Late afternoon cravings help!
Does anyone here get food cravings about 2-3pm? I find all things go well till I hit the late afternoon. My breakfast is usually toast and avocado plus coffee. Mid morning usually a fruit sometimes with some yoghurt or hummus on the side. Lunch is usually protein (100g) plus veges and a piece of bread or roll. Come 3pm I’m…
Anyone from NZ/Australia here?
Hi Im a mom of 2 from NZ. Just wondering if there were any kiwi's or Australians here? Ive made some great friends from around the world on MFP, but wondering if there were others on a similar time zone :wink: Add me if you are
Dairy Free eeek need help
Hi guys Im currently BF my eight month old and he has eczema. So to rule out my diet causing his eczema I have been advised to try dairy and chocolate free for at least 3 weeks. OMG how do I go diary free? any meal or recipe ideas that are diary free? My weakest link is sweet ie choc, ice cream... what subsitutes could I…
Alcohol and Weight Loss
Is this true??? I have heard that alcohol inhibits your body's ability to burn fat and slows down your metabolism??
Phenylalanine and Aspartame
Is there a difference? I hear alot about aspartame.. but is phenylalanine just as bad??
2nd time round seems harder?
I did really well last year and lost weight through exercise and using MFP to track my eating.. Through the holiday season and various events in my life I gained the weight back... Im now back and trying to get back into exercise and watch my calorie intake again.. However I feel this time round its alot harder to shed the…
hows your TOM cycles since you lost weight?..
Has anyone found after losing weight they also dont have there periods? I lost about 8pounds last year and thats supossedly alot for me.. well after that I also lost my periods and still do not have them... Im not sure if its from the weight loss?? or not .. have run a thousand test and everything seems ok,.. so now my…
Question for Ladies
This is a female related topic.. Has anyone found that after they have lost weight there TOM has stopped??? is this normal?? Does it come back after some time? ?
Im BACK!!! and really need motivation
I finally logged back into MFP... I was so disciplined in the beginning.. then I just got 'busy' .. work stresses!!! I kept putting off exercise and I kept saying Il log back into MFP tomorrow.. I'l be good tomorrow.. *sigh* ITS SO HARD TO STAY MOTIVATED!!! To all the people who have been here for a long time or have…
What is your exercise routine??
Hi all Im curious to know what everyones exercise routine is? for example Cardio training do you do 3x 1hour running per week ? Strength training - do you do 3 sets of 20 ab crunches + 3 sets of 10 lunges etc This is an example of what I usually do: Cardio - 1 hour on the elliptical trainer or 1 hour of brisk walking…
Thyroxine and weight loss??
Does anyone know much about thyroxine or low thyroid problems?? My free T4 (thyroxine) levels are low. I was wondering is this because of my weight loss (not that 4kilos or 8.8lbs is alot to lose). Is my calorie restriction causing this low thyroxine? Im exercising regularly, I eat pretty well balanced meals, sometimes I…
Anyone from NZ here??
Hi MFP pals Im just wondering if there were any kiwi's on this site? Would be nice to see how this site is helping fellow kiwis in pursuing a healthier fitter lifestyle :bigsmile:
Strength/Resistance training exercises
Does anyone have any good suggestions on different strength/resistance training workouts I can do at home or does not require expensive equipment?
Q on exercise and post exercise pain
I have had a break from exercise due to some health problems.... BUT I have a question about exercising as before my body caved in I was an avid exerciser. I find that I can run for a fairly good amount of time and I don't feel too tired or sore while I am running, however the next day or two my body is in sooooo much…
Feeling Down.. waiting for blood test results
Ive been ill for the last week (it happened so quickly), hormone levels going crazy, blood tests are going crazy! have another test to do tomorrow... doc's don't know whats wrong.. might be glandular fever or something nastier. I cant exercise or do anything strenous, its depressing me because I have been so good and so…
Help.. Need advice, suggestions or clarification or just mot
Hi Pals So Ive been working on this 'lifestyle change, bad habit change' for about 4 months. Im 152cm tall (5foot1) and my daily calorie allowance is 1200. Since April I have lost 5kilos (11pounds) I started at 127.6pounds and now am 116pounds. My goal weight is 105pounds (48kg). I exercise on the elliptical trainer about…
Am I doing this right??? I need help!!!
Hi Im Jaymie and Ive joined MFP since mid april. I have lost about 4pounds (2kilo). Thats just less than 1 kilo per month. Is this amount of loss too little? I read of other people losing like 4pounds in 2weeks, and here I am struggling to lose it in 2.5months. My recommended daily calorie intake is 1200. Most weekdays I…
Protein Shakes
Hi MFP Buddies I was wondering what are your views on protein shakes. I was given a big container of horleys protein shake called Sculpt by a personal trainer at the gym. Apparently this protein shake is good for increasing your body's ability to burn fat instead of muscle when you exercise? not sure about this, my…
people think im crazy counting calories
Ive finally decided to lose weight, (have been thinking about it for ages) But im finding that People are not very understanding, I may not look 'heavy' but thats because Ive become so good at hiding my extra weight. I just want to feel slimmer and healthier again but Im concerned people think im going crazy for counting…
Hi Im jaymie new to this..
Im from NZ, very new to this. Finally decided to give it a go!!! I hope it works!!