C25K + distance app? also 30Day Shred w/C25K?
Ok, so I have a question that has probably been answered a million times, but I did do a search and looked through about 10 pages of stuff before I decided to just ask myself because I can't find an answer for my particular question... I'm doing C25K, but barely started, day 2 week 1 will be this morning, is it important…
New here... and unsure if I'm at the right place?
Well, I've asked to join this group....but I'm not quite sure if I'm an apple or not? Based on what I can find online, I am, but most people I see who claim to be "apple" seem to have bigger hips than waist, and I'm the opposite. When I was thinner as a teen/early 20s, I didnt' have a lot of shape, but you could tell where…
LIFTING LADIES!! Help please!! kinda long
Ok ladies, this is a 2-parter: First, I REALLY want to do the stronglift 5x5, just doing squats with regular hand weights lately has shown such a difference in my legs/*kitten* that I want to do more! My only worry is that I have a weak lower back, so would some of these workouts HURT my back? My back went out a few years…
Would you ever buy a bikini...
Would you ever buy a bikini, even though you know you'd never wear it in public??? I know this sounds ridiculous, but I was thinking of purchasing a bikini to buy and use as a progress shot outfit, something that is revealing enough to show my true progress because most of my clothes are baggy. I know I will never wear one…
HOW do you determine UGW? I'm 5' 1.5" and 40 yrs old.
I honestly have NO idea where to even decide! This is long so if you don't want to read it all, at least skip to the end lol. I'm 40 yrs old, 5' 1.5", and I've been overweight most of my adult life, at least since my mid 20s. I don't think I've been below 175 since my mid 20s. In college and a little after I was about…
HOW to decide UGW? I'm 5'1.5, 40 yrs. (also in other board)
I honestly have NO idea where to even decide! This is long so if you don't want to read it all, at least skip to the end lol. I'm 40 yrs old, 5' 1.5", and I've been overweight most of my adult life, at least since my mid 20s. I don't think I've been below 175 since my mid 20s. In college and a little after I was about…
Anyone with 70+ lbs to lose try T25 with results?
I'm really considering buying the T25 as I've found it more difficult to keep my hour in with 3 kids in 3 different sports/activities and my work shift, blah blah blah...this is the first time in the last year that I've had to struggle to get in my hour of workout time. I also live in a small town and the only gym in town…
what workout would you do next out of these....
Ok, so I finished Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire is almost done (on my last week!) so I'm wondering what one I should do next. I bought A BUNCH of Beach Body workouts from a lady at work who I don't really know (I work for a big hospital, she advertised on our work's classifieds site so I don't know her at all) but she gave me…
Goal weight???
Ok, so I have a goal to lost 40 lbs by my 40th birthday, I'm 10 lbs away from that and I have 6 weeks to get to that goal. My 12-yr-old son asked me today "are you going to keep losing weight after you hit the 40 lbs lost?" and I said "yep" and he asked what weight I was going to, and I said "I don't know." So, it made me…
What workout would you do next out of these....
Ok, so I finished Turbo Jam and now my Turbo Fire is almost done (on my last week of 12 weeks) so I'm wondering what one I should do next. I bought some Beach Body workouts from a lady at work who I don't really know (I work for a big hospital, she advertised on our work's classifieds site so I don't know her at all) but…
Turbo Fire AND C25K program at same time?
Ok, so I have 3 weeks more of the Turbo Fire schedule till I complete the 90 day thingy. There is a 5K for Wounded Warriors in my local area on 11/02. My fiance, kids and I started the couch to 5K with the goal to actually complete our first 5K (first for all of us) as a family, so this week we started the couch to 5K..…
What are you doing or did you do after Turbo Fire?
I'm almost done with the 12 week schedule of Turbo Fire, 2 weeks to go, and so I wondered what would I want to do? I dont have the "advanced" package, I bought mine used off someone at work. So, I was thinking since I still struggle with some things on Turbo Fire, maybe I will do another 12 week round and then try the…
Progress pics for my own friggin motivation lol...
Ok, so I started at 226.4 a few days after Christmas. I never take full body shots and honestly there are no mirrors that show me below my chest (I'm 5' 1.5") so I never realized HOW BAD I got. I am always a happy person, but over the past few years have noticed how much more I struggle to do simple things like tie my…
Tight budget, which would you buy first?
Ok, so obviously by the title I'm on a tight budget. This time of year is the BUSIEST and most expensive in my IMMEDIATE family with everyone's birthdays along with a few holidays literally every 2 weeks between Oct 3 and Jan 1. Its a crazy time of year. I usually start buying things ahead of time to help save on the cost…
Doing C25K and having IT band pain? In hip area...help?
Ok peeps, I have started doing the C25K program with my family with a goal 5K in mind. We started week 2 today. On week 1 day 1, we went up a decently steep hill as we were heading to a friend's house to drop off some flyers for the 5K (they love doing 5 and 10K runs). Anyway, that night after the program, my hip started…
Ok, so a while back I had a heart rate monitor that I liked, it was a wrist one, while it would beep if I was over heart rate, I had to manually press a button for it to take my heart rate. We've been on a budget so it was the best I could get. Lost that, got another one, and this one doesn't even beep to tell me if I'm…
Anyone know where I can get the nutrition guides?
:wink: I purchased these DVDs used off a lady on my work classifieds (kinda like craigslist but for the hospital I work for).. I bought: Turbo Fire 10 minute trainer P90X Slim in 6 She only had 1 resistance band that I assume came with Turbo Fire, but NONE of them came with any other equipment or nutrition guides, which I…
Intro and question...
Ok ladies, just a quick intro, feel free to add if you'd like! :) I'm 39, single mom, have been doing TF as part of a 90 day challenge group, on week 7 of the schedule (I've heard about new or old schedule, not sure, but my set did not include the advanced DVDs, even though the schedule includes those after the first…
Used DVDs, but no nutrition guides, where can I find them?
I put this on a group's forum also, but wasn't sure I'd hear a response so thought I'd post here too, hope I'm not doing something I'm not supposed to do!! So, here's the story: I purchased these DVDs used off a lady on my work classifieds (kinda like craigslist but for the hospital I work for).. I bought: Turbo Fire 10…
LADIES ONLY - TOM questions...
Ok, so this is a bit TMI, and I wasn't quite sure where to put it... I started my weight loss journey at 224.6 lbs back on Dec 30, 2012. Since then I've lost 23 lbs, not a huge amount, but its been pretty steady and I hit 1 plateau that lasted about 4 weeks. Ok, so I've had irregular periods for about 13-15 yrs now I've…
Any apple-shaped before/afters?
I ask if there are any pics of apple-shaped before and what you look like now... I ask because even though when I was thinner I actually had a waist that was noticable compared to my hips and shoulders, now that I'm overweight all my weight is in my belly with a hanging over lower belly and big boobs, so wondering if I…
GIRLS: Buying clothes (esp. undergarments) WHILE losing?
I wasn't sure where to put this topic, so sorry if its in the wrong place... I've only lost 21.4 lbs so far, but I am ultimately aiming to lose 80-90 (not sure yet as I haven't been that small since before kids lol). I originally only thought of buying clothes when I reach goal and having a fun shopping spree, BUT, here in…
I know I sound lame but, what is TDEE and macros?
I've read on several board topics here people talking about TDEE and macros? I'm thinking one has to do with percentage of protein eaten, etc... but what is it? I'm sure learning that would help me get to where I need to go with my weight loss/health journey! If anyone can recommend a good web site or book to explain these…
Unsure my body type, needing motivation!
I dont have pics up on my MFP except my profile one because I am at work I can't upload any, but how do I figure out what my body type? Do I go by only what my body type is NOW or what I was when I was thinner and want to get back to?? I used to have a little hips and smaller waist, not an hour glass, but I wasn't a…
Buying used DVDs, beachbody stuff... where do I start?
Ok, ladies and gentlemen! I got Turbo Jam as a gift from Santa (I asked him for it lol) and I loved Chalene and her energy and she didn't seem too completely cheesy. I struggled through it and by the end of the "schedule" was able to do most of it with a huge improvement from when I started, but I am feeling the need for a…
Just joined and saying HI!
Is anyone still on here? I just joined this group, so thought I'd say hello! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I live in Jackson county area, but I grew up all over (mostly in California), but I've lived here in Jackson county for about 11 yrs this time around, lived here before for about 4 yrs before moving back to…
New here to the forums! Hello! :)
Hi everyone! Just thought I'd throw out an introduction and see if I can finally get some "friends" going through here! I could use all the support I get! I am the ONLY one in my home actually trying to get healthy, no one else seems to want to stick with it with me! So, here's a brief bio: Age: 39 (but I always say I'm…