30 day shred 21st of June till the 21st of July



  • L1D4 completed. Every day I'm finding it a bit easier to do. Also had the help from my 3 year old daughter today!!

    Well done evryone

    Clare xx:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I did my fourth day yesterday, but I want to catch up since I slacked off a few days. I think I'm going to combine two levels a couple times this week. I also think I'm going to switch it up so I do level 1 one day, level 2 the next day, then level 3 after that. Since I've completed the 30 days before, I feel like this would be possible. Plus, I know I can do her full length videos, so this should be no issue.
  • Thanks for your help, I decide not to added since I don't know that exact calorie burn, I made sure not to go over my daily intake
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    day 5 of level 1 made it almost all the way thru only rested 2 times... one for the first cardio and another for the ones with the lunges when you bring weights eye level... not bad tho and leg crammps are G O N E FINNALLLLLYY!!!!
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    Just bought the 30 Day Shred Workout today. I did day 1 level 1 and WOW! I bought some 5 pound weights to do with it.
  • belkyc
    belkyc Posts: 17 Member
    Its Sunday night and Im so dreading doing my workout, I saw most of you took a break and Im tempted to do so myself.
    But I also did terrible eating at cookouts this weekend and therefore I must get off this couch and start my workout.
    Here goes to L1D7.

  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    L1D7...Definately working towards 30 days on level 1. This is still killing me. At 220+ lbs it is no surprise that it is tough for me, but hanging in there. It did take a heck of a lot of will power to shred today though...but I really felt tons better after I was done. I need to get 2 lb weights. I have 5's but find them too much, and the 1's I have are like nothing. 2 or 3 more days before I take a few off during vacation. This is fun
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I did levels 1 AND 2 tonight to catch up from my two days off this week. That brings me to 6 shreds.
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    L1D6 and Chalean Abs, I decided to go back to level 1 today and i was able to see the improvement since I started the DVD. :wink:
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Completed L1D7. Today was my weigh in and measure day after 7 days of the Shred. Not real thrilled with the weigth loss because I've been losing around 2 lbs a week without exercising. I only lost 0.2lbs, but I'm thrilled that I lost 3 3/4's inches. Mostly waist and thighs. The jumping jacks have been really tough on my knees (being 218 lbs doesn't help..lol) but I am going to continue and see what happens. Might have to modify the jumping jacks even though Jillian says not to do that. Is there anyone else doing this that is modifying them?
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Robin--Good job!!! I don't modify the jumping jacks, but I know you could. Just do side step outs (one leg at a time) while doing the arm motions. You don't want to screw up your knees. It's better to be safe than sorry.

    I've lost 0.5 pounds. I am up a bit from my ticker, but hopefully that won't last long.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Completed L1D7. Today was my weigh in and measure day after 7 days of the Shred. Not real thrilled with the weigth loss because I've been losing around 2 lbs a week without exercising. I only lost 0.2lbs, but I'm thrilled that I lost 3 3/4's inches. Mostly waist and thighs. The jumping jacks have been really tough on my knees (being 218 lbs doesn't help..lol) but I am going to continue and see what happens. Might have to modify the jumping jacks even though Jillian says not to do that. Is there anyone else doing this that is modifying them?

    I modify the jumping jacks. I've managed to break both my legs and needed surgery on one of them and just cannot do the jumping! I do them the way Amy_B said--one leg out at a time while doing the arms. Still gets the heart rate up but saves my knees for things like walking! LOL! (BTW--in L 3 she has us doing star jumps--I can't do those either and do butt kicks instead!)

    Back to the Shred after 3(!!!) days off--my daughter had to have a c-section (Baby Isaac weighs 8 pounds, 14 ounces and is 20 inches long. Momma and baby doing very well and are home now,) and wanted me with her so I wasn't able to do it. I planned on Thursday and Sunday off so that is my schedule once again. Today will be Day 5 of Level 1
  • kaymiller2
    kaymiller2 Posts: 26
    L1D7...Definately working towards 30 days on level 1. This is still killing me. ... I need to get 2 lb weights. I have 5's but find them too much, and the 1's I have are like nothing. 2 or 3 more days before I take a few off during vacation. This is fun

    I know exactly what you mean... i had 5# weights already, and didn't want to buy more, but I just can't finish all the weight moves with them, so I started using just one for the 'weights-to-eye-level' thing, and some others. I think 3's would be good.

    I was gone yesterday, so I skipped... L1D7 here I come!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Kathy--Congrats on the baby grandson!!!
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    Did day 2 level 1. Feels good.
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    day 6 of level 1 and i made it all the way thru the cardo yay me!!! i think its also because my hubby and i have walked every night after 9 for a mile so that made cardio much easier today looking forward to walking tonight too!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Checking in...I have slacked...work was a killer this weekend. I will get back shredding tomorrow. Did go out biking...10 or 11 miles in about an hour. I actually miss the adrenaline high I get after working out! Have a great night!
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    L3D7 I feel great and can't wait for tomorrows workout, my legs are a little sore but who cares I'm enjoying it.
  • belkyc
    belkyc Posts: 17 Member
    L1D8... I managed to workout at work since it was so quiet. I even got my coworker to join in. She's gonna be real mad at me tomorrow when her whole body is aching! Thought it would be a nice surprise. LOL
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    L1D5-I HAVE to modify the jumping jacks and push-ups!!! I do wall push-ups b/c my wrists hurt when I put too much pressure on them. I also have a bad knee. Remember when Jillian says she has 400 lb. people that do jumping jacks they are on the Biggest Loser ranch with medical support nearby. You have to do what you know is best for your own body. I get a great workout and really work up a sweat with my modifications. I will not be doing Shredd after tomorrow due to surgery. I can't wait to start it in the fall. I felt great doing it last week and I actually felt great in a bathing suit. And yes, I still have 30 lbs. to lose. Good luck to you all. Don't forget to watch Losing it with Jillian. :flowerforyou:
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