South Beach diet help

Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss

I am thinking about doing the South Beach diet. I know there are already a few topics on here and i have read them all but I am still uncertain. It seems there are very mixed opinions.

I was considering it as I want to lower my carbs. I find it very difficult and could do with some help on that. Also I want to increase my protein intake as I am exercising on a regular basis. So I came across the SB diet.

I thought it would be good as I don't really eat bad foods such as fast food or sweets, crisps etc.I am usually staying within my 1200 cals and I do exercise.I thought it could just help me with eating more in the way I would like but find it hard just by myself.

Do you think it would be suitable for what i want to achieve? I would appreciate any advise!




  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I personally don't believe in "diets", I don't believe they actually work. I've seen people follow "diets" over and over and over and the weight comes back on eventually. I believe in a total lifestyle change. If you can't continue with this "diet" forever, then it's not going to last. You have to do something that is realistic for you. I have found that the ONLY thing that works is a lifestyle change, NOT dieting. Eating things you like but in moderation. It's more realistic. It's a slower process, but that's how it works/lasts.

    Just my opinion though.
  • Hi Daisy,

    I did the south beach diet about 3.5 years ago. I chose that diet at the recommendation of a doctor because sugar is just not my friend and I was motivated to loose weight for my wedding. I lost about 25 pounds but unfortunately, gained 40 after that. The thing is, as with any diet, it needs to be more of a lifestyle change and less of a temporary fix. As soon as I added the carbs and sugar back in, I was out of control!

    I'd recommend reading the book, it might help you decide. It's a fast read because most of the book is recipes. And if you still want to try it, do it! I know that it does work and fast too.

    But to answer your question, yes it will cut the carbs and increase protein, but shouldn't be used as a temporary solution to cut carbs.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to message me :)
  • I did the south beach diet as well and lost 40 pounds on it and I gained it back when I went to school. It did work for me but I wasn't willing to keep going with it. I think if you choose to go this route I would stick to phase 2. You still need your carbs but eating the right kind of carbs is the key. Phase 2 is about adding the good carbs into your diet slowly. This may help you modify your diet so you are still taking in those carbs and adding in extra protein.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Thank you for your replies!! What you are saying is exactly what I am worried about. I don't want to do a "diet". What I would like is change my eating habbist long term and by that I mean lowering the carbs.

    I think I might just read the book and see how close it is to my diet now. If I feel it is close enough that I will be able to stick to it long term i might give it a go. If i feel i will be to restricted i might just take advise from it on how to lower my carbs. As I said said i think overall my diet isn't too bad so i might just be fine with reading it and taking advise and recepies from it.

    Thanks for your help! :flowerforyou:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Personally, I advocate a lower carb eating plan for life, based on WHOLE and NATURAL (organic if you can afford it) foods.........

    Also, this is my personal opinion.........I firmly believe that following a structured plan such as Atkins, South Beach, Primal Blue Print type plans help you to transition through the lifestyle change one step at a time. That is why they are broken into the different phases.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    Thank you for your replies!! What you are saying is exactly what I am worried about. I don't want to do a "diet". What I would like is change my eating habbist long term and by that I mean lowering the carbs.

    I think I might just read the book and see how close it is to my diet now. If I feel it is close enough that I will be able to stick to it long term i might give it a go. If i feel i will be to restricted i might just take advise from it on how to lower my carbs. As I said said i think overall my diet isn't too bad so i might just be fine with reading it and taking advise and recepies from it.

    Thanks for your help! :flowerforyou:

    Umm, Atkins nor South Beach are "diets"................they are lifestyle changes.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hi Daisy,

    I did the south beach diet about 3.5 years ago. I chose that diet at the recommendation of a doctor because sugar is just not my friend and I was motivated to loose weight for my wedding. I lost about 25 pounds but unfortunately, gained 40 after that. The thing is, as with any diet, it needs to be more of a lifestyle change and less of a temporary fix. As soon as I added the carbs and sugar back in, I was out of control!

    I'd recommend reading the book, it might help you decide. It's a fast read because most of the book is recipes. And if you still want to try it, do it! I know that it does work and fast too.

    But to answer your question, yes it will cut the carbs and increase protein, but shouldn't be used as a temporary solution to cut carbs.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to message me :)

    That is the best thing about Atkins that works better than South Beach.

    The Atkins plan has you to add back in carbs according to the carb ladder in a slow and steady pace. The reason behind slowly adding back in the foods in a particular order, is:

    1. keeps your insulin from surging and causing blood sugar spikes
    2. allows you to learn how your body reacts to particular foods or food groups (particularly grains, legumes, beans and dairy)
    3. Adding back in carbs slowly allows your body to adjust to being able to eat the carbs.

    I will say this……….Anyone that doesn't keep the weight off following a plan such as South Beach or Atkins is plain and simple not looking to change their lifestyle. It is no where near a fad diet, these plans ARE LIFESTYLE CHANGES………….
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi daisy! As many people have mentioned, it needs to become a lifestyle, not a diet. If you think of it as a diet and only do this as a diet, the weight will come back on once you've stopped eating this way. It needs to be a complete change for the rest of your life! If you're interested in learning more and/or do decide to lower your carbs or just want to chat with those that practice a low carb WOE there is a group of us on here, so feel free to come over and ask us questions!
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with Grokette. I did the South Beach Diet and have lost and kept of over 30 pounds. The first phase is strict but it only lasts two weeks. You then learn how to add in healthy carbs and the first two weeks does take your cravings for all of the junk away. It has been a lifestyle change for me and I plan my meals based around healthy carbs and lots of veggies.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I read the book and tried to do the SB "Diet" many times over...too many to count. I did lose weight and then I gained it back. However it did teach me the difference between good carbs and bad carbs and my glycemic index. It taught me which good carbs to eat so I can stay fuller longer.

    However in the end I had to learn to eat healthy and using MFP tool to track my intake and the importance of exercising. I think no matter what you do or how you do it, incorporating a healthy eating and exercising lifestyle mindset is what is important.

    Good Luck!!!

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi and thanks again for all the replies! Much appreciated!

    I think it sounds like the SB is a good decision. I am looking for a way to eat less carbs and I need some guidance. I am not looking for a "diet" that you are on for a while and then stop. I want to change my eating long term. So I will have a read of the book and then decide if I will be able to commit to it long term,

    Thanks for all your advise!!

  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    If you actually follow the SB diet from the first phase to the last, it'll work. It's a way of eating that will become a least that's the point of the book...It's very healthy. Low fat and low, good carbs and lots of fruits and veggies...I think it's a great idea. Just be aware that if you fall off the wagon, the weight will creep up. Just like any other diet...
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