30day shred? what do you think? Advice on where to start....
Hey everybody. I am needing some friends to help me get back on track. I need some serious advice. I have many different workout programs available to me however, it seems that I start on good but fall off track. I dont know if I am overloading myself, or what the deal is.. But I was wondering about 30 day shred. I have…
Hey! Looking for friends!
Heyy! I am going to get serious with fitness but I am a newbie. I always start off strong and end up giving up because my chaotic life. but now that I will have a little bit more free time, I am wanting to hit it with force! Looking for friends to help with the beginning process! Anybody knew at fitness would be nice too :)
15-20lbs to loose... where do I start?
Hey Guys, Looking for some advice/support on where to start..... Everytime I start I end up giving up (personally, i think i sorta set unrealistic goals for a newbie,.,., get frustrated and give up)... but my life is changing this month as I graduate college.... (I will go for back but not for a bit). I need ME time.…
Nipple Piercing? Tattoo?
Does anybody have any nipple piercings? I am looking for feedback and advice.. I am really wanting to do something crazy since I am graduating college.. HOWEVER. i have a huge anxiety problem and my biggest fear is needles.... but... i want to break away from the person i am and embrace my new life. I REALLY want to get a…
Birth Control Help- Desperate!!!!
Hello just looking for some helpful feedback or advice. I have been on birth control for about 6 years. I started with Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo, didn't have any problems with it. I started having serious anxiety and went into a walk in clinic with panic attack who blamed my birth control. Switched it to Lo oval, starting having…
5 HTP and Raspberry Ketones- HELP :)
Has anybody taken either of these? Looking for some feedback mostly with 5 HTP but also interested in taking raspberry Ketones! :) ANY help or advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated!
Anybody 4'11? anybody trying to loose 15-20lbs?
Looking for support! Trying to find any friends who are short like me or anybody trying to loose 15-20lbs! I thought if I had somebody with similar goals, it would be easier to help me!
What are your December Goals?
Hey Everybody! What are your December goals?
Women Boxing Workouts
Does anybody know of any women boxing workouts? or boxing at home workouts? I love boxing and would like to try to incorporate it into my home workouts if possible! :)
Whats your Favorite Lunch?
Looking for some lunch ideas for work! What are some of your favorites!?
September Challenges! Join me :D
Hello there My Fitness Pals! I am going to be starting a three challenges for September! One for wall-sits, plank, and squats! If you would like to join or are interested let me know! Id love to have more people to help support me along the way! I think it would be nice to get a group going! Squat Challenge Start where you…
Any teachers out there? Anybody work in a school?
Looking for some healthy lunch ideas/snack ideas for a school setting? I work in an elementary school and looking for some new ideas to help spark the school year up by being healthy! Also, anybody on here have a workout schedule that works with their work schedule (similar to an 815-330) time frame? Any teachers out…
Have you taken this? I am looking for some feedback regarding this vitamin! Curious if its helps, if its good or bad. Any advice or feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!
Fast Food Addiction! HELP!
I seriously need to stop this. Its like I forget how terrible and bad it is for me until AFTER I eat it! I eat out wayyyy to much! Looking for support on this and anybody else who might be working on not eating out at fast food places so much! I figured if I could find somebody doing the same thing/going through the same…
Home made Bread
Is homemade bread healthier than store bought breads? I am thinking of making home made whole wheat bread as well as cracked wheat.
Bye Bye Jiggle July
Brazillian Butt Lift workout?? Have you done it?
Have you done it? What were your results? would you reccomend?!
Dear Fast Food- This is my letter you-
Dear Fast Food- I cannot longer tolerate you. Seriously, you disgust me. For my whole life I have been tempted by you and your deceitful ways. You’re always making yourself look so delicious on television or sign advertisement.- What a crock!!- After I digest you- I always, always, feel sick! There is a reason for that-I…
Can you help me? Where Do I start?
Looking for some advice on where I should start (restart my journey).... I have a ton of videos like 30 day shred, i have wii fit, I have insanity and those types of workouts, Dance videos, few dumbless, and a treadmill...... Should I start with a video? If so, do I do the video each day? or just certain days?? Looking for…
Whats for dinner tonight?
Looking for what you are having for dinner :) Looking for ideas because I dont know what to make :)
New Friends to help motivate
Hey! I am looking for friends to help me get motivated and help me get back into the grind of working out...Its been awhile, but I back.... I am 22 years old, female, full time worker and college student.....Just looking for some friends to help me get back on track :)
Homemade Garlic Chicken Legs with a Side dish?
I am attemping to make Garlic and Harb home made Chicken Legs with some type of a side dish....Any body have any suggestions? I have carrots and fresh cabbage on hand but I can go to the store too. Looking for anything else to go with the chicken legs :)
How did you get rid of your belly? (My problem area)
Looking for some feedback/ideas.... How did you get rid of your belly fat? (I am not neccessarily striving for abs at this exact moment but striving for a fatter less flabby tummy) How did you get to yours? Any advice/work outs/ideas are welcome :) just generating some ideas -THANK YOU
Whats your Fav Workout?
What is your favorite workout to do? What ones do you reccomend?! Any videos?!
Anybody taken Statistics and College Algebra?
Has anybody taken stats and college algebra? Which one did you think was "harder" Do you think that you should take college algebra in order to do well in statistics? Just looking for some feedback!
Emotional Eater!
I am an emotional eater. I eat when I get sad, I eat when I get stressed! Any tips or advice on how I can break this terrible habit!?
Household Organization! HELP!
I have come to realize that I spend most of my time, cleaning and doing laundry and I feel as if I can NEVER put a DENT into anything! I just thought I was an extermely messy person, then I thought my boyfriend was... I was just trying to rationalize how the in world can my world be so messy all the time.. If I didnt have…
Chip Alternatives? Advice!
Hey Everyone! I have this crazy love for chips. Any kind... I love them! But....They need to go! So... Does anybody have any ideas of healthier alternative to chips? Ive thought about sun chips, baked chips, pretzles and even pita chips...Do you think those would be healthier alternatives? Ive also thought about home made…
What are YOUR new years resoultions and goals?!
:happy: Hey! What are your new years resoultion and goals?! Looking to find somebody close to mine so I can help keep up/on track/motivate eachother for next year! :)
Green Tea Extract??
Hey Everybody! I heard that Green Tea Extract pills are really good for weight loss as well as other health benefits. I was wondering if this was true? Does anybody else take them? Have you had any luck with them? Any advice on this would be great! Also wondering how much I should take if I decide to take them with my…