The Hairy Dieters
Now i have this book but i have not tried it yet and a bloke at work is shedding lbs by the bucket just making stuff from the book and doing absolutly no exercise at all.... Anyone else tried the recipies in the book and did they work for you ?? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hairy-Dieters-Love-Food-Weight/dp/0297869051
Can CLA Help You Lose Weight?
Does anyone use a CLA supliment or know anything about them ??? Gavin
Carbs per day
How many carbs do you have on average per day.... A) 0-50 B) 50-100 C) 100-150 D) 150-200 E) More than 200
First stupid question this week...
A friend of mind asked if i was looking a little thinner these days and i replied "Yes but i dont seem to be loosing it from my Man Boobs and Gut so far"... At this point the office know it all chirped in and said " You loose weight from your head first them dropping down the body towards your feet ", I looked at him…
Which do i do first...
Should i exercise then eat or the other way round....??? Or...should i make sure my exercise is either at least a few hours before or after i exercise....???? Does any of this matter ???
Low Carb Foods list anyone ???
Is there a list of foods that are low carbs levels and foods to avoid ??? I have seen something on the web about too many carbs increases the production of insulin impeading the release of fat cells to feed the body and so reducing the ability to loose weight. I presume this is a correct fact ???? A decent web site would…
I find this an interesting comment ...
Not sure how true this is but i was looking at how water helps you loose weight when dieting and i can accross this comment/tip on the www.sciencedaily.com web site : Comment name by : Mara Z. Vitolins, R.D., Dr. P.H., assistant professor of public health sciences (epidemiology) "It is hard to distinguish between being…
Lunges and Squats
How do i add these to my daily exercise list, i have some dumbbells i want to use and i thought squats and lunges would be a good idea but there not in the list ???? Gavin
Only a little succes...
Started on the 19th of October at 230lbs and today, 16 days later i am at 221lbs.... Looking good for the holiday in SPAIN next April 2013...:drinker:
Dumbells... but what do i do
Wife bought a set of small tree dumbells last year i found them under the bed last night. Is there a web site that can teach me the best way to use these to increase my weight loss and general muscle toneing or can anyone suggest the best exercises i can get started with ?? Gavin
Do i fork out for the GYM ???
So far i have managed to lose a few pounds without the need for throwing £15 a month at the local gym, walking and riding the cycle seems to be doing the trick for me but i am wondering if i am going to have to at some point get a membership to maintain a decent weight loss over the next few months.... ???? Can i still get…
Anyone from.....
Lancashire in the UK around the Preston Area.... ???? I Need more friends :smile: Gavin
Hi to one and all....A little help please
Been on here a few weeks and need friends to help and advise me lose weight 6 lbs gone so far but a little encouragement from friends doesn't hurt Please add me as a friend if you think you can help me out i really need to lose more of these 224lbs i am carrying... Thanks Gavin, UK
Qty of FAT vs. Total Calories
When i look at something in the shops these days i tend to look for the calories in the product first and not worry too much about anything else. Should i be taking note of the FAT content in food or is just presuming a low calorific value is going to give me a low fat content as well as the two would go hand in hand ????…
Which Exercise is best
Hi I have been at this for just over a week now getting on my bike mostly every night weather dependent and doing between 20 and 40 minutes, i dont have any lights on the bike so sometimes after work its getting a little dark to travel to far and i cut the exercise down to suite. So far i have lost nothing despite keeping…
Do you agree or disagree .....
....with the web sites assumption on the muscle weights more than fat scenario .... ???? http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/weight-loss-plateau-myth-muscle-weighs-more-than-fat/
I have struggle to drop any weight....
I have struggle to drop any weight in the first few weeks if anything put weight on, i know you can add musle whilst cycling every night as i do but i was wondering how much muscle weight you can add and how quickly does it develop... I presume it wil stop at some point and my weight will begin to drop ???
Newbie in need of help
Hi Just joined this as i have been reducing my food intake for 2 weeks and doing 5 cycle rides a week so far and need to track whats going on, this web site and apps was recommended and i must say is pretty good. I am quite surprised to se my weight go up rather than down in the first few weeks i presume this will turn…