LADIES ONLY - TOM questions...

Ok, so this is a bit TMI, and I wasn't quite sure where to put it...

I started my weight loss journey at 224.6 lbs back on Dec 30, 2012. Since then I've lost 23 lbs, not a huge amount, but its been pretty steady and I hit 1 plateau that lasted about 4 weeks.

Ok, so I've had irregular periods for about 13-15 yrs now I've had irregular periods and really bad cramps, I always could tell a period was coming on because my whole lower body (belly and lower back) would start to ache a day or two before that TOM and I would have very sore breasts. Also, because of the irregular periods, I've always kept track of my start date on my calendar. My times in between start dates ranged from 4-6 weeks, never longer than 6 weeks between beginning of one period to beginning of another, so it wasn't so much of a concern, and I wasn't concerned about getting pregnant as my fiance has been "snipped" since back when he was married to his ex-wife.

BUT, I've noticed for the last 3 months (which would be after I finally broke my plateau), I have also had REGULAR periods! It didn't dawn on me until I started this month when I started and thought "I just had my period" and looked back on my calender and it was exactly 28 days since my last cycle started! No warning aches or pains, and it happened like that the last two months.

So, my question is, I've heard people's periods get irregular during weight loss, but has anyone gone REGULAR and had less body aches/cramps? I still have cramps, but its usually on my heaviest day or two, and that's it, where before I'd have cramps throughout most of my period and they were so bad I had to lay with a heating pad on my lower abdomen and take Ibuprofen like it was candy, where now one dose of ibuprofen and my cramps are gone, and lately no more than the one or two days.

Then my fiance freaked me out by saying that he heard from his coworker that her daughter STOPPED having periods when she lost 90 lbs, and that is how much I need to lose to be healthy, and she is in her healthy range. Is that normal?

Just making sure I'm a normal person, lol. It does feel good to have a regular period again! I'm pretty sure my being heavy has impacted my period to be so irregular because when it started was around the time I stopped exercising and started my sit-at-a-desk-all-day job for the first time.

Sorry this is long, I can't type a short topic to save my life. :)


  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I've lost 90 pounds. I am more regular now. But I'm also 48, so I heard that you become more regular before you stop. I don't know how true that is. But I used to have VERY irregular cycles like you...but now I know within a day of when I will start.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    People who are overweight can easily have a messed up cycle because their hormones are way out of wack.. It's also why it's harder for people to get pregnant when they are heavier and are advised to lose weight before trying to get pregnant. Your periods should be regular as long as you are healthy. If you lose too much weight and are in an unhealthy weight range, that could also screw up your hormones and your periods. This is just a sign that you are getting healthier and your body is adjusting properly to the changes you are making!
  • amvanwin
    amvanwin Posts: 13 Member
    It depends on how much you're losing and how quickly. If you lose a ton of weight quickly and are more athletic you are likely to become irregular until your body adjusts. If you are being HEALTHY and your body is adjusting you tend to be more regular. I have always been irregular too but the heavier I am the worse it is. all I know is in normal women, all your bodily functions get more regular and easier to deal with the healthier you are!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Eat at least .4g of fat per lb of body weight a day for hormone production and regulation. Not eating enough dietary fat can lead to irregular periods, or loss of period.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I've heard that regular exercise can reduce cramping. I'm not sure of your fitness routine, but that could be helping?

    Also, I think underweight people are at risk of their period stopping. I think if you're in a healthy range, you should continue to be regular.
  • valleymum
    valleymum Posts: 33 Member
    have also heard that being overweight can make u irregular, and that it is common for your body to correct itself as I gets healthier. And please don't undermind your success! 23 lbs is something to be very proud of! that's a bag of flour!! toss that around for a couple minutes and then say " I only lost 23 lbs " :)
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! :)

    Valleymum - lol thanks I didn't think of it that way! I remember when my kiddo was a baby at only a few months old and how tired my arms would get holding him, and that was way before he reached 23 lbs! :)

    littlewhittle - I actually just started Turbo Fire a few weeks back and am going as close to the schedule as I can (some days things just come up), but the least I've worked out was 4 days a week, where before this I did maybe 1 or 2 walks a week walking the dog... before Turbo Fire I did Turbo Jam and only did it 3 days a week, so I guess my increased fitness could be helping then! :) Thank goodness, hated being in with a heating pad and biting everyone's head off because I was cramping so bad! :)

    AGericke - Good to know, I will have to look back and see what my fat is per my weight, I just always went by what MFP had me do.

    Amvanwin and LeahT84 - Those statements make sense, and I have been losing steadily and looking back have been gaining weight or already overweight for most of the 13+ yrs that I've been irregular! I went from regular exercise (being on a dance team with practices 2-3 hrs a day 4 days a week) to absolutely nothing when I graduated college and having a sit-down desk job and slowly packed on the weight. Makes sense, and I've been very slowly losing it. :)

    akp4Him - I'm 39 so hopefully I have some more years before I have to worry about that, but hopefully I will already be regular by then permanently. It sucks being irregular and having to always worry when you'd start and dressing appropriately, not to mention the cramping I used to have! I do not miss those at all! :)

    Thanks again everyone for responding! I appreciate it!
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    Have you ever been diagnosed with PCOS? Getting your hormones and blood sugar in order is how it is treated, and so what you are doing to get healthy probably IS regulating your cycle. This is a GOOD thing :smile: As far as cycles getting irregular with weight loss, that generally only happens if body fat drops below 20%, if you are working out really hard (training for a marathon) or if your nutrient levels are out of balance. Sounds like you are doing great.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Have you ever been diagnosed with PCOS? Getting your hormones and blood sugar in order is how it is treated, and so what you are doing to get healthy probably IS regulating your cycle. This is a GOOD thing :smile: As far as cycles getting irregular with weight loss, that generally only happens if body fat drops below 20%, if you are working out really hard (training for a marathon) or if your nutrient levels are out of balance. Sounds like you are doing great.

    PCOS. That's exactly what I was thinking....