POLL : High calorie treats vs. 'mock' substitutes



  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    Yep, depends on what it is, and the day. For example, Lean Cuisine pizzas are fine most days if I want pizza. But if I'm somewhere where bringing my own food is not an option, and it looks good, I'll have a small piece (or plan to) and shift accordingly. I'm more likely to try to adjust a recipe to be better for me if it's an "entree" or meal type item.

    Hot chocolate is a poor substitute for a Sees Scotchmallow, but during the week, it will have to do. On the weekend, especially after a good workout, a Scotchmallow it is. I don't have much interest in trying to doctor a recipe with artificial sweeteners, different flours, etc. I find that what comes out, while might be okay, but is definitely a substitute, and therefore even mentally isn't as satisfying as a smaller portion of the real deal. Something about going all "chemistry" on my food makes me just want the real thing more.
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I substitute with some recipes. Like tacos for example. I will either use turkey, chicken or baked fish. For something like pizza I just have the real thing and enjoy in moderaton. We usually have our meals planned, so I know what to work torwards before eating it. I rarely go over my calories since starting MFP. Wheni did go a little over I just made up for it the next day. I feel like if you are good 95% of the time you can have a high calorie treat 5% of it is no big deal.
  • I do all of your ideas plus lately I've been trying to exercise the calories into my daily plan. If I have a craving for something really really fatting/suger loaded or whatever I make myself work for it. That way I hope to try and teach myself to think about what I'm putting in my mouth and if the donut/candy bar/french fries are worth the extra miles on the treadmill. If it is then I go ahead and enjoy but if I'm not willing to work for it maybe I don't need it so much.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I usually try to make the real thing fit or I just have a whatever day.

    I don't usually do "mock" food but there are some things I've heard are tasty or sound good that I want to try, not because they are supposed to be lower calorie than the real thing.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    2. Make a mock alternative (cauliflower pizza crust, chicken breast wings, banana and oat cookies, etc...)

    Although I'd prefer to do:

    6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.

  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
    I have resisted all (well I've had full pizza 2X) since January 3rd. It is easier with time. Very few cravings even though Hubby eats it all. I am driven to lose what I need to lose. Then I will slowly allow myself treats. I don't do it now because experince tells me that if I do the cravings will start again and I'd just rather not go back there.
  • First of all I jave to say that I am in awe of some of your 'lost so far' numbers!! I have been forever trying to stick to reasonable calories per day (1200 - 1400) and get some exercise in (difficult due to various health problems), but after around 3 weeks (in which I managed to lose 11LB!), I just gave up and started binge eating again!
    So my answer to the poll would be to try and resist altogether or have a small portion of the real thing and count it into the day's total.

    I am determined to carry on with the healthy eating/less cals and I hope that joining MFP will give me the encouragement I need to carry on and lose the 4 stone+ I need to lose.

    Thank you for motivating me and giving me a giggle at some of the replies, I really appreciate it :)
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I tend to always sneak some chocolate or something into my food log, so I do eat it, but its still within my calorie goal and I usually am still a couple under too, even with the sweets!
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    1. Resist! You are strong, and can overcome this craving.
    3. Allow yourself a small portion of the real thing, and maybe modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit if needed.
    4. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and modify the rest of your day to keep your calorie deficit.
    5. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, so long as you stay under your maintenance calories.
    6. Allow yourself a full portion of the real thing, and to hell with the calories, it's just one day, after all.
    All of these options are equally valid for me and completely depend on the food and the occasion.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Any and all of the above, depending on the day :laugh:

    If I'm really really craving something, I will try to make room for it in my calories. If I'm just kind of like "I'd like to have something sweet", I'll make a lower calorie alternative for everyday snacking. But, some days, I want something that basically eats up all my calories in one sitting...and some days, I just don't care lol.
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    None of the above. For something that I used to eat often but now only very rarely do (e.g., french fries, potato chips, PB&J sandwiches, pizza, fried chicken), I eat a healthy alternative that I like so that I am no longer hungry. Apples and carrots are mainstays because they are filling with a bit of peanut butter or hummus, respectively. A small piece of dark chocolate does wonders for sugar munchies. Then I find something to do so I'm not bored and obsessing. Because while I might want something, I'm not going to die if I don't eat it, but I will sooner if I do. Just not worth it.