Anyone with 70+ lbs to lose try T25 with results?

I'm really considering buying the T25 as I've found it more difficult to keep my hour in with 3 kids in 3 different sports/activities and my work shift, blah blah blah...this is the first time in the last year that I've had to struggle to get in my hour of workout time. I also live in a small town and the only gym in town is not open the same times I can work out (I work midnight shift and with the 3 kids in sports/activities I can only sleep while they are in school)... the nearest gym besides the one here in small town USA is a 40 min drive one way,so that's losing nearly 3 hrs a day between driving exercising and driving home.... so for me the workout DVDs at home are my best option. Anyway, for the last year I've done Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire, currently doing my second round of Turbo Fire. I tried P90X/Turbo Fire hybrid, but the workouts were starting to get too long, and with the shortest workout on the schedule being 45 minutes now, it still is a struggle some days to get my workout in, so considered the T25 to have no excuses to skip a day... only other thing is when it is warm enough I'm going to try starting couch to 5K with my family, but not sure how long that will hold up as it is hard to get the time in the evenings with sports/chorus/band practices for my 3 kids.

ANYWAY that was a long-winded explanation to my question... I am considering T25, and would like to know if anyone who has/had 70+ lbs to lose had success so far with T25 that they are happy with? I also DO NOT use shakeology as it is not in my budget to buy $100 worth of a shake every month, that is 1/4 of my grocery budget for a family of 5 and I just can't do it at this time. Pics would be awesome but not necessary, though probably a great motivational push, too!

Thanks in advance! :)


  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    My goal was only 45, so I'm not quite in the 70+ category (of course, if I manage to take off the 45 I might have to readjust downward more...been a long time since I've been at 200). However, I've enjoyed T25 so far (currently part way into the Beta cycle), and I think it's a nice way to get a reasonable workout in in a short amount of time. Depending on your condition, you might have to follow the modifier person who is doing a lower-impact version of the exercises (there are times I have to do so myself...crappy knees). Modified or not, the point is to do your best for 25 minutes, and knowing it's only 25 minutes is a great motivator.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks for your reply! Considering I've not reached 45 lbs lost myself, and its been a year for me of slow going, I think you are just as qualified to answer for me as someone with the 70+ lbs. Im able to do Turbo Fire which has a lot of jumping and kicking, so I'm sure I could hang in somewhat decently, but expect that I will need to do the modifiers... just worry that with me needing to lose SO much weight that it might not be the workout I need... But, then again, I suppose any workout is what I would need as I want to lose weight lol.

    Thanks again! Good luck with your own journey!!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    The way I look at T25 is that it's short enough it's pretty easy to make yourself do it every day...the Insanity / P90X workouts take long enough it's easy to be "too tired" to do the workout (and if you have to drive to the gym, it's even easier to blow off the workout). I don't know if it's helped with the actual weight loss (the burn is only 350 calories or so), but I'm in a lot better shape underneath the padding. Weight loss is all about being hard core about keeping the food intake under control...T25 just gives me a bit of buffer if I go over my target a bit.

    Keeping up the fight -- you're heading in the right direction!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks! :)
  • susanmarlee1
    susanmarlee1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi fitness blender is free, online and has some great workouts,you can also find some great ones on you tube!:smile:)
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Hi fitness blender is free, online and has some great workouts,you can also find some great ones on you tube!:smile:)

    Thanks, I will look into fitness blender, but I don't use a computer, I use my ipad, so I'm not sure online workouts would work too well for me, also when I did try youtube, I found that I stuck to my workouts better when I had a set schedule to workout to. I do enjoy my beachbody workouts. :) I will definitely look into fitness blender though, maybe I can figure something out. :) thanks!