Anything can be unhealthy
I wanted to share this with everyone. I have been on my fitness journey for about 7 years now. A couple years back. It got addicting. If I miss my work out, or didn't eat perfect. I would be so upset with myself. I would let it ruin my day. I would let it affect my attitude on life. I would stare at myself in the mirror. I…
Does anyone need help out there?
Hey everyone! I just wanted to post this because there are so many people on this website, alot of you do not know me. I have met some great people on here. Take a look at my profile. I love to help and inspire people with health goals or other goals in general. My advice is free;-) I have been on my fitness journey for…
Love yourself every step of your journey
I tend to look in the mirror and pinch the fat I have left. To really examine my body. If I notice that I am starting to gain again. I really focus on eating a lot better and work out like crazy. I would get mad at myself If I did not eat good throughout my week. I would get angry and I would not be to fun to be around If…
Ladies Challenge Group! No giving up this time!
Hey everyone! As I always say, I love to help people. I am excited to get this challenge group rolling! It starts at the end of may! This group will help you stay focus, get the motivation you need. To get yourself on track with your new healthy journey! If you wouldn't mind dancing,kicking, and punching in your living…
How bad do you want it?
This is not just a post about weight loss, its about anything you want to accomplish in life. We all have dreams, we all have goals. Half the time we do not get where we want to be in our lives. What holds us back is the fear of falling, the fear of failure. I have been on my fitness journey for years now. You think I have…
Women Challenge Group! This time You wont Give up!
Hey Everyone! I am Jessica! My story is on my Profile. Long story short. I use to eat constantly, I wasn't as active as I Would like to be. I realized If I kept eating. I wouldn't just be 20 pounds overweight. The number would just keep increasing. I would eat my emotions. I didn't know how to take out how I was feeling in…
Overweight stop blaming yourself Please watch!
http://thekeybiotics.com/video_toon3.html Copy and paste this in your web browser. I couldn't believe the information I got from this video. The truth behind what we eat. If you are overweight. You blame yourself. How did I let myself get this big? I cant look at myself in the mirror. I am telling you now its not your…
Do you have goals? A tip to achieve them!
Hey everyone! My name is Jessica. I Have lots of dreams, goals that I want to conquer. I have conquered a lot already. There is so much I want to do in my life. My main Goal and dream is to help others,to achieve there goals, fitness related or not. I started to do something that will helped me. Our brain is only function…
Health- Anxiety and food
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my story. About a month ago I was dealing with the worst anxiety. I love talking to people. I help people reach there goals. I do hair too. I wanted to hide. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was getting anxiety about every little thing. I told myself should I go to the doctor. I…
Free workout and Meal plans
Hey everyone! I am Jessica 24 years old. I love to help people reach there goals. If you are struggling to find a good workout, and trying to stay on track with your eating. If you need something simple to reach your goals. I am here to help. Please feel free to add me and message me if your interested. I am not doing this…
Need help with portion control?
Hey everyone! My problem has been portion control. How do you know without weighing it? How do you know without trying to get your measuring cups out! Well I just did this 21 day fix and it comes with all the these sized containers. You fill it! You can eat it. Whatever you want to fill it with. It taught me a lot. It…
Need Moitivation
Hey guys I have been on my fitness Journey for 5 years now. I have lost weight. I am gaining muscle. I hurt my groin finally back in action! Still have to listen to my body. I love to lift,run and I love Beachbody workouts. I completed Turbo a couple years back. I am going to give Shaun T25 A shot. 25 min A day why not!…
Need Moitivation
Hey everyone! I just woke up and slept in to late. I still will complete my workout before work. We all need the motivation sometimes. I have been on my fitness Journey for about 5 years now. I have learned a lot. I am still learning. I am still growing. I still fall sometimes. The whole point is getting back up again and…
Healthy tip to loose weight! Don't put a number on it!
When people ask me for help or advice. Of course I Will give it to them,because I love helping others achieve there goals. I always get Jessica I want to loose 40 pounds by July. Whatever month it may be. Whatever number it is they might want to loose. DONT ever put a number on it. Our bodies are all diffrent. When you see…
How I look at food anyone struggling please read.
I used to be addicted to food. I wanted to eat all the time. I was eating a lot of junk and bad stuff. Going to dairy queen once a day stuff like that. I was dealing with bad anxiety, ocd thoughts, and I had a flat wart outbreak. It wasn't that bad all over my body. On my hands mostly and thighs. I was embarrassed. I'm…
I need friends that love fitness as much as I do
Please feel free to add me, if you love fitness. If you love to take care of yourself and try to eat the best you can. I am a positive happy person. For the most part. We all have our days. I am 24 years old. All my friends or old friends still are in the party mode. I'm in the mode trying to make my life the best I can.…