Monday, November 17th Goals
Ahhhhhhhh, back up to 149 lbs after flirting with 145 (my goal) mid-last week. Oh well, I'll chalk this up to my period and keep trudging along. One week of university until Thanksgiving break, then 2 weeks of schoolwork leading up to a week of finals. Then I get A WHOLE MONTH OFF! I've been taking winter and summer term…
Nov. 5 Goals
* Eat well, NO processed carbs (thanks Boss Lady who brought in chocolate covered cookies yesterday :s ) * 50 push-ups, 50 crunches, 50 leg-lifts * Get my schoolwork done so I can focus on my business trip this weekend
Nausea when finishing eating
Hi MyFitnessPal-ers! I've been experiencing the weirdest bouts of nausea, and was wondering if anyone had any insight into what could possibly be going on. When I eat some meals (I'd say this happens a few times a week) I get intense nausea. This has only been going on for the last month or so. I'll also note that I base…
Wednesday, October 22nd
I need to drop 3 lbs by Halloween to meet my goal, which I think is very do-able. I biked a century over the weekend and it's that TO the M, so I should be dropping considerable water weight soon (long rides always make me hold on to weight, then dump it in a week or so). So, today I will: 1) Eat well, drink only coffee,…
Halloween Costumes!
So part of my weight loss motivation has come from the goal of wearing an awesome (and hopefully flattering!) Halloween costume. I've settled on a skin tight - think "green man" - Batgirl costume like this one or this one I was wondering if anyone else has any plans to wear costumes for Halloween, and if so, what they plan…
Monday 10/6
Oh god, last night I drank WAY too much at my fiance's family function. I don't think I embarrassed myself or anything, but I definitely need to stop. I always wake up after a "party night" and feel embarrassed and disappointed in myself. There goes a whole week of dieting out the window... But today's a new day! And today…
Mon. September 28th
Well, after a really irresponsible weekend, I'm back up to my beginning weight for this challenge. Time to get back on track. Goals: 1) Run 5k around the neighborhood (find a fun route and do it 3 times a week) 2) Drink only water, coffee, and tea 3) No processed carbs 4) Long walk with my dog this morning 5) Morning…
Monday 15th September - Goals and Rants
So, I've officially moved out of my apartment and into my very own house! Unfortunately my fiance and I need to install all new well equipment, so we've been without water since, and living out of gallon jugs. As such, my eating habits have been odd to say the least. Anyways, here are my goals for today: 1) Don't eat…
Puppy Problems
So I think I'm running my dog into the ground doing C25K with her. She's a year and a half old golden retriever in good health. But when I run with her she's dragging behind me, resisting. It's not like I've started running with her out of the blue either - she started the program with me 2 months ago when I was just doing…
Lifting Noob
So I just "lifted" for the 1st time. I was at the gym, running as usual, and decided to use some of the weight machines out of the blue. I've been wanting to get into it, but don't really know what I'm doing. So here's my question: Should lifting get you out of breath/sweaty? I was doing probably 3-5 sets of 10 reps until…
A problem and a success.
So I'm a bit menstrual and ate a huge peanut butter cup from a chocolate store downtown last night. Afterwards I felt pretty terrible - I think it made me lightheaded/vertigo-ish. Anyone else experience this? Was it a sugar rush from not having sugar like that in so long? I'm generally paleo by the way and have been for…