choices and stayed within you're calorie budget for the day? I'm finding myself researching menus before going to restaurants and making the decision before I go helps to plan a little better. Would love to get more…
Anyone using Hairy dieters recipes?
I have recently bought their book and tried a few recipes. Would recommend the ones I've tried, old fashioned chicken casserole, and fish gratin were really nice. The casserole took a long time to make, but was yummy!
Back after a few years and babies...
Have gained lots of weight! I had put on weight before having my first baby, gained during pregnancy, gained during 2nd pregnancy and had become the biggest I've ever been. I've now been back a couple of weeks and I'm feeling quite good, quite focused and am back losing again. Could use some new friends. Particularly the…
my friends have disappeared :(
Hello, I have been missing in action for a wee while (a few months) and have made a come back.... But, quite a lot of my friends seem to have either not logged in for a while, or, deleted me when i said goodbye (whichh is fair enough)... Anyway. my journey/saga/life continues, i am quite friendly, like actually really…
pictures of the story so far...
I posted a similar topic in october, but have lost some more since. I am losing my last stone now...and its getting reallllllly hard! I have now lost a total of 130lbs, It has taken a long time but its so worth it. my life genuinely is better now in so many ways. i like myself a lot more!! The story so far.... In December…
body balance
Does anyone do bodybalance classes? Its mixtue of yoga tai chi and pilates, and im thinking about giving it a go. I do body combat and really enjoy it, but it a high impact class and im looking to do something else as well to help me relax a bit. I am pretty wound up a lot of the time cos i am so busy! I was wondering, if…
what are your hopes and dreams?
I was blogging last night about my hopes for the future. I don't know about you guys, but losing weight has given me a lot of self worth, I really feel like I can and should make something of myself!! I was wondering what the future hold for all of you?? Here are my hopes 1. be healthy 2. be a wife 3. be a mother 4 (new to…
obsessed with the scale?
I've been thinking. this is getting a bit much!!! I have weighed in every day for the last few days. i am getting a bit obsessed, I usually log in once a week. I'm thinking about trying to step away from it a bit, esp since i have been plateaued since christmas time. Has anyone tried this? i have been thinking of having a…
thinking of buying a body fat monitor. any advice?
i think im going to go for this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Omron-BF306-Hand-Composition-Monitor/dp/B000178RVG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1302084334&sr=8-3 does anyone use this? or another one that might be better? : )
what do you look like right now??
why? just for fun! particulary if you haven't brushed your hair or have no make up on , are ready for bed and have your glasses on which you only wear when reading and on the computer(like me). I'll post one in a minute...if someone else does first! grab that iphone or use your webcam, it'll take 2 mins!
(strange) Non scale victory....
I have been going to the same combat class for about 2 years and it has bothered me for a while that even although everyone is chatty and talks to me that noone had ever asked my name, even though i knew all of theirs. yesterday, one of the guys in the class said that he saw me going up an escalator and had shouted at me…
I cant even remember the last time i ate/drank.....
What did you never think you could go a day without eating and/or drinking, but have discovered is not even on your radar anymore??
food experimenting. (It works for Heston Blumental)
And did it work??
What do you thik is the worst song ever?
I think the worst song (if not one of them at least) is "big girls you are beautiful" by Mika - I hate it!! and the worst lyric in the song is..."diet coke and a pizza please, diet coke? im on my knees screaming - big girls you are beautiful" urg... what song is grating on you at the moment?
So the dress fits...but can I pull it off?? advice please!
I've got a formal ball coming up at uni in 2 weeks. This is my sisters dress, but she has never worn it because she is too busty to be able to go without a bra. I am pretty proud of myself for being about to borrow any clothes from my little sister, as three years ago i was 5 dress sizes bigger than her!! So what do you…
Its good to get these things out some times. Go on...tell us what you did!! I'll start. On Thursday I ate 3 slices of chocolate cake. (the only reason I was under my calories is becasue I spent hours in the gym working it off...but if I have put on weight this week ...its totally becasue of that) good cake though.
I might be target-weight-phobic....
I have been thinking about this for a while. I have lost a lot of weight (129lbs). My weight loss has been yo-yoing up and down since the start of the year. I know why this has been happening, because i have basically been sabotaging myself! I will hve one bad week then a good week and lose a few pounds, then completely…
Angelina Jolie is too thin!
I watched the tourist on friday night, and I was constantly distracted by the fact that she is like a skeleton in a dress! I think she is gorgeous...but it made me sad to see her looking what I think can only be described as fragile. Have you seen it? Do you agree?
firming lotion?
Completely random question... Has anyone discovered a good cream to use to make your skin firmer? Ideally I would have liked my skin to shrink back and fit me nicely(if only), but some of it is a little loose, so I'm looking for some way of just making it a little bit better. Any suggestions? Thanks : )
how do you like your eggs in the morning?
just curious! lol! I like my eggs scrambled, with smoked salmon, with lemon and cracked black pepper...and a kiss : ) (and a cup of tea!)
bad joke of the week!
Yesterday at work I was discussing weightloss with a female work mate. In chimed the maintenance man: "I once went on a lager diet...I lost 2 weeks! ba doom ching!
The story so far...(some pictures)
In December 2007 my Mum got married. I was a bridesmaid... a fat bridesmaid A few days later we celebrated Christmas and I was fairly unhappy with this picture: So I went on a diet... ...some time later, I had lost quite a lot of weight! This was taken at the start of the summer 2010 (June I think) And here are a couple…
Motivation "compliment" of the day
The other receptionist at my work (who i don't see very often as our shifts dont intersect)paid me a nice compliment today, or at least he tried to... What he tried to say ..."I hardly recognised you when you walked in there, with this hour glass figure you're getting" What he actually said... "I hardly recognised you when…
oh hi!
I've been using myfitnesspal on my iphone but didnt realise the website had a forum and stuff till today. Prob not the best time to introduce myself as I have just gained a massive amount of weight in the last week! but generally speaking i have been successfully losing weight for about 3 years now. I have gone from a size…
other peoples (not very +ve) comments!
I dont know if anyone has started to experince this, but people I know, some from work others from family and friends have started asking me questions about my weight loss. Im not finding it very encouraging, becasue they are saying things like "you'll not want to lose much more or you'll be too thin". "are you eating…