30 day shred 21st of June till the 21st of July



  • Thick80
    Thick80 Posts: 29 Member
    Day 1, Level One completed. Feeling good!!
  • mistysims
    mistysims Posts: 1
    I planned on starting yesterday, but ran into a snag. So now I'm going to start today. Hoping for the best. I have a lot of chronic pain so I'm worried that it's going to be too rough to do.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 2 done :-) I enjoyed even though I was aching! I felt like it went past quicker...but now I am aching even more!
    I had a hot bath after the workout and that was nice :smile:

    Great we are so many now and everyone is doing great...keeo it going!!

  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    yes my legs and butt are really sore, Im walking like an old lady hehe! I thought it went by quicker too! My ticker didn't move to day 2 wonder what I did to set it up wrong...
  • shmilla
    shmilla Posts: 19
    I'm new to working out, in general but have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the last 3 months and really seeing results.

    Do you think it's too much to do the Shred in the morning (530) and 45-1 hour at the gym in the evenings?

    I've done it and it's not fun. Even worse, I did 30-minutes with a personal trainer yesterday and then went home and did 3DS. When I got up to do the workout this morning I fell asleep on the exercise mat. No kidding. It was awesome and I burned 9 calories. Good luck on your workout!
  • ChristineMcGrae
    yes my legs and butt are really sore, Im walking like an old lady hehe! I thought it went by quicker too! My ticker didn't move to day 2 wonder what I did to set it up wrong...

    You have to go back into ticker factory and change it to 2 completed. It will then update the ticker. There will be a pin that you would have used to set it up.

    I did two days last week just testing it out and even my butt cheeks hurt after it! haha But it does start to feel better.
  • shmilla
    shmilla Posts: 19
    Despite my distaste for Jillian and her boring 30-day shred and my love for Chalene I decided to start a 5:00 am workout regime (and I’ve only worked out at night to Turbo Jam for 4 years now).

    I’m pretty bummed at the moment (today is day 1) after logging to see it only burned 166 calories. I guess I’ll give it 30 days but that means I’ll definitely have to stick to a 1200 cal diet and no 2000cal maintenance/cheat Saturdays.

    Gread find on the Chalean Extreme. I do love that workout. I was trying to do CE and 30DS at the same time and well...no. Have you seen Turbo Fire?

    Also, my HRM says it burns 247 and I don't do the cool-down. I'm sure I'm much bigger than you, but I can't believe you're not burning at least 10 calories a minute?
  • ChristineMcGrae

    Gread find on the Chalean Extreme. I do love that workout. I was trying to do CE and 30DS at the same time and well...no. Have you seen Turbo Fire?

    Also, my HRM says it burns 247 and I don't do the cool-down. I'm sure I'm much bigger than you, but I can't believe you're not burning at least 10 calories a minute?

    My HRM says I only burn around 150 in the 30 minutes of the shred.
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    L1D2 done. Per my HRM burned 412 calories:smile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I planned on starting yesterday, but ran into a snag. So now I'm going to start today. Hoping for the best. I have a lot of chronic pain so I'm worried that it's going to be too rough to do.

    Misty--if you find it to be too much try doing it every other day--that's what I did the first time I did the Shred.

    So far, it's much better this time around!
  • belkyc
    belkyc Posts: 17 Member
    Good night everyone, Happy to say I did L1D2. Legs are burning and I also felt it go faster. LOL.
    Thanks to all that responded to my inputting under circuit training. Kind of dissapointed that it only registers such
    few calories. Maybe thats a good thing. I wont eat more to replace those calories.

    See you tomorrow.:wink:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    L1D2 done here too. I used 8 pound weights today (for the first time on 30DS). I think I'll be sore tomorrow! :smile:
  • dietsarethedeathofme
    Just finished L1 Day 3 I had to really push myself today... but heres to day 4 tomorrow!!!
  • ChristineMcGrae
    No shred for me today! I read on here that Jillian suggests you do it 5 times a week with two days off (not consecutive) so today will be my first off day.

    Woke up with really bad lower back pain. I know I have a herniated disc at L5 S1 that was found back in 2005. With antiflamitory medication that I take once a week it only usually flares up really bad once in a few months. Well today is that day. :grumble:

    I hope it feels better tomorrow, if not I will modify some of the moves to at least get something done. :ohwell:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I know we're supposed to take some days off, but how does that affect the "30 shreds" a lot of us have in our tickers? Are you going to actually do 30 shreds or just 30 days with 5x/week?
  • ChristineMcGrae
    I'll actually do 30 shreds but it will just take a bit longer if you take the 2 days off. I really don't feel the shred alone is giving me enough of a workout so I have been also walking 3 miles after it. I did that two days in a row and now my back is killing me.

    If I do the 5 days a week then spend the two 'free' days just walking on the treadmill it might not be so much on me at one time.

    We'll see... It's al trial and error now I guess. Just know that if my back is hurting this bad I can't do anything at all which is what I don't want to have happen. :sad:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Day 2 of my 5:00 am date with Jillian is done.

    My thighs were sore a bit from yesterday b/c my regular Turbo Jam does not focus on legs very much hence I am not as strong there as I’d like aparently.

    My thighs and transverse abs (the lower part where moms complain about their “pooch”) are feeling it now which I am happy about b/c the first time I ever tried 30-day shred I didn’t feel anything in my abs and felt it was a weak ab workout.

    My deltoids feel it the most. That’s the muscle kind of between your chest and underarms. It’s those deltoid lifts and side bends that kill me. If you are just starting out you’ll probably want 3lb weight max for that part. I’m using my 5lb ones and yes that part is killer!

    I don’t feel like jello after the workout anymore since I'm not new to workout out just to the shred which is good but still sweating and super purple-pink shade as I always get while working out so I believe I am working out enough to continue despite only burning 166 calories each time.
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    I couldnt get into it today! Day 3 and I was soo tired, I didn't want to get out of bed. Couldn't finish any set and my daughter woke up right in the beginnig and I had to deal with her. Felt it was totally useless today, only sweated a little and I'm hoping tomorrow is better.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done.
    I've been walking 4-5 miles a day but I do it after work (I do the Shred in the morning) and I haven't been unusually sore.

    Also, those if you with HRMs--this is primarily a strength training dvd and HRMs do not accurately track calories during this type of workout. There are a lot of threads on hrms and strength training. If I have time later I'll look for some but it looks like we are having a second day of no rain so I can't promise I'll be on the computer much!
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Ok Im gonna start my 30 day shred today..Any tips for success??? Im recently off of my adhd meds and have gained about ten pounds..And for those who are not tall like me you know we dont carry extra weight very well lol..But I have never been a Healthy eater or one to exercise so this is all new to me in a sende..The reason I was small before is because my meds made me not eat..So here we go!!!:wink: