Measuring distance walked/hiked accurately
I normally use my GPS to track my walking/running. but there are times, like today, when out in the woods, that you either can't get a good GPS fix, or no phone service, or both. I was wondering about some suggestions for alternate ways to ACCURATELY count distance. There are some apps that count based on your stride, but…
Japanese food suggestions
So, I've never really had Japanese food and a friend who I've been trying to get together with for over a year chose a Japanese restaurant. It's supposed to be healthy, but I have no idea what to expect. I'm a meat eater, NOT at all into Sushi, but she assures me I will be able to find something good to eat. Can someone…
It’s hard be believe that its already been 7 weeks. I guess time flies when you’re having fun! Just because we are at the end of this challenge, does not mean that we should stop fighting to reach our goals. It also doesn’t mean that someone can’t start another new challenge or continue this one. Remember, this is a…
Week 6 results - First Official Summer Challenge
Welcome to Week #6. My how time flies when you’re having fun! OK, maybe it hasn’t always been fun, but it has been interesting for sure. It’s hard to believe that next week is the last week of our challenge. Has anyone given any thought to what you will do after this challenge is over? Anyone planning on taking the ball…
Reliable distance calculator that doesn't rely on GPS?
I've posted this before and I'm hoping to get better results this time. Living in the Pacific Northwest where it rains ALMOST ALL THE TIME except for roughly July-September, and the fact that hiking often takes you to remote areas that don't have cell service, it's really hard to track your distance travelled. My GPS in my…
First Official Summer Challenge - Week 5 Results
It's hard to believe that this is week #5! All Team members are again accounted for. Thank you again to the team leaders and to everyone for keeping up with this. I know it's hard, but I honestly believe that it helps you to stay focused, especially when you have the support of teammates. Please don't get discouraged if…
First Official Summer Challenge - Week 4!
WOW, we've survived a long holiday weekend of the First Official Summer Challenge, and we're still going strong. This week, even with a holiday, there were NO WEIGHT GAINS! THat's pretty impressive! All Team members are accounted for. We are past the halfway point, with only 3 weeks remaining. Time to start looking at your…
MFP Inspiration - Who Inspires you and Why?
As I celebrate my 8 Month anniversary today (8 month check-in coming soon) and what so far has been a fabulous day, I immediately reflect on my success and MFP. This has been a life-changing experience for me, and I can go on and on about all the tools and support, but instead, I'd like to focus on an MFP person who has…
New to Weight/strength exercises
I'm coming up on 8 months on my journey on MFP (progress updates coming soon!), have made strides in my nutrition and exercise and am seeing some positive changes in my weight and body. I've really been focusing on cardio exercises (walking, jogging, elliptical, statinary bike and swmming) but now, after reading several…
First Official Summer Challenge - Week 3
It's Week 3 of the First Official Summer Challenge. We are at the halfway point. This is the time where people that are doing well, tend to get complacent and rest on their laurels, and those that aren't doing well, get discourage and give up. Don't be in either of these two categories. Are you where you want to be and…
First Summer Challenge Weigh in - WEEK 2
Welcome to the Week 2 Weigh In Results for the First Official Summer CHallenge. WOW! I have the most fabulous team leads on the planet. Thank you to all of you for making my job easier! Secondly, thank you to ALL members of this group for checking in, in a timely manner, to enable me to get these posted as soon as humanly…
First Summer Challenge Weigh In - Week 1
First of all, congratulations to everyone for making it through the first week of our challenge. The first week is usually hardest - getting on board with the committment, figuring our a routine, and of course, remembering to check in on time. Thank you to the team leaders who all did a fantastic job getting weights to me…
Final and Official First Summer Challenge Initial Weigh In
Hi All! Welcome to the Final INitial Weigh In of the First Official Summer Challenge of 2011 (aka continuation of 149Lore's challenge). Try saying all that 5 times fast! Well, we've doubled our participation numbers and added another group to accommodate. I was able to add everyone that sent me their starting weights, who…
First Official Summer Challenge - Initial Weigh-in
Hi All! Welcome to the First Official Summer Challenge of 2011 (aka continuation of 149Lore's challenge). We have 9 people officially signed up for the challenge, and since most said they could benefit from teams, I've divided us into two teams. 149Lore has graciously agreed to be a team leader again, and I'm hoping…
Continuation of 149Lore's weight loss challenge
For those of you who were part of this challenge with the different colored teams, our challenge has come to an end, but it doesn't mean that we can't challenge ourselves some more. Several have indicated an interest in continuing this challenge for a bit longer, and since no one has stepped up and said they will take it…
Reflective Breakthrough
If you've read anything I've posted, you know that I HATE being in front of the camera - well, let me say hated because as I start to see more changes and feel more confident, I find that I don't mind it so much, especially when I can see a difference. Some of you also know that I like swimming. so you can imagine that…
Healthy All in One Type dishes
The hardest thing for myself (and mostly my partner) is the planning of meals. Not only can that be time consuming when you're busy, but unless you make and add every single ingredient yourself, there is always room for error. For the type A person that I am, I pretty much count every ingredient and measure to the minute…
Finally, I can see the differences
I guess you can say that I am less than photogenic. For that reason, I tend to stay away from the camera and having to be reminded of just how heavy I am. There are a few that sneak in from time to time, but usually they are hard to find. The last couple of days, I've been getting compliments from unexpected places. I get…
Biological functions
OK, so this is an odd and perhaps slightly embarrassing topic, but hey, I've been wondering, so I'm putting it out there. So I'm drinking more water daily than I have for my entire life, with a minimum of 8 glasses a day. This, of course, leads to "having to go" more often as expected. What I don't understand is why it's…
Staying on track for Turkey Day
Hi all, As we "round" the corner of our weight loss journey, we are approaching the holidays, the first of which is just around the corner. I just thought it might be good to start thinking of strategies for not derailing all of the wonderful progress we've all made. My Thanksgiving dinner is going to be greatly modified…
Travel Suggestions?
So I've been religiously healthy for two weeks now and plan to continue on this journey, but getting a little nervous about being derailed (or derailing myself ) during the holidays. It's a ways off and not really the reason for this post. I'll worry about that as it gets closer. However, In less than 2 weeks, I'm headed…
I would really like to start taking measurements and monitoring those weekly as well. However, and I KNOW this sounds silly but...I don't think I know the correct way to take measurements. Previous attemps have led me to question whether the current measurement was taken at the same exact place as the last, etc. Can anyone…
New here
Just now starting to get serious about getting healthy. First goal is to pay attention to and be more aware of what I eat, how much I consume, and making healthier choices. I'm keeping a journal and counting every calorie I consume. Have also started doing some light exercises (Biggest Loser Wii game) and need that kind of…