Progress pics for my own friggin motivation lol...

Ok, so I started at 226.4 a few days after Christmas. I never take full body shots and honestly there are no mirrors that show me below my chest (I'm 5' 1.5") so I never realized HOW BAD I got. I am always a happy person, but over the past few years have noticed how much more I struggle to do simple things like tie my shoes or how much my back was constantly hurting and how stiff I'd be when I first wake up because of my back. I also had a few doctor visits where my blood pressuer was borderline hypertensive, always told I needed to work on my weight to keep it down or I will have to take pills the rest of my life. I started walking "once in a while" with my dog. High blood pressure and diabetes both run in my family, and was warned by my doctor that I needed to get my weight better to reduce my risk. But, I never FELT sick, always assumed my back pain was from my big "girls" and nothing just some pounds. It wasn't until I saw a pic my cousin posted of me from Christmas Eve at our big family party that I realized how big I got. It was not good, I was literally just ROUND, no telling where my boobs ended and my belly began from the side, just round. I never realized I got THAT big.

Why did I not realize? Well, I come from a huge family that are MOSTLY overweight. I have a great fiance who loved me and asked me to marry him (Christmas day he asked) at my HEAVIEST, even though I gained weight since we first met. I have some great friends and am just a happy person. It didn't dawn on me I was THAT bad.

Well, when I saw that pic, I decided to make a change and I ordered Turbo Jam as my first exercise set and bought a scale. I weighed in at 226.4. When I was 9 months pregnant with my son (in 2001) I was 222, so to find out I weighed MORE than when I was pregnant scared me. I made a MINIMUM goal that I would lose 40 lbs by my 40th birthday (Oct 2013). 10 months to lose 40 pounds, I figured at a pound a week it was do-able. Start date was officially 12/30/2012.

I did TJ pretty much to the schedule of the program for about 1-1/2 months, then I kinda faltered and would only do it 3 days a week. I went on MFP at the same time and went by what MFP says to go by on calories. I slowly did lose weight and after 4 months (April) I lost 17 lbs. Bought Zumba for the next month and I kinda plateaued, stayed there give or take 2 lbs for the next month. Then end of May I saw a thing to join a challenge group for the summer, 90 days, and figured I needed to commit. I bought Turbo Fire and worked on that, changed the way I eat/counted calories/macros and saw a difference, though the scale only dropped 11-ish lbs in the next 90 days, the INCHES came off and I am so proud of myself! I have so much less back pain, barely any at all anymore, I can tie my shoes without getting out of breath, I'm starting to see my collar bones, and I have a little bit of biceps muscles that I never had before! Next goal - cross my legs without struggling to keep them there!

This is a side by side, I'm wearing the same tank-top. The first pic is a couple days after day 1, 226.4 lbs, Jan 2013. The second pic is August 2013 at the end of my 90 day challenge, dropped to 197.4. (hope the pic works, never posted on forums with pics): (excuse the open trash can lol)


I gained a pound in the last 3 weeks, it came up, went down, came up again... so I need to refocus and get back on track, and that's why I'm posting these pics and my story, to remind myself, and also to push myself because I'm holding myself accountable IN FRONT OF ALL OF YOU, that I came this far, and I'm so close to that first goal, that I need to keep going!

I have about 7 weeks until my 40th birthday. As of this morning I weighed in at 199 even. So, I have 7-ish weeks to lose another 12.6 lbs. I've only lost 2 lbs a week two weeks total in the last 8 months, so I'm not sure I will get there, but I have to try, I'm TOO CLOSE not to give it my all!

I'm going to finish the last 3 weeks of my Turbo Fire (stopped because our AC broke and it was 82 dg IN the house with all fans on high and a portable AC unit purchased, had headaches most of the last 3 weeks, but it is finally cooling down) and my family and I also started doing the Couch to 5K program, today was week 2 day 1 completed!

I CAN DO THIS!! I'm proud of what I've accomplished even though it took me longer than I hoped, still a ways to go until ultimate goal, but I want to reach this mini-goal!!

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Feel free to add! Good luck everyone!!


  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    You made it below 200 and what a change! You should absolutely be motivated by this! Congratulations on your progress so're doing great! Guess this Winter's family pictures will be a whole lot different from last, eh?
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Awesome work girl you can do this.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Your doing a great job! Keep up the hard work because it paying off! Well done
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Man... .I totally admire you right now! You are rockin' it, and you are doing it... keep pushing! You look great! :flowerforyou:
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Welcome to Onederland! I see a huge difference in your pics! The scale may not reflect it, but you have made some amazing progress. Keep up the great work. I have no doubt that we will be reading a success story in October. Your motivation is admirable!!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    You made it below 200 and what a change! You should absolutely be motivated by this! Congratulations on your progress so're doing great! Guess this Winter's family pictures will be a whole lot different from last, eh?

    Thank you! And OMGosh I didn't even THINK of that! I will have to post a comparison pic when its been a year! :) I haven't seen most of my extended family since then (we live a few hrs apart and I work midnights and most weekends, hard to get away to see them) so most of them will not have seen me since last Christmas! :) Talk about another thing to help motivate me, thank you!!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Welcome to Onederland! I see a huge difference in your pics! The scale may not reflect it, but you have made some amazing progress. Keep up the great work. I have no doubt that we will be reading a success story in October. Your motivation is admirable!!

    I honestly didn't think I'd see the day, there were times I just plateaued and it wouldn't budge or it would go up instead of down! I was so happy to get under 200, it was AWESOME to reach that milestone of ONEDERLAND! :)

    Thanks! I hope you will be seeing my first goal I set of 40 by my 40th! Then it will be on to set a new goal (not sure what to set my weight at as I haven't been below 180 since before I had my son, he's 12 now, lol.
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks everyone! I honestly didn't SEE the difference in my face until recently, let alone my body. From the side you can see it better, I have a wide belly so from the front its not as obvious, but my family kept saying they could see a difference and when I put that shirt on they said isn't that the shirt from day 1? and I said yes and they made me take a pic that day, lol. I have noticed a feel in my clothes, dropped from size 22/24 or XXL or some 3X in shirts to 18/20, XL or 1X, and pants also 22/24 down to 20 with no elastic give or stretchy pants, or 18 with some elastic lol. :) I did have to drop a bra size though, booo hahaha.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    I also see an amazing transformation in your pictures! Wow! You have done so well! You are motivating me, too. I will be doing Turbo Jam starting tomorrow morning (again). :wink:
  • Brummig
    wow - you are doing awesome! I too started to lose weight finally taking it seriously just before my 40th birthday, and my first goal was 40lb too. I did it(though I did SW) and I've lost more than another 30 since, and kept it off. I'll be 43 in a couple of weeks (eek!)
    Try to changing your diet a bit. I find adding in more beans and berries and melon can help boost my loss.
  • ButterflyDame
    ButterflyDame Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss to date, certainly can see it :) I agree with the family snaps this year :) they will be different :)

    I can't wait to reach onederland!!!! My next goal is coming up, 4 more pounds and then onederland is calling my name :)
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    Way to go, girl! You look great!:flowerforyou: You sound very determined, this is the exact attitude that brings results. I am positive you can lose the rest too! You are going to love axing the Xs:laugh: . You'll see how C25K is going to speed up the trimming process! Wishing you all the best and looking forward to seeing your future pictures.:heart:
  • SallyAnnFromChichester
    Don't give up - you are on the way! Well done!! There is a skinny person in there xx
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    You look great!!!! Don't focus too much in the scale. This NSV is better than any number anyways.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Ok, so I started at 226.4 a few days after Christmas. I never take full body shots and honestly there are no mirrors that show me below my chest (I'm 5' 1.5") so I never realized HOW BAD I got. I am always a happy person, but over the past few years have noticed how much more I struggle to do simple things like tie my shoes or how much my back was constantly hurting and how stiff I'd be when I first wake up because of my back. I also had a few doctor visits where my blood pressuer was borderline hypertensive, always told I needed to work on my weight to keep it down or I will have to take pills the rest of my life. I started walking "once in a while" with my dog. High blood pressure and diabetes both run in my family, and was warned by my doctor that I needed to get my weight better to reduce my risk. But, I never FELT sick, always assumed my back pain was from my big "girls" and nothing just some pounds. It wasn't until I saw a pic my cousin posted of me from Christmas Eve at our big family party that I realized how big I got. It was not good, I was literally just ROUND, no telling where my boobs ended and my belly began from the side, just round. I never realized I got THAT big.

    Why did I not realize? Well, I come from a huge family that are MOSTLY overweight. I have a great fiance who loved me and asked me to marry him (Christmas day he asked) at my HEAVIEST, even though I gained weight since we first met. I have some great friends and am just a happy person. It didn't dawn on me I was THAT bad.

    Well, when I saw that pic, I decided to make a change and I ordered Turbo Jam as my first exercise set and bought a scale. I weighed in at 226.4. When I was 9 months pregnant with my son (in 2001) I was 222, so to find out I weighed MORE than when I was pregnant scared me. I made a MINIMUM goal that I would lose 40 lbs by my 40th birthday (Oct 2013). 10 months to lose 40 pounds, I figured at a pound a week it was do-able. Start date was officially 12/30/2012.

    I did TJ pretty much to the schedule of the program for about 1-1/2 months, then I kinda faltered and would only do it 3 days a week. I went on MFP at the same time and went by what MFP says to go by on calories. I slowly did lose weight and after 4 months (April) I lost 17 lbs. Bought Zumba for the next month and I kinda plateaued, stayed there give or take 2 lbs for the next month. Then end of May I saw a thing to join a challenge group for the summer, 90 days, and figured I needed to commit. I bought Turbo Fire and worked on that, changed the way I eat/counted calories/macros and saw a difference, though the scale only dropped 11-ish lbs in the next 90 days, the INCHES came off and I am so proud of myself! I have so much less back pain, barely any at all anymore, I can tie my shoes without getting out of breath, I'm starting to see my collar bones, and I have a little bit of biceps muscles that I never had before! Next goal - cross my legs without struggling to keep them there!

    This is a side by side, I'm wearing the same tank-top. The first pic is a couple days after day 1, 226.4 lbs, Jan 2013. The second pic is August 2013 at the end of my 90 day challenge, dropped to 197.4. (hope the pic works, never posted on forums with pics): (excuse the open trash can lol)


    I gained a pound in the last 3 weeks, it came up, went down, came up again... so I need to refocus and get back on track, and that's why I'm posting these pics and my story, to remind myself, and also to push myself because I'm holding myself accountable IN FRONT OF ALL OF YOU, that I came this far, and I'm so close to that first goal, that I need to keep going!

    I have about 7 weeks until my 40th birthday. As of this morning I weighed in at 199 even. So, I have 7-ish weeks to lose another 12.6 lbs. I've only lost 2 lbs a week two weeks total in the last 8 months, so I'm not sure I will get there, but I have to try, I'm TOO CLOSE not to give it my all!

    I'm going to finish the last 3 weeks of my Turbo Fire (stopped because our AC broke and it was 82 dg IN the house with all fans on high and a portable AC unit purchased, had headaches most of the last 3 weeks, but it is finally cooling down) and my family and I also started doing the Couch to 5K program, today was week 2 day 1 completed!

    I CAN DO THIS!! I'm proud of what I've accomplished even though it took me longer than I hoped, still a ways to go until ultimate goal, but I want to reach this mini-goal!!

    Thanks for taking the time to read this! Feel free to add! Good luck everyone!!

    You and are actually very much alike! I am the same height, and I started out at 228.4lbs...and I am only about 18 months younger than you are! No matter what, be proud of what you have accomplished! Don't worry about the shrinking boobs, I have gone from a 42DD to a 38C, but they look better!

    I started my journey in February 2012, and I started taking pictures in March or April. I have only lost about 37lbs, but pretty much every month, on the same day, I take pictures in the same clothes as one of my before pics so I can see my progress. Here are some of mine from last year.

    Untitled by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    I actually take new ones any time I find myself feeling bad about the way I look :D Usually I can find some small change to cheer myself up.

    Don't forget about the NSVs ( non scale victory/validation) either. I have had several people at the gym come up to me and tell me that they can see that my body has changed, gotten tighter. The other day, I was trying to do sprints, and my yoga pants kept sliding down?!? Yesterday I helped at a boy scout event, and as we were cleaning up, I picked up a canopy and carried it across a field with no issue--another mom was going to drag it.

    ETA: the bottom right picture is from March of this year, about a month after i started working with a PT.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Congrats on a job well done - amazing progress!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Great job, keep up the good work!! WOOT!
  • JulieBowe
    JulieBowe Posts: 12 Member
    Your first 3 paragraphs are identical to me with the exception of being married for 28 years... I congratulate you for putting this out there so you will be more accountable. AWESOME! Keep it up sister...
    I just started MFP and joined a gym two weeks ago, so I'm on the beginning of my journey. Hope to post side by side in a few months. Friend me if you need a friend to help you stay accountable :smile:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...our AC broke and it was 82 dg IN the house...

    I'm one of those sickos who likes it hot. :devil: If I've got some shade, I can hang outside well into the triple digits. Indoors, my AC isn't set to kick in until it's above 85. I do like air flow, so I have fans going.

    Where I live it's hot and dry during the day, but the ocean breezes come in through the windows in the evenings and cool everything right down. It's heaven. :heart:

    Wouldn't want to do a hardcore workout in the heat, though, so I feel you there. :tongue:
  • midnight_storm
    midnight_storm Posts: 33 Member
    Wow! Congratulations! It definitely shows how much happier you are to take the 2nd picture! I don't even think you are smiling in the first! I'm glad for you and I hope you the best in your journey!
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