Butt transformation Success Stories
So: It is my goal to transform my tush! I would love to hear from people who have had success in this area. What did you do? How long did it take? Your stories will help motivate myself and others! Thanks and much love Missdibs
Less Jiggle same inches? while Cutting????
Ok so here's my question my weight over time is dropping SLOWLY (which is to be expected because I am smaller now) but my measurements in certain areas have stayed stagnant, but there is less jiggle I thought women cannot put on muscle weight in a cut phase/in large amounts Can someone explain I want to do this recomp…
Tightness in Front of Thigh (Rectus Fermoris???)
I have been squating heavier and deeper and also adding glute bridges (BW only since its new addition) Thus past week the top right from thigh of my right leg only is really tight and I feel it pulling even when I walk Can someone please advise? I tried a body weight squat last night and i could feel the same pull
Personal training as a Career Path
This is a question for the PT on MFP. Is it possible to establish an income that will support oneself? I enjoy fitness and am curious what is the reality/what it entails. Please advise Missdibs
%BF in New Jersey
Anyone know where I can get my BF% measured in NJ?
120 pounds
Why do I keep reading over and over again GW 120??? Personally my GW in undefined and my Goal is 18% body fat what is with this 120 obsession?
Ok So I can see my abs starting to show (slowly ooooh so slowly lol) My linea alba is like a whisper and I see slight definition from the side I am wondering what the progression is like as BF % lowers. What are realisitic expectations? I have done searches and found no comprehensive progression photos Anyone have any info…
Weight machine with Pulleys Advice
Please: I cannot "get rid of it" and buy an olympic barbell set. It is not an option. That being said: I have a a home gym with pulleys, etc I was wondering if anyone else has used one?
photos weight and BF
So I cannot help but be confused. I look at everyone's posts and I see their weight andf stats. Some people weigh 20-30 less than I do, yet, to me, our physiques look similair. Mild sub fat How is this possible?
My weight goes up and down! help!
I was down 3 lbs, and now back up 2! Can someone, please, help me?
Over training due to inproper intake
K so it seems as thoughI was over training .... Apparently weightlifters take off a week every 4-6 weeks to avoid this (thnx for telling me lol) I will do mild active rest but to avoid a repeat of this I need to reevaluate my diet. For this I need help. I tend to do around 80- 110 grams carbs and 100-130 grams protein I…
I am having trouble meeting my protein requirements. I have added chciken nuts and Met Rx (3 scoops). I am still 60 grams short. Please advise.
Jokes and Giggles
Please keep the jokes SFW thanks I need a smile or three
What is with these topics today?
I see many threads covering urination. I thought this was a fitness site? Or............am I missing something?
I am having a minor surgery. The doctor's instructions state that I cannot lift weights or raise my blood pressure (aka HIITS) for 2-3 weeks. Does anyone have advice on what I can do to maintain/not gain during this recovery? I was told to walk not run. Thanks.
this posted twice sorry
WANTED: Lifting guidance from Women who have had success
I have lost weight (a lot over the years) I have run, I have lifted. What I want, please and thank you, is guidance from someone who has implemented a lifting program (serious) and had success. Specifically with a starting program, diet (macros especially I am at a loss). I have: free weights and a home gym. I am twelve…
I need diet help! Calories? ratios?
Please help! I need to "fix" my diet to optimize fat loss!