Please help! Waiting for Body Revolution! Extremely impatien
Hello I ordered Body Revolution yesterday! So excited about it. In my confirmation email it said it will take 7-10 days for delivery. Now I checked on customerstatus.com and it says to give it 2-3 weeks. I really don't want to wait that long! Did anybody else have that but got it earlier? Daisy
Has anyone ordered recently?
Hello I ordered today (yay!) but now a little confused. I got the confirmation email but nothing has left my account. I know there have been problems when the workout came out that money was taken and then appeared back etc. I was wondering if the people that recently ordered had the same experience or was your account…
Changing the schedule?
Hello all I was wondering if anyone could help me in changing the schedule of CLX. It is just that I have a busy week and I need one day completely off which for me is Sunday. I work on Saturdays and my work gets really busy and I am on my feet all day so I usually come home exhausted. So I also need Saturday off. I also…
Super yummy Tuna Fishcakes
Hi all I just tried a new recipe and it was so super tasty that I though I'd share it. I served the fish cakes with a nice salad and it was such a great lunch. I think it would also be great for a work lunch as I would imagine the cakes could be made ahead and then eat cold or microwave! I'll definitely make them again…
Beachbody programs hybrid schedules
Hello I just came across a website that lists loads of options of Beachbody hybrid schedules. If you like me have a bit of collection of workouts it might be handy. There some schedules I'll definitely try at some point i.e. P90X and Turbo Fire. http://www.soreyfitness.com/?page_id=1420
What to do on Holiday
Hello all I am in a bit of a tricky situation. I have just started CLX on Friday so still in my first week. I love it by the way! My question is what to do when you have to go away? My sister is pregnant and due very soon. I live in the UK but are not from here so once they baby is born I will be going home for a few days…
Check In
Hello all I have just started ChaLean Extreme and I would love to share the journey with others. I tried to start a thread to check in but no one responded or joined in :-( I read through the group and haven't found a thread for checking in. Do you just use the 'workout' one and should I be using that one too or is it ok…
ChaLean Extreme weight loss advise please...
Hello I bought ChaLean Extreme a while ago but did not continue it as I only had bands and did not really enjoy using them. Now I have enough weights to get me started. My question however is now that I am not sure if it is the right time for me to start it or not. Overall I am basically looking to lose about 38-40lbs. I…
ChaLean Extreme weight loss advise please...
Hello I bought ChaLean Extreme a while ago but did not continue it as I only had bands and did not really enjoy using them. Now I have enough weights to get me started. My question however is now that I am not sure if it is the right time for me to start it or not. Overall I am basically looking to lose about 38-40lbs. I…
Finally Truvia available in the UK!
I have just seen an advert on telly for Truvia! I am so happy that it is finally available in the UK. I am currently trying to move away from artificial sweeteners and was looking for a good alternative. There is a good one in Waitrose already that I was going to go for but I am definitely going to try Truvia. Just thought…
Ripped in 30 starting 24/10/11
Hello I am planning on starting Ripped in 30 on Monday the 24/10/11 and looking for people to join me! I have done other Jillian Michaels workouts and really like her! I know there are a couple of groups already going but it would be nice to start together with a few people. I believe it is advised to stay on a level till…
Please help with Chalean Extreme weights question!
Hello I am planning to do Chalean Extreme sometime soon and I am unsure what kind of weights I will need. I have tried it in the past with the resistance bands and I did not like it. I generally like the bands but not for the Chalean workouts. I got 3 sets of dumbbells. They are about 2.5lbs, 5lbs and 10lbs. Will that be…
30 Day Slimdown
Hello I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Slimdown routine on Monday. Was wondering if anybody would fancy to join? Everyone welcome :smile:
ChaLean Extreme vs hybrid schedule question
Hello I am currently doing Jillian Michaels workouts and really love them. Will be busy with for another 1.5 months. After I have finished that I would like to get into lifting weights. I do have ChaLean Extreme but didn't have weights when I first did it and didn't like the bands with it. Anyway... I was looking at the…
No apple nor pear...what am I?
This might seem a bit of a silly question but after reading loads of post regarding apple or pear shape I am wondering what am I? When I gain weight I sort of gain it all over my body. My belly and face get bigger but so do my thighs and my bum. When I lose I lose first in my face and then probably belly. When a pear and…
Jillian Michaels rotation
Hello After attempting P90X a few times I have decided that it is not the right program for me right now. So I was looking at the Jillian Michaels workouts. They get brilliant reviews and after trying Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones I am sold. I have tried the 30 Day Shred in the past but didn't like it that…
Patience is the thing I find so hard!! I started to exercise and watch what I eat. I have lost a pound last week which I am happy about as I haven't been that good. I have lost about 12lbs at the end of last year put gained it back due to not exercising and eating badly. Now I feel I am back on track but I am so impatient!…
Wednesday Weigh In Group/30lbs to lose
Hello I was wondering if anyone would fancy to join me on my Wednesday weigh in day?! I am looking for people to keep each other motivated. I want to lose about 30lbs. I am exercising 5-6 days a week and I am starting a Jillian Michaels rotation that I have made up. I am doing the South Beach Diet. I am weighing in every…
P90X starting the 2nd of May
Hello So I have finally decided to do it and start P90X. I was reading about it and looking at it for about 1 year now but was intimidated by it. Now I will just give it my best shot! I might not be able to do it brilliantly but I will give it a go! I am really hoping to find some other people that have recently started or…
Starting Turbo Fire or Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extrem hybrid 25/0
I started Turbo Fire yesterday and are looking for people to join me to check in and motivate each other. I know there are a few threads already going but they are ahead quite a bit so I thought I start a new one. I will do my own hybrid with Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extreme. I am doing the 20 week TF schedule and will add a…
Any South Beach dieters around?
Hello I just started the South Beach Diet 3 days ago. So far I am loving it. The recipes are really tasty and i don't feel deprived in the slightest. My boyfriend is also doing it with me which is great. I was wondering if here is anyone else doing it? Would just be nice to exchange recipes and and tips. So anyone else…
Starting Slim in 6 on 27/10/
Hello I am going to start Slim in 6 tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone else has started recently or is going to start soon? It would be great to have someone else doing it so we could check in on each other! :smile:
Slim in 6 or Power 90
Hello I need your advise. At the moment I am doing Turbo Jam and i really love it. In 2 weeks I will finish the 4 week schedule and I want to move on to something else. I am trying to decide between Slim in 6 and Power 90. Or maybe I should do Slim Series? I already have Chalean Extreme and will start this in the new year.…
South Beach diet help
Hello I am thinking about doing the South Beach diet. I know there are already a few topics on here and i have read them all but I am still uncertain. It seems there are very mixed opinions. I was considering it as I want to lower my carbs. I find it very difficult and could do with some help on that. Also I want to…
Low fat Thai green curry
Hi One of my biggest downfalls is a Thai green curry! Oh how I love it :love: I cam across a great low fat recipe. You make everything from scratch including the curry paste! For me it is the occasional treat and it tastes great. I'm a vegetarian so I just replace the chicken with more veg. Here is how to do it: Serves 4…
30 day shred 21st of June till the 21st of July
Hi I hope it is ok to start a new thread for the shred as there is an older one still running. I was wondering if anyone is thinking of starting the 30 day shred soon. I would love to have a few people to together to start and to keep motivated by posting daily! I ordered my dvd and I expect it on Saturday and to start on…
Chalean extreme vs p90x
Hello I was reading quite a bit about chalean extreme and p90x. At the moment I am doing the 90day shred but afterwards and over the winer I was looking to start one of the named above programs. What are the differences? Which one do you prefer and why? I saw some videos on youtube of p90x results and this is pretty…
i am the new one..
Hello I am new here...A little bit about me. I always used to be a skinny child and a slim to skinny teenager up until to me early twenties... I moved to the UK and I gained a lot...In fact about 3 stone. Now I just don't feel comfortable and I don't like my figure. I just miss being able to go shopping and you can wear…