Women Challenge Group! This time You wont Give up!

JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
Hey Everyone! I am Jessica! My story is on my Profile. Long story short. I use to eat constantly, I wasn't as active as I Would like to be. I realized If I kept eating. I wouldn't just be 20 pounds overweight. The number would just keep increasing. I would eat my emotions. I didn't know how to take out how I was feeling in a positive way. It needed to stop! I decided to slowly change my habits, and I found a program that changed my life. I told myself If I can dance, shake my butt, punch and kick for my workout everyday, and loose weight! I will do it! So I did! It gave me confidence to go to the gym to try other workouts. I felt happy I wanted to tackle more goals that I had. If you are having Trouble staying focus and keeping the weight off. Trying to Find something that will help you look forward to working out. Please message me! I have a 5 spots left for my mid may fit summer challenge group! This gives you the motivation you need. Other people will be in the challenge group too. Its 10 people per challenge group. Everyone will start with the same program, Follow the meal plans that best fit you after filling out your information,and also hitting daily goals. You can also enter to win prizes. I Love doing these challenge groups! To coach and motivate you also throughout the way! Its A Blessing to see so many lives changing. To see the smiles on peoples faces get bigger. If you are interested please message me for more details! I am here to help! To see your smile get bigger and to see your life change!
