"Trying" is not a goal
I just posted this on another thread, but thought it deserving of a wider audience. I see a lot of people talking about 'trying'. I can't help but think of trying as being the language of someone who expects to fail. Anyone can try, and if you mentally set your goal as 'trying', then you let yourself off the hook. "Ah…
NSV - shirt size
So, a long while back I bought a bunch of new shirts. I accidentally grabbed one that was a Small, instead of a Large. I discovered this when I tried it on and couldn't even get my shoulders in. This morning, I found it in the closet. Apparently I didn't get around to exchanging it. Just for sh!ts and giggles I tried it on…
Gym vs. Home equipment
I'm thinking about moving to free weights. I've been using the machine at the community gym so far, mostly to see if it would 'stick'. Didn't want to be one of those guys with a power rack used exclusively for drying clothes. Regarding equipment, the advice seems pretty clear - get a power rack, bench, olympic bar, some…
Food is toxic!
90% of people who have ever eaten food at any point in their lifetime have died. Things aren't looking great for the remaining 10% either.
That awkward moment when...
...you're in an empty gym, singing (yelling) along to Rage Against the Machine on your headphones, and you realize the gym's not so empty any more. To make it worse, it's a small community gym, and everyone knows one another. To make it even worse, 80% of the people in this area are Christian conservatives, somewhere to…
When does a stall become a plateau?
I'm starting to see my weight-loss slow, and I suspect that it may stall altogether in the near future. Now, before I start freaking out and messing around with re-feeds, full diet-breaks, etc.... I want to figure out when it becomes appropriate to switch things up. When can I safely say I've hit a plateau? Four weeks of…
Your swear alternatives (no real profanity, please)
What swear substitutes do you use? My main go-tos are - Fiddlesticks for the 'f-word' Sun on the beach - you can guess what for I try not to exclaim like that at all in front of my kids, but sometimes you just need something to shout when you hit your thumb with a hammer and your six year old is in earshot :laugh:
Ladies, you may thank me later
"People who eat chocolate regularly tend to be thinner, new research suggests" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17511011
Running NSV
Met my second running related goal this morning - 30 minute 5k run.
Successful February
Just typed this up on my status, and thought I'd share with wider audience - February in a nutshell - Lost 4.4 pounds (4.2lb fat / 0.2 lb LBM) Reduced waist by 1 inch Reduced body fat from 25.9% to 24.3% (US Navy method) I'll rack that up as a win.
BS excuses you made for yourself
So, what were the BS excuses you made for yourself to not workout? And how did you overcome them? I had lots of excuses that stopped me for a long time. Then just before Thanksgiving last year I decided it was time to just shut up and do it. Here's a sampling of my excuses, and the 'talking to' I gave myself - Excuse : I…
Some support for "don't eat at night"?
A recently published study has shown that insulin response in mice has a circadian rhythm - i.e. during the waking period, mice are better able to utilize glucose for energy, and during the sleeping period, glucose is stored as fat. When mice had their natural wake/sleep pattern disrupted, they became more prone to…
Make your own protein powder (if you are brave)
http://www.thekitchn.com/skip-the-weird-additives-make-your-own-protein-powder-184653 If someone makes this, more power to them, and I'd love to hear about the results. But I have two comments - 1. All the comments on the article focus on what a great idea it sounds. I don't care how it sounds. I want to know how it…
I broke into the 170s this morning. Very happy.
Why is my daughter trying to sabotage me?
My six year old daughter keeps offering me her yogurt covered pretzels. Why is she trying to sabotage me? Does she want her big cuddly teddy bear daddy back?
Foam rollers
Forgive me for breaking the cardinal rule of the intertubeweb but I cannot be bothered to google and sort through the crap. What are foam rollers? Who needs them? Why should I get one? If I do need one and get one, how do I use it?
At what age do we forget the joy of movement?
I see my daughter running around randomly, making obstacle courses and doing laps of the house, and I wonder exactly when we lose that joy of movement for movement's sake? Wouldn't life be better if we could all just run around like maniacs on the spur of the moment just for the fun of it? Why does being a grown up have…
C25K - my next step
So, I've decided where I want to go now I've completed C25k. Currently I run at about 5.5mph, giving me a 5k time of about 34 minutes. That 30 minute barrier is awfully tempting, so I need to up my speed to about 6.2mph. I'm pretty comfortable doing 20mins at 6.2, so I'm going back to W6 and redoing the end of the program…
Getting impatient
Well, I've lost 40 pounds over six months, and I've always been happy with 'slow and steady wins the race'. The last few days though I have been getting increasingly impatient. I want to be at my target weight now dammit. I keep repeating the platitudes to myself - "What comes off slow, stays off", "It's a marathon, not a…
Week 9, day 3 - done and a half!
Finished the program this morning. Unfortunately, 15 minutes into the run, I had to take an unscheduled 5 minute break (call of nature). Well my trainer (i.e. me) is a complete jerk, and wasn't about to let me have a 'cheat' on the last day, so made me reset the run timer and start over. So my final run ended up being 45…
I don't always trigger the treadmill emergency stop...
Calories for lifting, log all time or just active time?
This isn't the usual "how do enter them?" thread. I'm wondering what assumptions are made in the calculations. Are any rest periods taken into account? I 'lift' for 45 minutes, but at least half of that time is sat around with my thumb metaphorically up my bum in between sets. Should I log that as 45 minutes, or 22.5…
I just want to...
1g of protein per lb of lean body mass (apologies if repost)
ETA : Since posting this, someone has pointed out that I misinterpreted the article, which is actually talking about g per pound of total body mass, not lean body mass as I originally thought. It's still a good read though, just keep that in mind before coming to any conclusions. I've been reading around this for a while,…
2, 5, and 10 pounds in one day plans
Bob - a very overweight guy - is reading the newspaper and sees an ad - Miracle weight loss - results guaranteed or your money back Three simple programs - Two pounds in one day - $100 Five pounds in one day - $200 Ten pounds in one day - $500 Call now 555-losenow Now Bob's tried everything, so decides it's worth a go, and…
Free sarcasm detector servicing
For all MFP members. Just a service I'd like to offer.
Illinois senate passes gay marriage act
http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/illinois-senate-passes-marriage-equality Iowa and Illinois are more progressive than California. It's a world gone mad!
POLL : High calorie treats vs. 'mock' substitutes
So, you have that craving for high calorie, full fat, full sugar pizza, burgers, wings, cakes, etc.... do you - 1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving. 2. Make a mock alternative (cauliflower pizza crust, chicken breast wings, banana and oat cookies, etc...) 3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real…
Why do some people bother?
I'm no fitness expert, but if you are under 30 and seemingly a normal weight for your height there is the teeniest chance that walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 2.5 mph while talking on the phone and text messaging just might not be giving you much of a workout. And I don't appreciate dirty looks when my being out…
Non-weight MFP success story
My wife has been having some health issues that docs have been unable to explain. They suspected it was somewhere between Meniere's and migraines, and put her on a low salt, no chocolate, no alcohol, no coffee diet to see if it helped. I put her on MFP for a month to make sure she stuck to it, and I also had her log every…