POLL : High calorie treats vs. 'mock' substitutes

So, you have that craving for high calorie, full fat, full sugar pizza, burgers, wings, cakes, etc.... do you -

1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
2. Make a mock alternative (cauliflower pizza crust, chicken breast wings, banana and oat cookies, etc...)
3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real thing, and maybe modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit if needed.
4. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit.
5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.
6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.
7. Other. Please explain.

This is obviously aimed at those of us living on a calorie deficit. Those of you lucky enough to be eating at a surplus, more power to you, but don't tease the hungry people* :laugh:

* Note for those lacking a sense of humor - This is a joke. No, I am not hungry all the time. Yes, I listen to my body. Yes, I know the goal isn't to starve myself. Yes, I know I need sufficient food to fuel my body.


  • XLMuffnTop
    XLMuffnTop Posts: 76 Member
    It really depends on what it is and what I'm in the mood for. I'm ok with substitutions sometimes for somethings. Other things I just have some of and try to pair it with a healthy option. Yesterday I had a piece of pizza, full fat, cheesy, greasy pepperoni goodness. But, it was thin crust and I only had one.

    I have so much weight left to lose I don't want to hit my maintenance calories but always want to be at a deficit.

    So, to answer, I guess 1, 2 and 3 depending on the situation. :bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
    6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.
    7. Other. Please explain.

    I do one of these, depending on what it is and how long it's been since I last splurged on a big high calorie day. "Other" would be making a lower calorie version, but not a "mock" version. Such as nachos with shredded chicken, fat free beans and reduced fat cheese, or homemade thin crust veggie pizza.

    If I've had a high calories splurge recently I usually just resist for now. If it's been a while since I splurged, I'll usually resist until the weekend, because I like to splurge on the weekends and sometimes the urge goes away by then. But if the weekend rolls around and if I still want it, then IT IS ON!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
    6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.

    A combination of these two. I resist, I'm not really "strong" though I just don't crave the carbs/sugar like I used to. But about once a month I'll eat a hoagie or something like that and it goes without saying that holidays are meant to be celebrated with food -- calories don't factor into at all on these days.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Make note of the craving, and if it sticks with me plan to have the real thing on the weekend, when I allow myself a few more calories for cheats and treats.
  • 55sc
    55sc Posts: 46 Member
    Depends on what it is, if it is snack or meal, and my willpower or mood.

    It could be 1, 3, 4, or 6. If I eat the whole thing, I modify the rest of my day to lessen the damage more than to stay within my deficit. If 6, I don't let one day become two or more days.

    I don't make mock alternatives, but I do lighten up some things like leaving the cheese off sandwiches or using light dressings or using less (or no) butter or sugar.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real thing, and maybe modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit if needed.
    4. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit.
    5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.

    any of these 3 options, and it varies by situation, what the treat is, etc...
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I don't find the mock versions very satisfying. Either I'm eating lean meats and rabbit food or I'm going to enjoy a small piece of something I really love on occasion. My main downfall is anything with frosting. Fortunately it doesn't cross my path very often. I enjoy a piece, then I get away from the table. I'm also very good at cutting myself a sliver of something from a larger serving without getting my germs all over the rest of the piece so someone else can enjoy it.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I absolutely love your disclaimers!! ppl on here go a little crazy.
    Opinions are like ....... afterall

    I have done every option you mention aside from #7 depending on what mood Im in and what my latest weigh in said :-)
  • aliceb39
    aliceb39 Posts: 84 Member
    1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
    3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real thing, and maybe modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit if needed.
    4. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit.
    5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.
    6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.
    7. Other: Choose something else that's a little healthier/less decadent, not really a mock substitute, like a Hershey's kiss instead of a Reese's peanut butter cup.

    #3 and #7 most often, the others at times.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Sometimes a substitution works -- if what I really want is something cold and sweet, sometimes a frozen chunk of banana is just right; sometimes a little frozen yogurt will work. Sometimes, though, nothing will do EXCEPT Ben & Jerry's.

    If I want cake, the single serving ones that you can make in a coffee mug fill that want adequately AND I don't have an entire cake hanging around my kitchen (which I would proceed to eat). Plus I can substitute stevia or splenda if I want.

    Sometime when I want carbonation, Perrier is just as good as Coke. But sometimes only Coke will do. So I have whatever Coke I can fit into my calories...and it's surprisingly little, and surprisingly rare considering how much of it I used to drink.

    There are a few things that if I have them in the house, I will eat them until they are gone. Right now I'm not keeping those things in my house and will see how that goes as time goes on.

    The things I really crave -- steak and potatoes -- I try to have in moderation, and on a fairly frequent basis for the first.

    I really try to pay attention when I have a craving as to what it is I really want -- is it the texture, the taste, the smell, or is it some emotional craving and not really food that I want? If it's texture, will something else substitute? If it's smell, can I substitute a different smell (like some cinnamon stick and cloves simmering on my stove -- this drives away pretty much any "smell" type craving)?
  • No matter which "bad" thing it is, I modify the recipe to make it so that I can have it and not feel too guilty.

    For instance if I make a pizza I use flat outs for the crust with some 2% and some fat free cheese (I can not tell much of a difference from the real thing).

    For cookies or brownies, I use lower glycemic flours like almond meal/flour and truvia or stevia (again tastes nearly the same).

    All of these fit into my calorie and macro goals, and I feel no guilt and stay on track.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
    2. Make a mock alternative (cauliflower pizza crust, chicken breast wings, banana and oat cookies, etc...)
    3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real thing, and maybe modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit if needed.
    4. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit.
    5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.
    6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.
    7. Other. Please explain.

    All of the above, depending on my mood.

    Whatever I want to eat normally fits within my goals. Even during the time I was losing, my daily calories weren't so low that burgers, pizza or a treat wouldn't fit. I stick within my calorie and macro goals Monday through Friday, and eat what I want on weekends. I've been doing that since I reached my goal weight, a year and 8 months ago. And I typically leave major splurges for the weekend when I'm not counting calories, and that's worked perfectly for me.

    And most "major splurges" aren't even major. For instance, I don't usually snack on something like potato chips during the week. On the weekend, I might grab a few handfuls. Potato chips aren't an enjoyable snack for me if I'm counting or measuring an exact portion. And if I'm throwing or invited to a party, all bets are off. I'm going to sample everything, and go back for seconds and thirds and fourths. I'm not going to worry about the calories in my glasses of wine or shots or mixed drinks.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    All of them! Depending on the following variables: the day, my mood, the treat in question, etc.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real thing, and maybe modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit if needed.
    4. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit.
    5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.

    any of these 3 options, and it varies by situation, what the treat is, etc...

    ^^^ one of these.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    If I want pizza, I am going to eat pizza. The real thing. Anything less is uncivilized :wink:
  • I have terrible cravings for chocolate. Sometime I give into them, sometimes I will have a low cal hot choc which does the trick. I ALWAYS keep a bar of dark choc in my kitchen. 2 squares is intensely satisfying...mmmmm....chocolate...... oh dear. Belly is grumbling.....
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
    2. Make a mock alternative (cauliflower pizza crust, chicken breast wings, banana and oat cookies, etc...)
    5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.

    I have to say, being creative and coming up with mock alternatives is really fun...making me enjoy cooking more and more.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    a tiny pizza made w/ a small pita (80 calories), 1 tablespoon of sauce (25 calories), and 1 low fat strong cheese (70 calories), usually takes the edge off.
  • smh1067
    smh1067 Posts: 45 Member
    1, 2, 3, or 4. Depends on what it is really. If it's birthday cake, I just resist since I don't love birthday cake so it's not worth the calories to me. Before I would've eaten it just to eat something sweet. I modify recipes to make them less calorie dense so they fit in my budget better, like having homemade pizza instead of delivery or using recipes for banana muffins that are 100 calories per serving instead of 300 calories. Or I just have the real thing and adjust my day to make it fit, whether it be a couple bites or a full serving. I know feeling like I'm deprived all the time isn't going to work for me.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    It depends on the situation, the day, and just how 'bad' the thing I'm craving is. I tend to worry less about the day-to-day calorie count, within reason, as long as I'm on goal for the week as a whole, and this affects how I react to that sort of situation. If I've had three or four days when I've been well under goal, I'll give myself license to enjoy a bit more of whatever it is I'm craving. I tend to go for the real deal instead of substitutes, in most cases, though some substitutions are absolutely fine - 'popped' or baked crisps instead of deep-fried, for example, generally hits the spot with about half the calories, a little really good dark chocolate often means I crave the cheap, sugar-loaded milk version much less...