Do you have goals? A tip to achieve them!

JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
Hey everyone! My name is Jessica. I Have lots of dreams, goals that I want to conquer. I have conquered a lot already. There is so much I want to do in my life. My main Goal and dream is to help others,to achieve there goals, fitness related or not. I started to do something that will helped me. Our brain is only function to think of up to 6 things to do. We have busy lives we want to get so much done. All of our dreams and goals are different. Every Sunday A new week is ahead of you. Every day is A blessing. Make a list of up to 15 goals, you have to accomplish for the week. I do not call it a to do list. Like I said our lives are busy. This is your goal list. For example A couple on my list is as simple as....
-Putting my laundry away. That has been sitting in the other bedroom for 2 weeks now.
-Making A creative healthy dinner 2 times this week
-Run 3 Times
-Lift 3 Times
-Pick up house everyday. Super clean one

I have a total of 15 things on my Goal list. I Make a chart Monday- Sunday. I put this sheet next to my bed. I will see it everyday. I will read it everyday. I List my goals 1-15. I pick 2-3 things from that list. I put the numbers in the Monday column. I will achieve those goals. I will sign my name before bed. They will be completed. Tuesday pick 2 or 3 things again. The end of the week comes along. You look at your list. All your goals where achieved. Make your goals reasonable. Always set goals for the week. ;-) You will have A huge smile on your face, by next Sunday if you do this. I know I did. This is a baby step to getting closer to your dreams and goals. A simple goal list to be achieved by the end of your week. You can do it!