30 day shred 21st of June till the 21st of July

Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
I hope it is ok to start a new thread for the shred as there is an older one still running. I was wondering if anyone is thinking of starting the 30 day shred soon. I would love to have a few people to together to start and to keep motivated by posting daily!

I ordered my dvd and I expect it on Saturday and to start on Monday. We would be finished on the 21/07 then! Hopefully all toned and slim :wink:

I am going to a wedding in Italy on the 25th of July so I really want to go for it as I shed loads of tears at the last wedding I have been to as I felt awful in my dress! :sad:

So who is up for it? Get a bikini body for the hot months :smile:



  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Hey Daisy, I'll join you because been thinking about restarting this for a while anyway. I started back in March then got flu on day 4 or 5 and never picked it back up after that!
  • acabanil37
    I actually started yesterday. I don't have hand weights yet but I am buying some today. My legs are sore!!!
  • mscarr64
    mscarr64 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the DVD already and had started a couple weeks ago, it is intense!!! I'd like to join along with you and the others starting this Monday.
  • ChristineMcGrae
    I'm in! I have done two days but took a few days off in between cause I was sore and I wanted to wait on my knee brace to arrive. Well it's here now and I am willing to start at day one on the 21st! :happy:
  • baby_lovin_060206
    baby_lovin_060206 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm with you :) I started the shred 3 days ago, its a good workout, but makes you very sore. From what I have read about the results from the dvd, most just lose inches so that's what I'm going to keep track of. Good luck and am looking forward to doing the shred with you all.
  • Biancasmommy
    Biancasmommy Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! I started yesterday and hopefully this will keep me motivated to stick with it. I am definitely sore today, but know I need to push through and keep going. I can't wait to hear everyone reporting how great they're doing! :)
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I started mine on Monday the 14th. I love it! The first couple days kicked my butt but day 4 and 5 I can already feel a difference!!! I stepped on the scale today and I am down 5.5lbs in 5 days!! I am also watching what I am eating but I know this is working for me. My muscles are not as sore today but monday I am adding the 2nd level to my load. Instead of only doing one level I am doing both one and two. By week 3 and 4 I am going to be doing all 3 levels making it about 60 minutes of working out!!!

    Good luck with it all!!! I hope you all have great results too! I am soo happy to see so many people trying to change!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I started mine on Monday the 14th. I love it! The first couple days kicked my butt but day 4 and 5 I can already feel a difference!!! I stepped on the scale today and I am down 5.5lbs in 5 days!! I am also watching what I am eating but I know this is working for me. My muscles are not as sore today but monday I am adding the 2nd level to my load. Instead of only doing one level I am doing both one and two. By week 3 and 4 I am going to be doing all 3 levels making it about 60 minutes of working out!!!

    Good luck with it all!!! I hope you all have great results too! I am soo happy to see so many people trying to change!

  • belkyc
    belkyc Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in. I will be back from vacation on Monday. Good day to start. So excited!
  • shmilla
    shmilla Posts: 19
    Count me in!
  • Biancasmommy
    Biancasmommy Posts: 12 Member
    bethany_jurries - That is such a great idea! Once I'm up to level 2, I'm going to try to do that too. Thanks for the idea!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Great! it seems it turned out be a nice group of people! And bethany_jurries what a motivation 5.5lbs is :smile:

    Got my dvd yesterday but will go away today so monday it is! bring it on :smile:
  • VictoriaQT212
    I just got my DVD today at Wal-Mart, so I'm all ready to go! We're all going to kick butt!! :happy:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I am going to join you! I did it once before shortly after Christmas but had to do it every other day because of an old leg injury. I have been walking with Leslie (Sansone) for over a month now and I think my leg is ready to try it again. I'll work out with Jillian before work and keep walking with Leslie after work and see how it goes!
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    I started on June 14 but I'm willing to go an extra week, count with me!
  • suzannehmngbrd
    suzannehmngbrd Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to, but not sure of the details, what is the DVD?
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    30 Day Shred - Jillian Michaels, it takes 20 minutes a day to do it, it's great
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Just bought mine today at walmart to start tomorrow too! Glad I found this thread, count me in! I hope it doesn't kill me in the morning! See ya on the other side of Day 1 !!:bigsmile:
  • dietsarethedeathofme
    I'll start tomorrow too :-) Count me in! Goodluck everyone!!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Ok...I will try this again....I have some jiggles I need to start firming up...keep me accountable people...I will slack off.... :)